So, here we have all of us suckers, saps and lollipops running around to celebrate another Thanksgiving Day. Call me negative, call me fatalistic. Or call me … Candid! Each and every year there is not much to give thanks for. Unless, of course, you are one of the 1 % of us who is Super Rich. So, to all you mega millionaires out there…. Have another piece of turkey on we turkeys. To all you Wall Street top execs and CEOs, and top salespeople, enjoy those million-dollar and multi-million-dollar bonuses and salaries. On us, the turkeys. To all you War Industry AKA Military Industrial Complex CEOs, top execs and sales force, enjoy those billion dollar contracts on. Yep, we taxpayer turkeys who finance all those phony (so-called) wars and occupations. Without our hard earned tax dollars you never could enjoy such a wonderful Thanksgiving. To all you members of Congress (and Administration) who take so much from so few of those super rich corporate donors, hope you don’t choke on the meals we turkeys voted you into government to have… Gratis!
Now allow me to give real and well deserved thanks to a few out there who deserve it. Thanks to all my friends and neighbors (not many left nowadays, only a few handfuls) who stand out there with me each and every week, for Peace, Accountability in Government/Business, Medicare for All Americans, and many other progressive issues. Let me single out three such persons, two of them 80 something years of age, and the other “around the corner” to them in age. My dear friend Walt DeYoung, who has “scar tissue on his soul” from years of labor and civil rights organizing, environmental activism, and especially (to me) anti-Vietnam War and Iraq invasion protesting. Then there is Charles Barcelo, retired builder from our area, who stood up, 40 plus years ago, for black folks right here in Daytona, when Jim Crow was alive and well. Charlie risked his business and his life by being so outspoken. Now, he has devoted his time for World (and inner) Peace. Finally, John S., 81, who risked his entire career over 40 years ago to speak out against the Vietnam War. He went to prison, and still comes down and stands with us against torture and our presence in Iraq.
If only more of our neighbors would take one hour per week and stand with these men. That would be something to truly be thankful of!