The Days of Wine and Oil-Soaked Roses

Our valiant Prez once again in a recent interview shared his insight with Americans that we are “addicted to oil.” The solution? Bush says the country needs to commit critical resources to drilling and oil infrastructure, and build more refineries in order to create more supply. Excellent. This kind of talk implies that Bush once again recognizes the critical need to allocate billions more in Federal funds to create even greater subsidies and tax breaks for corporations that are right now reaping record-breaking profits. What did you expect? A real attempt to develop solar, wind and other renewable energy sources?

The president (whose expertise on the subject of addiction is said to have been built upon a solid foundation of direct experience) seems to have proposed a bold strategy here to cure our ills. If we define addiction as a disease, the approach bears scrutiny to see if it can have crossover potential as a cure for other forms of this same disease.

Let’s deal with just the obvious: perhaps America’s Drug Czar should announce that the country has a drug addiction problem, but that we are taking bold steps to increase production of heroin and cocaine, with the goal of providing every addict enough substance to meet demand.

You see where I’m going with this. We’re talking Enron-style, heavyweight Republican outside-the-box stuff, like “gambling therapy” bus tours to Las Vegas casinos for gaming addicts.

Here is a news flash for Mr. Bush: This “addiction” to oil he has only recently discovered was built into our cities and suburbs, into our transportation systems, our agricultural production systems, our manufacturing systems, and our political structure as a matter of deliberate policy over decades. Millions of Americans and citizens of other industrial societies have been acutely aware for more than thirty years that there are and will continue to be huge social, economic and environmental problems associated with our increasing reliance on oil. Many serious questions, which demand real answers, have also arisen from insightful critiques on the negative effects to society of the huge accumulation of capital and political power as a result of the emergence of oil-based multinational corporate economies with near-monopoly power and nearly unlimited wealth. People have for years been questioning what effect oil depletion will have on the availability and affordability of oil as a reliable commodity into the future. These are not trivial questions, especially in light of our increasing societal dependence on the stuff for survival.

Bush, in typical fashion, wholly enabled by a conspiratorial media wind at his back, addresses none of these concerns in the slightest. Sure, we know that reducing all media presentation to its simplest intellectual level, to create powerful emotional inducements to specific behaviors, is an effective tool for disseminating propaganda and controlling perceptions. Repetitive sloganeering, gross reductionism of complex ideas into simplistic concepts, and appeals to instinct over intellect — all of these are at least peripheral characteristics of fascism. These techniques have already been routinely employed by US corporate media for decades, but they have gained in prominence in recent years. Even so, given the reductionist, paternalistic, pathetically overly simplistic “news” media world of George Bush and his handlers, the master propagandists do not look like masters of anything in this latest effort.

Whereas treatment for many addictions may require a twelve-step program, Bush’s plan reduces the number of steps to two, one of which is entirely passive. Step one: admit you are a junkie. Step 2: Get junk. End of story.

There is not even enough dynamic tension in Bush’s addiction/cure scenario to use it as the basis for the plot of a Hollywood movie. For example, look at The Days Of Wine and Roses, the classic 1962 Oscar winning film about alcoholism and its associated despair, which featured a brilliant performance by Jack Lemmon in his portrayal of a fundamentally decent man caught in the downward spiral of addiction. In that work, the writers felt it necessary that the main character should struggle against his alcoholism. I can’t help but feel the overall dramatic effect might have been diminished if, instead of producing heart-wrenching revelations of his despair in front of his Alcoholics Anonymous group, Lemmon’s character Joe Clay had stood before the group and said, “Hi I’m Joe and I’m an alcoholic. As a matter of fact, I’m headed for the liquor store right now. Who’s with me?”

No, Bush (as is most often the case) gets no credit for originality, insight or scoop when he tells us we are addicted to oil. And while his “cure” for that addiction, i.e., to feed it, would seem to score points for originality of concept in a kind of sick and corrupt way, closer inspection will reveal that there is really nothing original in this concept either. Quite the contrary, feeding America’s oil addiction has always been official policy.

But curiously, Bush does not seem saddened, reflective, sorrowful, etc. in any way by his acknowledgment of the fact that we are an entire nation of oil addicts, in much the same way he seems stoic about the million or so people that have been killed in his oil wars. Of course, GWB, by any measure, is no Jack Lemmon, and thus does not have the depth and range of emotional expression to draw from for his performances. But I have to ding him on this one, more so than usual, and that is no casual statement. If television viewers wanted to see their leader evoke powerful emotions, they would have done better to tune into his dramatic revelation of the hardships and deprivation he has endured as a result of heroically sacrificing golf in solidarity with the war propaganda effort.

As a musician and performer myself, I have learned to recognize a song and dance routine when I see one. But the emotional content in Bush’s delivery of his addiction lament, the oily tone and timbre of it, seemed all wrong. Songs about addiction and its costs, by tradition, have a plaintive, melancholic tone. The archetype for this could be Neil Young’s 1971 hit “The Needle and the Damage Done,” in which the storyteller recounts with horror his gut wrenching observations of the destructive effects of heroin on his compatriots.

Far from elegiac, Bush’s tone was more like that of a sadistic Mick Jagger in the classic Rolling Stones celebration of pride in the humiliation of others, “Under My Thumb.”

Paul Dean is a composer and bassist with the band Blusion, whose music is described as "a remarkably unmarketable blend of jazz, funk, hip-hop, blues, salsa, rock, vocal and instrumental music." Blusion exists "to serve as a warning to all those who would perhaps otherwise be tempted to attempt something new and different. We starve so that others may live." Paul can be reached at: Read other articles by Paul, or visit Paul's website.

11 comments on this article so far ...

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  1. Don Hawkins said on May 17th, 2008 at 7:04am #

    Yes we do expect a real attempt to develop solar, wind and other renewable energy sources and it looks like James Hansen is right when he said think of this as kind of a war. It does look like right now the people with the most marbles and power are saying one thing but business as usual is the end game. If they get what they want the end game for my kids is game over. If you have been living under a rock well you don’t see but for those of us who don’t do see and this is not the beginning of climate change but the end of the beginning. The other day on one of the talking head shows someone said again this climate change thing is turning into a religion of alarmists and nut cases. Bullshit let me say that again bullshit. The people who can’t stand the thought of not being able to do what they want when they want that includes destroying this planet for my kids so they can do that talk like lawyers. You know are very good at bullshit. These bullshit artists know full well the problems we all face and it looks to me have decided to go out in style. Think of this as kind of a war. In just a few years it is going to be very hard for these artists of bullshit to keep the game going because most people will only have to open there front door to see climate change for real. I am almost sure these arrogant and probably in many cases psychopaths next move is to say to late so don’t worry be happy. Here is only one example of this insanity. A few day’s ago Joe Biden said of parts of Bush’s speech that is was bullshit and why did he say that because like the last eight years it was pure unadulterated bullshit. On CNN Wolf said they could not say the word. On NBC Brian said he could not use the word that Biden used bullshit because I guess to say that on TV to the American people and the harm it could do probably can’t even be measured. Now I have found if you use a word enough it seems to lose it’s meaning so bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit there you see just bullshit. Think of this as kind of a war.

    In the meantime, back on the ranch, the most useful thing that most of the public can do to
    save the planet is to take actions to block construction of new coal-fired power plants. It is also
    important to be sure that fossil fuel mining is prevented in national parks, off-shore regions under
    state influence, any place where the public has influence and can help assure that fossil fuels are
    left in the ground.
    You also might buy a single share of stock in the evil empire and make some noise at a
    stockholders meeting. Who knows, if Darth Vader is continually whacked on the side of his
    helmet with a two-by-four, hard enough, he may eventually realize that there are other forms of
    energy besides fossil fuels. James Hansen

    Now was I to hard in my witting here hell no I was being nice. For these bullshit artists out there quit telling people that we can’t go to electric cars or to build solar thermal to produce that electricity. Because I am going to keep telling people that the reason is you the bullshit artists are doing whatever you can to stop that and why because your nuts and we all know it. There I feel better how about you?

  2. Don Hawkins said on May 18th, 2008 at 10:31am #

    Basically what these bullshit artists are doing is not only making you and me dig are own grave but we have to pay them to dig it. Can you dig it? Yes Americans do have an addiction to oil. Hello we have no choice now do we because the pushers right now are doing all they can to keep us hooked as long as possible to make money. Now here is where the bullshit part comes in as they would call me a climate change alarmist and un american and a nut case. No no no because to keep using oil and coal and right now drill for more means you and your kids have a future that is about survival. Yes a few more years to kick in big time about 20 but every year from now on more changes that make it harder to live on this planet. The talking heads that these psychopaths use to tell everybody that climate change is a hoax are not bright people just listen to them as they talk like children. Maybe psychopath is to strong a word we might have to make up a new one wait there is one already that should work ass hole’s. To listen to James Hansen talk and the talking heads who are paid by the ass hole’s is like night and day. When James talks he talks slow and you can tell his heart is in it. The talking heads speed talk and as for having there heart in it you have to have one first and so for these bullshit artists out there quit telling people that we can’t go to electric cars or to build solar thermal to produce that electricity. Because I am going to keep telling people that the reason is you the bullshit artists/ ass holes’s are doing whatever you can to stop that and why because your nuts and we all know it. Steven Hawking when talking about climate change said to work we must use reason to overcome our instincts. Just once anybody out there policy maker talking head radio person news anchor say it out loud we need to use reason to overcome our instincts. Can’t, why is it like the word bullshit you can’t say that on TV. Come on just once when talking about oil lack of oil or climate change or war. We must use reason to overcome our instincts.

  3. Don Hawkins said on May 18th, 2008 at 10:59am #

    I know in those two comments I just wrote I could have used reason a bit better but to watch just the last eight years and the World going into the dark side because hard choices just can’t be made just the easy way out and reason nowhere on the horizon is difficult. Come on say it out loud we need to use reason to overcome our instincts. What do we have to lose well it’s round blue in color so far and called Earth.

  4. Brian Koontz said on May 18th, 2008 at 6:30pm #

    “You know are very good at bullshit. These bullshit artists know full well the problems we all face and it looks to me have decided to go out in style. Think of this as kind of a war. In just a few years it is going to be very hard for these artists of bullshit to keep the game going because most people will only have to open there front door to see climate change for real.”

    Unfortunately you’re way off base. Here’s the way this will likely play out:

    The right will deny global warming or downplay it’s effect until such time as it ensures it’s profitability. The point is not to “go out in style” but, as always, to exploit. The problem for the right is that it currently doesn’t understand how to exploit global warming. It’s vision for how to profit from it is too weak, the risk too high. So it’s best political move is to deny and downplay.

    Beware the day the right accepts global warming, for their acceptance ensures the world’s catastrophe. Assuming the right remains in power, once global warming can be profited from it’s fulfillment becomes inevitable.

    The right doesn’t see itself going out at all. It will live an isolated, amoral, insular lifestyle within it’s gated communities while the world perishes. Millions will die, maybe billions, it doesn’t matter (to them), as long as enough remain alive so that profits and their continuation as the ruling class continues.

    Global warming may be a very good thing indeed for the right. A devastated population is a malleable, controllable, slavish one. Who can fight for higher wages when daily survival is a struggle?

    Global warming is the 3rd in the grand terror events constructed by the right. The second was nuclear holocaust. The first was genocide. The threat of nuclear annihilation terrorized the world’s population. Hence the world became easy to control, hence the world descended into fascism, which the United States is now experiencing overtly. That’s the most important reason the right will never dismantle nuclear weapons. And that’s the most important reason the right will never solve global warming, or stop committing genocides. Capitalism is a terrorist ideology, and it’s found some very useful methods. Meanwhile, the left, telling itself how global warming will finally bring down capitalism, will itself encourage global warming (by “fighting” ineffectively against it) as a means of capitalism’s destruction, underestimating capitalism’s resiliency.

    It is only those people outside this framework who can save the world. Only by directly destroying capitalism (in a hands-on, creative endeavor rather than “protesting” against it) will all terrorist ideologies end and humanity be strengthened and perpetuated.

  5. John Wilkinson said on May 18th, 2008 at 6:46pm #

    “Repetitive sloganeering, gross reductionism of complex ideas into simplistic concepts, and appeals to instinct over intellect — all of these are at least peripheral characteristics of fascism. These techniques have already been routinely employed by US corporate media for decades, but they have gained in prominence in recent years.”

    This is like the pot calling the kettle black. As a matter of fact, this “repetitive sloganeering, gross reductionism of complex ideas into simplistic concepts, and appeals to instinct over intellect”, not to mention tarring and feathering and name-calling anyone who would dare challenge such beliefs and such a state of affairs, that has been the staple diet of the dealings with the left for as long as I can remember. You know, calling people names, just because they disagree with you (especially if they have facts on their side — facts are ridiculed, emotions substitute reason) or even for having certain occupations. And, I believe, this has directly caused the American people, sick and tired of this – recoiling from constantly being told the politically correct ways to think, speak and act, to put in power the current murderous and crazed clique (who are no worse than you are in reason assassination), as an antidote, as a revolt.

    But, back to the article and sloganeering, simplification, emotion over intellect discussions wrt solar power in the left circles. Constantly we are being told there is this magic wand of solar power that we only have to waive and all our energy problems would be solved instantaneously, effortlessly and without ill effects with “clean”, “free” solar power. Typical American “pill for every problem” mentality. Then, there are assertions that the powers that be are somehow preventing a serious effort of solar energy exploration and solutions implementation, that there’s a vast conspiracy to deny us this “free lunch” source of energy, which is so beneficent, so cheap (it’s free, we are told) and so easy to use, has no negative side effects, etc.

    Just for starters, hundreds of millions of dollars have been poured into solar research every year for the past few decades. For the past few centuries, even in the ancient Greek times, people have been working on making solar energy useful for us — always promising the solution is right around the corner. As for the vast conspiracy against solar, did you know that hydro power is a kind of solar power? How much hesitation has there been in using hydro — which concentrates solar power so it can be used practically, how much conspiracy against it? There are dams all over the place. And there are ill effects from those dams (as there are from all energy usage, solar and otherwise), so much for solar not having deleterious side effects, so much for the “free lunch” assertions. The current ethanol craze is also a form of solar energy. The other forms of solar now considered all have environmental as well as health problems associated with them, as well — they are no different from any other large scale energy source, one has only to look beneath the surface. (Anyone who has been on this earth for more than 5 seconds should know that there is no free lunch, but demagogues on the left persist on claiming the opposite. Yes, look at solar — comes from sunshine which is free, quiet and clean, thus solar must be the same — this is the type of reasoning and emotional thinking used by 5 year-olds).

    As for the cost, the direct solar conversion systems now considered are hugely expensive, like 10 times and more of any other large scale energy source. The wind power is hugely unreliable and intermittent, disruptive of electrical grids and contributes a small fraction of energy relative to its installed capacity. I discuss some of the myths of solar, put forth by the left, and why it’s not so easy, in my response to the May 10 article on DV, titled “ethanol vs. solar energy”.

  6. John Wilkinson said on May 18th, 2008 at 6:47pm #

    as for global warning and carbon dioxide emissions, remember, not long ago, when you on the left were sporting bumper stickers “split wood, not atoms”? That was supposed to be environmentally responsible in your la-la world of upside down logic and new math, where 2+2=79, of surface thinking and not looking for consequences beyond your nose. Never mind what that, when implemented on a large scale (not that it was possible), would have done to our forests, the soot, the pollution, the lung cancer, the greenhouse gases (but at that time it wasn’t popular to worry about those, though anyone with a nerve cell could have seen that was a problem). Never mind that splitting wood has nothing to do with production of electricity. Yes, let’s all go back to the nature, all 6 billion of us, and totally denude it and despoil it and destroy it, that’s your bullshit environmentalism and your bullshit logic.

  7. John Wilkinson said on May 18th, 2008 at 6:56pm #

    As for stopping coal fired plants, that has already been done, with the net result that instead of coal, the natural gas, a “clean fuel” is being used, all other energy sources are sabotaged by you on the left, even ones which produce zero greenhouse gases and very little pollution, because emotions (demagogues on the left employ fear as effectively as those on the right) are more important than reason. Natural gas is also a greenhouse gas producing fuel, but somewhat less than coal (about half in carbon dioxide, plus leaking natural gas is a greenhouse gas much more potent than carbon dioxide). So, the carbon dioxide production increases, just a bit more slowly, and the much more potent greenhouse gas methane is also released. The net result of this moronic policy is a scarcity of natural gas and skyrocketing prices for those of us who depend on it for heating and cooking, as now as much is burned in power plants as in all residential applications.

  8. joe73072 said on May 19th, 2008 at 6:22am #

    you have to understand…. when Bush says we are addicted to oil, it is not a criticism or a suggestion that we need therapy. it is almost a compliment.
    he is merely observing that our addiction could be so much more profitable if we did things his way.
    how else would an addict analyze addiction?

  9. Paul Dean said on May 19th, 2008 at 8:28am #

    Sorry-accidentally sent that last too soon. To pick up the thread.

    Mr. Wilkinson said

    “Just for starters, hundreds of millions of dollars have been poured into solar research every year for the past few decades. For the past few centuries, even in the ancient Greek times, people have been working on making solar energy useful for us — always promising the solution is right around the corner.”

    Actually, the Romans constructed very effective passive solar homes. As far as the extravagant claims you say the left makes regarding solar, I have made no such claims, so I’m not sure whom you address here. But I do appreciate the solar cells on my home that generate 100% of my electricity. I appreciate the passive and active solar home that my mother has that costs btw. $10 and $50 (the higher figure in the dead of winter) per month for all energy used, where her neighbors are paying literally hundreds of dollars per month for heating, cooling, lighting, etc.

    If you wanted extravagant claims, not from the left, but from inside the industry, recall the nuclear industry’s claims of energy that would be “too cheap to meter.” If you are afraid of a socialist conspiracy, you might want to do something about the fact that the nuclear industry could not exist without massive public subsidies. No private insurers will cover them.

    In keeping with your assertion that we should all get our facts straight, I invite you to actually research the history of federal funding for solar energy. You will discover that the Carter Administration was the last one to have anything that could even be described as a serious program. Reagan cut funding to a pittance, and it has never recovered. If you want to talk about money squandered, subsidies, etc. you should compare the solar research figure with subsidies for nuclear, oil and gas, and highways (which are petroleum and auto manufacturing subsidies).

    Solar will not solve all of our problems. Continuing to be “addicted” to oil will not solve any of them, and may instead lead to our annihilation.

  10. hp said on May 19th, 2008 at 2:27pm #

    Exploiting global warming, or cooling, is easy.
    We have ‘environmental Al’ to thank for showing us the way.
    Just invest in both.

  11. Edwin Pell said on May 20th, 2008 at 6:45pm #

    I like solar (PV). The panels on my roof cover half my electric even here in gray New York. Geothermal is looking good for heating.

    Yes solar (PV) is expensive it would cost something like 10 trillion dollars to install a 200 mile by 200 mile farm in the southwest to meet 100% of U.S. energy needs. But hey we just committed to three trillion for a war that gets us only about two years worth of oil.