A Despicable Action

What a Gory Sight!

On October 22nd, at 3:20am, Kamakazi-type Tamil Tiger elite commandos attacked the Anurathapuram Sri Lankan Air Force (SLAF) Base crippling the recon capability of the Sri Lankan forces. It is reported that a multi-million-dollar spy fleet has been totally devastated by this defensive operation.

According to military analysts, the Tamil Tigers have neutralised the intelligence gathering capabilities of the Sri Lankan forces. Daily Mirror, a Colombo-based newspaper reported on October 26th, that Anurathapuram is:

Considered as one of most protected air bases, it housed the SLAF’s main pilot training school, 9th Attack Helicopter Squadron, 6th Helicopter Squadron, 1st Flying Training Wing, 7th Helicopter Squadron, 11th Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Flight etc.

The paper further confirmed:

During the attack 13 air force personnel, including four officers and one soldier were killed and eight air craft were completely destroyed- Two Mi-24 helicopter gunship (9th Attack Helicopter Squadron), a Mi-27 transport helicopter (6th Helicopter Squadron), K-8 and PT6 trainer jets (1st Flying Training Wing), Cessna 150 aircraft (1st Flying Training Wing), a Beechcraft 200 HISAR, a Bell 212 fitted with guns (7th Helicopter Squadron) and at least two UAVs (11th UAV Flight) were completely destroyed. However, another ten air crafts, including three of PT-6 Trainer air craft, K-8 advanced Jet trainer and Cessna training air craft were also damaged.

The next day after the attack, the mortal remains of Tamil combatants were stripped naked and put on public display (as shown on photos). Any decent human being will see such outrageous action as a deep humiliation.

Chandi Sinnathurai is a peasant priest who believes life is beautiful and divine, hence no one, including one's enemies, should be denied fundamental human rights. He leads Conscience Appeal. Read other articles by Chandi, or visit Chandi's website.