The Little Children in the Streets

It isn’t that this awakening is a regression
or a time warp kind of a thing
in history’s procession there are protests
and murders as well
they murder words
they murder speech
they murder thoughts which go off a tangent
then they murder murderers

The time that is spent on discourses
are profitable, provided there is rebellion
in speech
in action
in poetry

Poetry composes self, the other, the
past in deep mythic resources
in the mind, its excavations
in the language of body and soul
in slow very slow abstractions

This awakening is a horror
This awakening is mad holocaust
in the nations
in streets
in homes

Gun toting people
in caves
in railway tracks
in the cinema
in airports
in the house, the home

Poetry is one indecent, sinister
in pages
in flutter of the wind
in books dog eared
in the classroom
in grotesque homilies.

The little children in the streets.

Ananya S Guha lives in Shillong in North East India. He has been writing and publishing poetry for the last thirty years, and his poetry has appeared in numerous online publications. He holds a doctoral on the novels of William Golding and currently is a senior academic in India's Indira Gandhi National Open University. Read other articles by Ananya S..