Dear Ruling Elite

Dear Ruling Elite, Enablers and Trustees,

I am Nobody. If that. Perhaps Nobody in particular — just another not very “productive” member of the other 99-percent. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate your astonishing feat of transforming this once racist, imperialist Repoblip or Demogocracy or whatever it was into the Greatest Liberator of Human Souls the world has ever known.

True, Stalin had his day, and the Nazis racked up some pretty impressive numbers during their brief reign, but no one has come near the efficiency and technological mastery of liberating human souls like the Good Old US of A has been doing with minimal loss of domestic human units since 1945. Also, the stats racked up by Stalin and Hitler were not accrued without cost in efficiency, time management and considerable expenditure of domestic human unit work hours per liberated human unit both at home and abroad.

From that first beacon of Hiroshimic light to the present mass bombings and drone attacks, America has become the Great Liberator of its time, perhaps of all time, of human souls. Why we (I hope I don’t offend with the term “we,” since us 99-percenters identify with the leviathan you’ve created and like to share, if only vicariously, like football fans, in its glory) we have liberated millions across the globe, dominating the market share like no Empire has done before, and with seven billion human units crowding the planet, the possibilities of further advances seem endless.

Whether by nukes, napalm, aerial assault, assassination, imprisonment, economic sanction, embargo, debt imposition, or plain old waste and mismanagement of resources — animal, vegetable and mineral, the US of A has achieved a profit-loss ratio of human units liberated per domestic human unit work hours or military “sacrifices” any of those philistine Achaean war-lords of the Iliad or Odyssey would have justifiably envied.

Why, America has become so efficient at liberating the souls of extraneous human-units from their pain-in-the-ass-to-feed-and-maintain bodies that most of the domestic human units don’t even know how truly great a liberator their Empire as become (your Empire, of course; but again, we useless eaters like to feel like part of the team).

Moreover, your genius at creating efficiency of liberation at minimal domestic human-unit cost has created not only jobs, but a surplus population of domestic human units for future use as laborers or even consumable units for aspiring liberators for generations to come!

Again, I’m Nobody, perhaps Nobody in particular, but I beg your leave to say, “Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my empty American heart.”

All together now, let’s sing:

God Bless America
Land I adore
Stand beside Her
And guide Her
Like a Pimp to
A young virgin whore…

Adam Engel lived for your sins -- and he lived well! -- in Fear-and-Trembling, Brooklyn, one of the last gangrenous toes of NYC not yet severed and replaced with a prosthetic gentrification device. Engel has traveled the farthest regions of cyberspace, where Dark-matter meets Doesn't-matter; and Anti-matter, despite its negative connotation and dour point-of-view, excercises rights of expression protected by Richard Stallman's GNU/Free Software Foundation and CopyLeft agreement, if nobody and nothing else. Having spent many years studying Boobus Americanus (Summum Ignoramus), allegedly the most intelligent mammal on earth -- after its distant relative, Homo Sapiens -- in various natural habitats (couch, cubicle, bar-stool, ball-game -- televised or 'real-time') -- Engel has thus far related his observations of and experiences with this most dangerous of predators in three books -- Topiary, Cella Fantastik, and I Hope My Corpse Gives You the Plague (the combined international sales of which have reached literally dozens, perhaps as many as seventy, with projected revenue to top three digits by decade's end! Truly a publishing phenomenon). Engel is Associate Editor of Time Capsule Books, a division of Oliver Arts & Open Press, published in limited editions for a tiny, highly specified, though eclectic, target-audience: people who actually read books. He can be reached at Read other articles by Adam, or visit Adam's website.