In Jon We Trust

Appalled by the Bush administration’s foreign policy, and feeling let down by a compliant news media, many young Americans turned to Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show for some critical insight into what had gone so terribly wrong with their country, as well as some light relief from the horror of it all. Ironically, it seemed to many that the comedian’s fake news show was the only place where one could learn the truth about the “war on terror” and other disastrous Bush-era policies. Summarizing the phenomenon, author Gene Healy wrote, “An enormous chunk of Generation Y, those born roughly after 1977, gets its political information from Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, a comedy news program devoted to the idea that we’re led by fools.”

With Obama failing to bring the “change” that many believed in, the perceived need to tune in to The Daily Show is unlikely to waver anytime soon. But is the faith many Americans have in Stewart to help them understand their country’s problems justified? The recent interview of a Palestinian politician and a Jewish American peace activist suggests that that faith is seriously misplaced.

In the extended interview (not broadcast on Comedy Central but available on The Daily Show website) with Dr. Mustafa Barghouti and Anna Baltzer, Stewart made up to twenty factual errors. These can be broadly grouped into about half a dozen myths: Jews “returned” to Palestine after 2,000 years in exile; Israel provided a haven for Jews suffering persecution in Muslim countries; Iran is developing nuclear weapons, with which it wants to “wipe Israel off the map”; Israel is unfairly singled out for criticism, mainly due to Arab anti-Semitism; both sides are equally to blame for the conflict; and Palestinians can’t agree among themselves, so you can hardly blame Israel for not making peace with them.

Many of these myths – all of which serve Zionist interests well – are so transparently false that it is hardly necessary to debunk them all here. Instead, this article will focus on the last one: the question of Palestinian disunity. This will, it is hoped, also throw some light on the common source of America’s problems in the Middle East.

“It seems like to me that the Palestinians and the Israelis both have to fight a civil war almost,” Stewart opined, “before they can get a chance to then, I guess, fight each other.” While it is of course true that no nation is “homogenous,” his characterization of Palestinians overlooks a significant factor: the role played by Israel and its American devotees in promoting division among them.

Israel began supporting Hamas in the late 1970s as “a competing religious alternative,” a former CIA official explained, “to divide and dilute support for a strong, secular PLO.” Almost three decades later, after Hamas won the 2006 elections, a faction within the Bush administration sought to divide Palestinians again.

The covert operation to arm Fatah so they could seize power from the democratically elected Hamas was considered foolhardy by many, however. An exasperated Pentagon official asked rhetorically, “Who the hell outside of Washington wants to see a civil war among Palestinians?” More to the point, he might have asked, Who the hell inside of Washington wants to see a civil war among Palestinians?

David Rose’s 2008 article, “The Gaza Bombshell,” in the Si Newhouse owned Vanity Fair, gives the impression that Condoleezza Rice and George W. Bush were the main movers behind the plot. To emphasize the point, the caption below a photo illustration of Rice and Bush with a blood red Gaza City skyscape in the background reads: “Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and President George W. Bush, whose secret Palestinian intervention backfired in a big way.”

But there are reasonable grounds to doubt Rose’s credibility. Before the invasion of Iraq, citing a slew of unnamed intelligence sources, he suggested in a number of articles that Saddam Hussein had connections to Al-Qaeda, 9/11, and the anthrax attacks. Despite Rose’s pre-Iraq war disinformation, antiwar writer and activist Amy Goodman wasn’t deterred from featuring his Gaza article on her popular alternative news show, Democracy Now.

Digging a little deeper than Rose and Goodman, Alastair Crooke and Mark Perry, co-directors of Conflicts Forum, a London-based group dedicated to providing an opening to political Islam, locate the origins of the failed plot. In “Elliott Abrams’ Uncivil War” they write, “The Abrams program was initially conceived in February of 2006 by a group of White House officials …. These officials, we are told, were led by Abrams, but included national security advisors working in the Office of the Vice President, including prominent neoconservatives David Wurmser and John Hannah.”

In the popular consciousness, Dick Cheney came to be seen, particularly in the antiwar Left, as the Svengali who induced Bush to wage war in the Middle East in the interests of Big Oil. While Cheney’s ties to Halliburton make that narrative appear plausible, a closer examination of the facts reveals that the Vice President had more intimate ties with a far more powerful and belligerent lobby.

An advisory board member of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), Cheney has long-standing ties with the Israel Lobby. Indeed, his staff was “hand-picked” by Paul Wolfowitz protégé Lewis Libby. Described as “almost part of Cheney’s brain” by Bob Woodward, Libby selected Cheney’s staff from neoconservative think tanks such as the American Enterprise Institute, the Hudson Institute and WINEP.

It was these pro-Israel “scholars” not oil industry lobbyists who wrote the war propaganda for the executive branch. As Robert Dreyfuss points out in his American Prospect article on Cheney’s office, “Vice Squad,” Libby and Hannah produced “the most inflammatory and inaccurate speeches delivered by Cheney and Bush.”

David Wurmser, one of the main sources for David Rose’s Gaza article, is no stranger to propaganda either. In 1999, he wrote Tyranny’s Ally: America’s Failure to Defeat Saddam Hussein, in which he warned Americans about the growing threat of Iraq’s WMD.

His wife, Meyrav Wurmser, an Israeli citizen, co-founded the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) with Yigal Carmon, a former colonel in Israeli military intelligence. Widely considered to be a propaganda front for Israeli intelligence, MEMRI translates and distributes, in the words of journalist Jim Lobe, “particularly virulent anti-U.S. and anti-Israel articles appearing in the Arab press to key U.S. media and policymakers.” What better way to get Americans to believe that they and Israel face a common enemy?

Both Wurmsers worked with Richard Perle and Douglas Feith on writing the 1996 “Clean Break” strategy for Benjamin Netanyahu. The plan for remaking the Middle East in Israel’s interest had to wait till after 9/11 to be implemented, however, when Bush became more susceptible to the very same advisers and their associates.

It was this neoconservative cabal that put Abrams into the position where he could instigate the Gaza coup. Writing in Salon magazine, an “anonymous” veteran foreign service officer explained how Abrams, who had been convicted for unlawfully withholding information about the Iran-Contra scandal from Congress, came to be hired by Rice. In “The State Department’s Extreme Makeover,” he wrote: “In December 2002, Wolfowitz, Feith, Wurmser and Vice President Cheney’s national security advisor, I. Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby, acting together, maneuvered Condoleezza Rice into appointing Elliott Abrams to the position of special assistant to the president and senior director for the Middle East at the National Security Council.”

Considering Abrams’ extreme Likudnik views, former CIA political analysts Kathleen and Bill Christison wryly commented on his appointment, “Putting him in a key policymaking position on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is like entrusting the henhouse to a fox.”

In a revealing comment on who exactly was directing national security during Bush’s first term, “Anonymous” predicted that Rice would be the neocons’ second choice to replace Colin Powell as Secretary of State. Since the Iraq debacle was likely to militate against their first choice, Wolfowitz, they planned “to again play behind Condoleezza Rice.”

It is worth noting that Abrams is the son-in-law of Norman Podhoretz. From his bully pulpit at Commentary magazine, the neocon godfather harangues Americans into waging “a very long war” against what he calls “Islamofascism” – a disparate group of enemies that looks suspiciously like an Israeli hit list.

As to where Abrams’ own loyalty lies, his 1997 book, Faith or Fear: How Jews Can Survive in a Christian America, is unequivocal. Jews “are in a permanent covenant with God and with the land of Israel and its people,” he claims. “Their commitment will not weaken if the Israeli government pursues unpopular policies.”

Shouldn’t Americans be more wary of national security advisers with an avowed uncritical allegiance to a foreign country, especially one which seeks to induce the United States to fight an endless war with one-fifth of the world’s population?

And instead of poking fun at convenient scapegoats like Bush, Cheney and Rice for America’s disastrous Middle East policy – as The Daily Show did for eight years to great acclaim – hasn’t Jon Stewart a responsibility to his many fans to sift the merely plausible from the hard facts? When those facts point to a handful of other Jewish Americans whose “covenant” with their tribal God endangers all Americans, to do otherwise is to make fools of his audience.

Maidhc Ó Cathail writes extensively on U.S. foreign policy and the Middle East. Read other articles by Maidhc, or visit Maidhc's website.

57 comments on this article so far ...

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  1. kalidas said on November 9th, 2009 at 9:47am #

    There’s no such thing as sayanim.
    There’s no such thing as sayanim.
    There’s no such thing as sayanim.

  2. bozh said on November 9th, 2009 at 10:41am #

    I do not agree that US had ever been led by fools. Nor do i agree with the notion that anything is wrong with US or that things in US are getting wronger.
    US constitution today is the same as it had always been when it comes to aqcuistion of land by any means.
    In short, tactics, weaponry, world conditions are in a flux; in constant change but US final solution stays the same.
    And since US/nato possesses/controls only ab 50% of the world and it getting poorer by day, the wicked alliance wants more or all of the planet.
    Expect 50 more wars and the ad hoc alliance might get there.
    Fools? Not different than sargon, senacherib, herod, nero, suleiman the great, peter the great, hitler, napoleon, churchill, kennedy, ceasar, et al.
    So, the 6k yrs old tomfoolery cannot be foolishenss but greed, lust for control-glory-praise, etc.

  3. BW said on November 9th, 2009 at 11:07am #

    “Many of these myths – all of which serve Zionist interests well – are so transparently false that it is hardly necessary to debunk them all here”

    It will be intresting to read about “debunking” them…..

  4. Omri said on November 9th, 2009 at 12:54pm #

    Among the “myths: “Israel provided a haven for Jews suffering persecution in Muslim countries”.

    2 weeks ago Israel took in the last of Yemen’s Jews. Not much of a myth, now is it>?

  5. bozh said on November 9th, 2009 at 1:21pm #

    I do not know if n. afrikan lands, yemen, iraq have not actually rejoiced seeing the cultists leave. Recall that they have been expeled from portugal, spain and accepted by ottoman empire.
    So, muslims do not expell their own ‘jews’, but accept more of them. So much ab muslim intolerance of people with hebraic faith [cult, to me].

    It cld be noted that the canaanitic peoples; including arabs like arameans and nabateans along with benjaminim, yehudim, jebusites, hittites, hivvites, philistines, et al have tolerated own peoples with a hebraic faith.

    And then come in the trouble makers. And as such not tolerated or liked anywhere in europe; mostly because their cult is the worst imaginable.
    Islamic cult probably being better than christian and talmudic cult.
    Islam, or rather some muslim, being the worst in treatment of women. tnx

  6. Deadbeat said on November 9th, 2009 at 1:43pm #

    Great article busting the “Chomskyite Left” for their adherance to Zionism

  7. Samson said on November 9th, 2009 at 5:57pm #

    1. Jews “returned” to Palestine after 2,000 years in exile.
    2. Israel provided a haven for Jews suffering persecution in Muslim countries.
    3. Iran is developing nuclear weapons, with which it wants to “wipe Israel off the map.”
    4. Israel is unfairly singled out for criticism, mainly due to Arab anti-Semitism.
    5. Both sides are equally to blame for the conflict.
    6. Palestinians can’t agree among themselves, so you can hardly blame Israel for not making peace with them.

    Regarding #1, there has been a continuous Jewish presence in Israel for the past 2000 years despite all efforts to eradicate it. The rest of the Jews returned to Israel, not Palestine, a name invented by the Romans as part of that effort. For anyone in doubt of this, please see this article on the “marble surveillance camera” images of the theft of the treasures of the second temple:

    Otherwise, all are correct except for #5. So, what are the other 19 factual errors?

  8. B99 said on November 9th, 2009 at 6:49pm #

    Samson – Jews were not in exile – they largely left of their own accord- at least those that were not heisted to Babylonia – and this latter group is not responsible for Zionists ideology – a product of late 19th century Europe. Certainly there has been a continuous Jewish presence in Palestine for 2000 years, a small number of Jews have lived there in relative peace with the majority population all this time. It’s the coming of the Zionists that upset the peace.

    Jews may have suffered in Muslim countries – but there’s no pogrom like a Russian pogrom and no Holocaust like the Nazi Holocaust. In fact, you can’t begin to compare conditions between how Jews lived in the Middle East – relatively good – versus how they were treated in Europe – maximally bad. The bad relations between Jew and Arab in the mid-20th century was because the Jews ethnically cleansed Palestine of its native population.

    Iran is enhancing its nuclear power just as many countries with the expertise have already done. IF it develops an atomic bomb, it will restore the balance of power in the region – right now Israel runs roughshod over everyone, and is able to maintain a 42 year occupation because no one can challenge it. On the other hand, Iran has never said anything like they will wipe Israel off the map. That’s a fictitious quote – in fact, its a thoroughly Western expression unlikely to be found in Persian speeches. It is Israel that actually DOES wipe others off the map – that’s where the threat originates – not from Iran.

    There is no anti-Semitism in the Arab world. IF you mean that they don’t like a rogue nation that illegally occupies the remainder of Palestine – then so be it – call it anti-Semitism if you like – who cares? Anti-Semitism is a European phenomenon based in the relationship of Judaism and Christianity. It’s not Middle Eastern, so no free ride for the Jews on that canard.

    Both sides are NOT equally to blame. That would be like blaming the Indians for the arrival of the shock troops of the European conquistadors. OR it would be like blaming Africans for being enslaved on American plantations. No, the Palestinians did not go to central Europe and attack Jewish Stetls – it was the Zionists who came to Palestine – and they did not come in peace, they came to take the land. It’s not as if the Zionists kept that a secret.

    It does not matter if the Palestinians cannot agree amongst themselves. Israel shot them and stole their land when they did not resist, they shot them and stole their land when they did resist, they shot them and stole their land when the Palestinians all supported Fatah – and they shot them and stole their land when they disagreed. The bottom line is that Israel does not want peace, it wants their land. The proof is in the pudding, the settlements. Any country that wanted peace would not continue to expropriate the other party’s land – or what little remains of it. Shame on Israel, shame on the US, shame on Jews for supporting mass murder.

  9. Samson said on November 9th, 2009 at 7:49pm #

    B99 – Thank you for supplying the other 19 factual errors, and more, including but not limited to:
    • “Jews were not in exile – they largely left of their own accord – at least those that were not heisted to Babylonia”
    • “The bad relations between Jew and Arab in the mid-20th century was because the Jews ethnically cleansed Palestine of its native population.”
    • “Iran is enhancing its nuclear power just as many countries with the expertise have already done. IF it develops an atomic bomb, it will restore the balance of power in the region”
    • “There is no anti-Semitism in the Arab world.”
    • “Iran has never said anything like they will wipe Israel off the map.”
    • “Shame on Jews for supporting mass murder.”

    No, shame on you B99, whoever you are…

  10. B99 said on November 9th, 2009 at 9:12pm #

    Samson (hero of the Philistines) – You don’t belong in this discussion – you have no idea of what you type.

  11. dino said on November 9th, 2009 at 10:44pm #

    DB:”Great article busting the “Chomskyite Left” for their adherance to Zionism”
    Where do you see in this article what you see?Jon Stewart is a “Chomskyte”?You use exactly the same means like the propagandists of hasbara,namely all means to get the goal:compromise the target .Do you mean that the article put together the Zionist Chomsky with the Zionists Abrams,Wurmser,Feith,Wolfowitz etc?Tries the article to make a comparison between Chomsky and this nothing:Jon Stewart?

  12. Deadbeat said on November 9th, 2009 at 11:12pm #

    Where do you see in this article what you see?

    dino, the “Chomskyite Left” (notice the quotes), is a euphemism for those phonies that pose as “Leftist” meaning supposedly against injustice EXCEPT when it comes to Zionism. The author clearly outs Amy Goodman. I’m not really including Stewart as he doesn’t position himself as a Leftist but he has like many in the mainstream media been inculcated with the Zionist narrative.

    One of the main reason why the Left has been ill-prepared for this economic crisis is the POLITICAL crisis on the Left due to its lack of adherence to principles of justice especially when it comes to confronting both Zionism and Capitalism.


  13. Hue Longer said on November 10th, 2009 at 2:03am #

    Disappointing article…

    I was looking forward to seeing Stewart exposed for being a gatekeeper and we get one reason. The author is very correct in pointing out what he does but it’s a poor article to forward to people trusting Democrat shills for forming their opinions.

    Obviously the article is about Zionism and media complicity toward zionism…for a few in the choir, that’s enough but maybe the article could have been named something else?

  14. dino said on November 10th, 2009 at 3:47am #

    DB,i said that no one except you could see any connection between the article and what you pretense that it is:”busting Chomskyte Leftist”.And again to use formulas like “Chomskyte Leftist” is not better than “islamo-fascism” and others slogans use by hasbara propagandists, all empty propaganda words.But instead to find hidden meanings in this article you could express yourself on an article published in the same day at DV from which i quote now:”Compassion, then, is the key concern — where best to direct our efforts in the hope of doing something to relieve suffering in the world. Journalism should be honest and rational, but it should not be indifferent or neutral — it should be biased in the direction of relieving misery. Noam Chomsky has gone so far as to suggest that a life without compassion is meaningless:

    “So if you decide not to make use of the opportunities that you have; not to try to live your life in a way which is constructive and helpful, you end up looking back and say: ‘Why did I bother living?’”
    So that is with what you have to argue that Chomsky is not a compassionate fellow how is seen by what he wrote and did all along.

  15. kalidas said on November 10th, 2009 at 12:50pm #

    I get what He’s saying. (Chomsky)
    The Romans crucified Jesus for oil.

    Puts things into proper perspective, doesn’t it?

  16. Deadbeat said on November 10th, 2009 at 1:31pm #

    Thanks kalidas. That pretty much sums it up.

  17. rosemarie jackowski said on November 10th, 2009 at 1:37pm #

    Yes, the Holocaust really did happen. Yes, there should be a safe place for all people. Life would be so much simpler if the State of Isreal had been set up in Europe – preferably in Germany.

  18. kalidas said on November 10th, 2009 at 1:46pm #

    Perhaps that was the defining cause of the holocaust.
    The Germans weren’t exactly Palestinians, were they.

  19. jane said on November 10th, 2009 at 3:18pm #

    This lines shows that Chomsky and his gang lied to Americans and the world when mislead people with their slogan ‘no blood for oil’ to protect the interest of Israel. The war on Iraq was for Israel and Chomsky and other closet zionist, like Juan Cole who recently has been exposed by Herman and Petersen, lied about it to hide the hand of zionist jews in waging the war. DB is talking about this issue.
    DB is right when writes : “…busting the “Chomskyite Left” which is true. Why can’t you connect the dots?

    { for their adherance to ZionismIt was these pro-Israel “scholars” not oil industry lobbyists who wrote the war propaganda for the executive branch. As Robert Dreyfuss points out in his American Prospect article on Cheney’s office, “Vice Squad,” Libby and Hannah produced “the most inflammatory and inaccurate speeches delivered by Cheney and Bush.” }

    Please notice that Juan Cole is a Bahai and Zionism and Bahaism have
    common interest in occupied land. All Bahai support zionism. Cole and chomsky are realy US government front to control the protest and population. Read and watch chomsky carefully and you will see another Juan Cole in him. Please read the following article on the closet zionist Juan Cole .

  20. B99 said on November 10th, 2009 at 4:35pm #

    Samson – When someone says that another’s post is boring – that only means he is defenseless – he has surrendered to the truth.

    BTW – Samson’s girlfriend Delilah was a Palestinian. No lie.

  21. dan e said on November 10th, 2009 at 4:48pm #

    Thank you Jane, right on. BTW need to thank DB for his time & effort and some of his recent posts which display a good deal of theoretical background.
    Re Chomsky, let me cite Jas Petras book “The Power of Israel in the United States”, and in particular for Dino’s benefit, the chapter entitled “Chomsky’s Fourteen Erroneous Theses”.
    Chomsky says many good things, but the bottom line is that he’s a Zionist. He maintains that “Israel” is a normal country among countries. So at the end of the day Chomsky is a supporter of racist settler colonialism. This is no secret; nobody but a supporter of the Zionist Enterprise would try to deny it.
    BTW, isn’t that “samson” character funny? Unsupported assertion after unsupported assertion, like a broken record:)

  22. bozh said on November 10th, 2009 at 6:00pm #

    Chomsky repudiates explicitly our second-dearest panhuman right: ROR.
    He’s also for a no-longer-available second state in expalestine. What is available now for pal’ns are a few untouching counties. tnx

  23. eileen fleming said on November 10th, 2009 at 6:00pm #

    On 10/28/09, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart did what the mainstream media has failed to report about-the rapidly growing global nonviolent solidarity movement of resisters to the occupation of Palestine, by hosting a Palestinian Unity Government official and a young American Jewish scholar and activist author.

    The News Media should be interviewing Dr. Mustafa Barghouti & Anna Baltzer, Jon’s job is to entertain us, but once again, he lead the mainstream media to where many of US already are.

    But, Jon’s misunderstanding about Iran’s supposed intentions towards Israel must be addressed.

    In 2006, Virginia Tilley, Professor of political science wrote:

    “In his October 2005 speech, Mr. Ahmadinejad never used the word ‘map’ or the term ‘wiped off.’ According to Farsi-language experts like Juan Cole and even right-wing services like MEMRI, what he actually said was ‘this regime that is occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time.’

    “In this speech to an annual anti-Zionist conference, Mr. Ahmadinejad was being prophetic, not threatening. He was citing Imam Khomeini, who said this line in the 1980s-a period when Israel was actually selling arms to Iran, so apparently it was not viewed as so ghastly then.

    “Mr. Ahmadinejad had just reminded his audience that the Shah’s regime, the Soviet Union, and Saddam Hussein had all seemed enormously powerful and immovable, yet the first two had vanished almost beyond recall and the third now languished in prison.

    “So, too, the “occupying regime” in Jerusalem would someday be gone. His message was, in essence: “This too shall pass.”

    Iran has also not launched an aggressive war in modern history -unlike the US and Israel-and its leaders adhere to the doctrine of “no first strike.”

    We need a media who will give us some truth, such as the Bill Moyers-Goldstone interview.

    We need a media who will allow the voices of Israeli conscientious objectors known as Shministim; Hebrew for “twelfth-graders” and they are “Jews and Arabs from all parts of the country…[who] toil against the occupation and oppression policies of the Israeli government in the occupied territories, and in the territory of the land of Israel, and therefore refuse to take part in actions related to such policies, which are carried out…by the Israeli Defence Force.”

    Shministim are also a community of activists whose conscientious objection to refusing to serve in the Forces that enforce the military occupation of Palestine stems from volunteer experiences, values, love and respect for their society and every human being, and they aim to better their country for all its inhabitants.

    We need a media who will learn from American Israeli professor Jeff Halper, Founder and Coordinator of Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, that “Israel is a not a democracy but is an Ethnocracy, meaning a country run and controlled by a national group with some democratic elements but set up with Jews in control and structured to keep them in control.”

    We need a media who will report about Israel’s WMD program and the failure of the US government to support the best interests of we the people by failing to hold Israel accountable to the same criteria we demand of other states and nations.

    We need a media who can connect the dots from 1948 to 1967 to 1986 to 2009 and can inform the public that the modern conflict between Palestine and Israel, is not all about religious differences, but about land and human rights and international law.

    Until then, we have the Internet and Jon.

  24. Beware of false messiahs and gurus... said on November 10th, 2009 at 11:15pm #

    dan e said on November 10th, 2009 at 4:48pm #:

    “Chomsky says many good things, but the bottom line is that he’s a Zionist.”

    The ruse of the former (clause), is a (decades long) cover for the latter (clause and reality).

    Beware of false gurus more cleverly leading you to the Kool-Aid.

    The cleverest Zionist (or Zionist apologist) Jews, come disguised as “Leftists” — by various ideological cover names.

    Or, when the devil’s cleverest principals (Left Jewish Zionists and apologists) come in their best disguise, they don’t come with horns: they come dressed as an angel — spouting ‘scriptures’.

    How can you tell (besides the reasons already noted or referenced in comment posts above)?: Chomsky has never, ever, ever, even once, repudiated and condemned political Zionism, an inherently and deeply racist European Jewish-founded ideology. “Blood” is obviously and ultimately thicker than morality even to such Leftists.

    Some Palestinians and other Middle Easterners in the West are, very slowly, starting to learn that Chomsky is not really their friend, because in the world of Western imperialist politics and anti-imperialist and/or anti-colonialist political struggle, and the centuries long, racist European (whether Christian or ultimately even Jewish) obssession with possession in the non-European world, not everyone who CLAIMS to be your “friend”, actually is one.

  25. dino said on November 11th, 2009 at 12:38am #

    Kalidas,the tale of Jesus was brought to the world by Zionists ,and Jesus was a Zionist only of other kind.I’m not at all religious but this is what i’m understood from The new Testament.Regarding the present history ,at least for me,Chomsky,Walt and Mearsheimer did possible that the actual history will not be seen as a myth as the religions are made up and how is the tendency to treat all what is connected with the Jews and their doing.
    About Chomsky’s Zionism i am really very curious to see a poll asking the Palestinians if they are ready to live in a one state i’m hearing every Palestinian personality speaking about their desire for a Palestinian state in 67 occupied territories.Chaled Mashal ,the leader of Hamas ,said it ,in fact he repeated it many times.
    Jane,are many who believe that oil was the reason is not only Chomsky,probably the majority of commentators believe it and i mean of not Zionists.Recently Exxon and BL received the contracts for 25 years of Iraqi’s oil fields development although China,Russia,French were also candidates.Probably Iraqi’s oil will be sell for dollars.Maliki is a puppet moves by Americans interests.
    Now if the work of DB,Kalidas,Jane bring better leader for the leftists and make a purge for the false leader i will be very happy.

  26. 'Enter' --and debunking-- Antonia Juhasz's Left Zionist-promoted cover story --"The Tyranny of Oil" book: said on November 11th, 2009 at 1:27am #

    Maidhc Ó Cathail:

    ” In the popular consciousness, Dick Cheney came to be seen, particularly in the antiwar Left, as the Svengali who induced Bush to wage war in the Middle East in the interests of Big Oil. While Cheney’s ties to Halliburton make that narrative appear plausible, a closer examination of the facts reveals that the Vice President had more intimate ties with a far more powerful and belligerent lobby.

    … It was these pro-Israel “scholars” not oil industry lobbyists who wrote the war propaganda for the executive branch. ”


    And who does Antonia Juhasz work for? Left Zionist Jewish “Peacenik” Phyllis Bennis of the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, D.C.; before that, she worked for a couple of different Democrat politicians in our Zionist-occupied Congress — and you can bet they weren’t anti-Zionists.

    And who’s show does Antonia Juhasz regularly get on? DEMOCRACY NOW with AMY GOODMAN, who promotes Juhasz’s Left Zionist cover story — A GOOD LEFTIST RED-MEAT COVER STORY that EVERY evil in the world is ENTIRELY the fault of the evile oil companies. Amy Goodman permits NO HONEST DISCUSSION of THE ISRAEL LOBBY (except for Noam Chomsky to unilaterally, unopposed, with no honest debate, declare that it doesn’t exist or that it’s “too amorphous” to define or describe), or if it was (at least also) GREATLY behind (meaning planning instigators of) our wars in, particularly, Iraq and our propagandistically turning Iran into ‘the next Nazi empire’, requiring the U.S. to declare war on it, so that Israel can attain absolute fulll-spectrum, ISRAELI imperialist, domination of the Middle East — as per “The [American Jewish neocon-Israeli] Clean Break” paper of 1996. And why have most leftists never heard of The Clean Break Paper” of 1996?…: I’d bet that Chomsky has!

    Most of the Western Left is LEFT ZIONIST-OCCUPIED.


    “myths: Jews “returned” to Palestine after 2,000 years in exile;”

    And while Anna Baltzer at least declares in her book, “Witness in Palestine”, that she is an anti-Zionist (something Chomksy isn’t), she certainly didn’t say it on national TV (before her largest audience by far) — where it, as her being a Jew, would really COUNT.

    And Anna Baltzer and the worthless Fateh Palestinian politician (compradors of Israel’s Occupation and Zionism), Mustafa Barghouti (and Baltzer otherwise said much more of any value than he did), both ‘sat on their hands’ and SAID NOTHING to a national audience, in the West’s most important country, when Jon Stewart (Jewish) spouted the most fundamental of Israel’s founding national political mythologies about, especially, EUROPEAN Jews. Of course, any Jews non-indigenous to Palestine have about as much a moral right to go “return”, “reclaim”, take over and “resettle” historic Palestine (and the very tiny percentage of indigenous Jews to Palestine never called for a Zionist state!) as the English do (with a significantly less, and more ancestrally direct, interval of elapsed time) to go “return”, “reclaim”, take over and “resettle” Germany; or, about as much a moral right as ANY of us, of any particular religion or ethnic group, have to go “return”, “reclaim”, take over and “resettle” wherever any of our religious or, so-called, ‘ethnic’ ancient “ancestors” migrated from 2,000 years ago.

    Any Jew, however “progressive” or “leftist”, who is NOT an explicitly, publicly, and firmly declared anti-Zionist, and who perpetuates Israel founding national political mythologies, is ultimately protecting ‘Greater’ “Israel” — the European COLONIAL NAME for now, effectively, at least 85-90% of historic Palestine — as an inherently racist and necessarily ever-expansionist (from the beginning), ideologically “Jewish state”.

  27. Mary said on November 11th, 2009 at 2:25am #

    Just came across this. How kind and thoughtful of Lady Bountiful whilst Lord Bountiful sits by and watches the continuing annihilation of the Palestinian people.

    I was privileged to hear Bill and Kathleen Christison from the US last evening at an Amnesty International event. They have just written PALESTINE IN PIECES (Pluto Press UK ISBN978 0 7453 2929 1) which is highly recommended for a greater understanding of the effects of the Occupation on the Palestinian people’s lives.

    They were frequently interrupted by a real live Zionist troll, the co chair of the UK Zionist Federation. This person was also at the PSC/DCI meeting last week which dealt with the arrest, torture and imprisonment of Palestinian children, some 700 per annum. His antics were the same there. I nominate him for the Hasbara Medal of Excellence and Outstanding Effort.

  28. dino said on November 11th, 2009 at 4:44am #

    Enter,in my opinion who tells the facts how they are,who tries to find a rational connections between the facts he is a progressive and a leftist without inverted commas.Who deforms the facts and makes its to suit slogans and myts like:”clash of civilization”,”a struggle between light and dark”,”country without people and people without country”,”the goods and the fews and the weak managing by miracle against the bads and numerous”,”a war between Gog and Magog”,”a war against amaleks”,”a struggle to defend the democracy in the world against the Jihad ,Caliphate and so on” “a struggle of judeo-christianism against radical Islam”,”a battle against islamo-fascim antisemitism” and many others like these are reactionaries,liars and deranged people or ,how is in the most cases dishonestly.How one sees to fix a conflict is an other question.I think that Israeli’s lobby is had a great part for the decision to invade Iraq and now for the campaign against Iran but this not prevents me to see Chomsky as a very progressive and a model for every intellectual.they are between “leftists”people who try to make the Palestinians injustice like something of second importance
    and that it would better for the free world to deal with the massacre in Darfour or with “Iranian threat”.These are the same babbles like those marked before.So ,i think ,is very easy ,are enough criterions to make a difference between a real or a false leftist.

  29. Omri said on November 11th, 2009 at 7:28am #

    Sucks that those “founding mythologies” are actually true, babe.

    Israel just rescued the last of Yemen’s downtrodden Jews, no thanks you and your antisemite friends.

  30. B99 said on November 11th, 2009 at 8:34am #

    Omri – You can’t point to any of the founding mythologies that are true. Here’s two that are laughable. Israel as a ‘light unto nations.’ (Ok, so maybe phosphorus bombs count.) Or how about: ‘The Jews will make the desert bloom.’ Well, more than a half-century later, the areas of Palestine that were desert are still desert – the Negev is still the Negev. The agriculture that goes on in the desert uses water illegally pumped from the West Bank. And Israel gives its gift to the world – the Jaffa orange, a fruit developed by the Palestinians when Jews were in the East European ghetto – its export amounts to exporting the most precious resource of the region – water.

    It is safe to say that decades after poisoning relations with the Arab world, the ‘downtrodden Jews’ of Yemen are now living freely in Israel – where they are viewed by Ashkenazis as objects of love and hate. They love them as exotics, as dancers and musicians, as a people steeped in the esoterica of the Arabian Peninsula’s ancient caravan routes, a people in touch with ancestral lore. But they hate them for not being Ashkenazi, they suspect them to be Arab-Jews – Arabs draped in Jewish trappings, they distrust their history, their non-Holocaust history, they fear that some day, Yemenis and other Mizrahis will flip and join the other side.

  31. Shabnam said on November 11th, 2009 at 9:17am #

    Please watch Akiva Eldar, a Zionist, who believes settlement building is against the interest of Zionism. He in an interview by Charlie Rose agrees with Chomsky that ‘two states’ solution is the only way to SAVE ZIONISM. He, however, disagrees with the closet Zionist who has been promoted to phony position of ‘public intellectual’ by the Zionist media that ISRAEL LOBBY is not influential in foreign policy decision making related to Palestine. Therefore, opposite to propaganda coming from the closet Zionists that Jewish Lobby is not important, he believes otherwise.
    He contrary to closet Zionist’s lies believes that Israel is not interested in peace because Israel wants to be ‘special.’ He is careful not to say Israel is seeking to establish ‘greater Israel.’ To buy time, Israel is creating many LIES including, ‘no partner for peace’, ‘security concerns’ or lies about Ahmadinejad’s statement meaning ‘Israel wiped off the map’ where in fact we have witness PALESTINE WIPED OFF THE MAP in front of our eyes. The latest excuse is the use of term ‘Jewish state’ where you have heard it from the latest ZIONIST PUPPET, BARARK OBAMA, at the United Nation.
    Chomsky and his industry are looking for the same thing, thus, they keep the ball in American Corridors of power to present Israel as a useful ‘little puppet state’ to fool you. Akiva Eldar believes that Zionists DO NOT PAY ANY ATTENTION TO DEMANDS COMING FROM the American president, BARAK OBAMA, to stop the settlements because they have friends EVERYWHERE including JEWISH LOBBY in Washington. He believes Obama is a one TERM PRESIDENT like Jimmy Carter. They will continue to build settlements and tell the petty Zionist puppets, Hillary and Barack, go the hell.
    Now, Zionists feel AIPAC has been exposed too much, therefore, they have created an alternative to AIPAC to continue keeping Americans as FOOLS as ever. No one should be stupid to believe that ‘J Street’ is any DIFFERENT from AIPAC. All ARE ZIONISTS and Zionism MUST BE DESTROYED FULLY AND COMPLETELY before it destroy us all. Only gullible people believe in Zionism and the words of their agents, the closet Zionists. Bring them all down now.

  32. Shabnam said on November 11th, 2009 at 9:25am #

    The power of settlements is due to Jewish Lobby’s influence in Washington, Akiva Eldar believes.

  33. Omri said on November 11th, 2009 at 9:28am #

    “It is safe to say that decades after poisoning relations with the Arab world, the ‘downtrodden Jews’ of Yemen are now living freely in Israel – where they are viewed by Ashkenazis as objects of love and hate. They love them as exotics, as dancers and musicians, as a people steeped in the esoterica of the Arabian Peninsula’s ancient caravan routes, a people in touch with ancestral lore. But they hate them for not being Ashkenazi, they suspect them to be Arab-Jews – Arabs draped in Jewish trappings, they distrust their history, their non-Holocaust history, they fear that some day, Yemenis and other Mizrahis will flip and join the other side.”

    Bull-fucking-shit. We’re too busy intermarrying with the Mizrahim to be harboring such attitudes.

  34. B99 said on November 11th, 2009 at 10:00am #

    Yeah Omri – that’s the love part. Blacks and whites intermarry in the US too.

  35. B99 said on November 11th, 2009 at 10:08am #

    Shabnam – Apparently you and this Zionist – Akiva Eldar – agree on some essentials. And so while we all want Zionism to disappear, not all Zionists are evil. They are raised on that stuff you know, and it is hard for them to get beyond it. Sometimes they provide good info, as does Eldar (and he’s been good for a long time now). Sometimes we have to settle for half-way friends.

  36. sid wright said on November 11th, 2009 at 10:36am #

    news for the very sad mary
    mary,i know you want everyone to boycott israel and israeli products.
    well,now’s your chance
    throw away your computer with its intel chip and don’t buy another one
    that way you’ll have more more to do with your sad life than reading,copying and pasting sad stories from jew hating websites

    Intel to open Jerusalem plant next week
    World’s biggest electronic chip maker says will open its new die preparation factory in capital on Sunday

    Reuters Published: 11.10.09, 17:29 / Israel Business
    Intel Corp, the world’s biggest electronic chip maker, said on Sunday it would open its new die preparation plant in Jerusalem next week.
    Intel closed its ageing Fab 8 chip plant in Jerusalem in 2008 and started converting the facility to a die prep plant.

    Die preparation is the next stage following the production of wafers.
    A spokesman for Intel in Israel said the plant – which cost tens of millions of dollars to convert and employs 150 people – officially will open next Sunday.
    Intel Israel is one of Israel’s largest exporters, with nearly $1.4 billion in 2008. Until now die preparation for Intel’s chip wafers has been done in Asia.
    Intel’s $3.5 billion Fab 28 chip plant in Israel’s southern city of Kiryat Gat opened late last year and makes processors with 45 nanometer-wide circuitry.
    Intel also operates four research and development centers in Israel.

  37. Omri said on November 11th, 2009 at 10:51am #

    B99, over a third of Israel Jewish marriages cross the Ashkenazi non-Ashkenazi divide.

  38. Shabnam said on November 11th, 2009 at 10:58am #

    B99 – please note that I wrote:
    “Zionism MUST BE DESTROYED FULLY AND COMPLETELY before it destroys us all.”

    Anyone with Zionist ideology is dangerous because ALL represent the interest of the same industry functioning in different capacity. Akiva Eldar and other Zionists like him have played important roles in preserving Jewish expansion, but due to Palestinian resistance have come to this realization that in order to save ‘Jewish state’ they have to modify their views. As Akiva Eldar emphasizes, in the second link, Shimon Peres also believes ‘settlements are against Zionist state’s interest’ , yet settlement expansion reached its height during Clinton administration in Washington and Peres and ‘labor party’ in Israel. This does not imply Peres, as a Zionist war criminal, IS NOT BAD after all. Where have been all these ‘GOOD’ ZIONISTS till now? It is obvious that all were helping the Zionist cause either directly or indirectly to spread the propaganda to buy time for Israel to change facts on the ground to steal Palestine and neighboring countries with their resources to establish ‘Greater Israel.’ This project still is being pursued as we speak, but with few ‘disappointed’ Zionists like Akiva Eldar and his associates.

  39. Shabnam said on November 11th, 2009 at 11:27am #


  40. sid wright said on November 11th, 2009 at 11:59am #

    shabnam–jews pray 3 times a day for a return to zion i e zionism. zionism is an integral part of judaism.
    any jew who does not accept zionism does not not accept one of the basic concepts of judaism.
    stick to islam,shabnam,i assume you know more about your own religion.

  41. B99 said on November 11th, 2009 at 12:42pm #

    Sid – Speaking of (your) exaggerating, Israel is nearly 8 times the size of Rhode Island – that is, it is slightly larger than Massachusetts. It holds captive millions of Palestinians in a land about the size of Delaware. And it has more than 200 nuclear warheads, has not signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, and does not agree to a ‘no first use’ policy on atomic bombs. Further, it has as its allies, several million well-placed Israel-Firsters in the US who do its bidding. This is a group that will defend its right to persecute other national groups, take their land, and call it God’s will or their just due for the Holocaust. It’s a sickness this Zionism, admittedly to a great degree a legacy of history of anti-Semitism in Europe, but sick patients must be sequestered for the common good. The least you could do is go back to Israel – and leave the Palestinians alone.
    Zionism should not be equated with Judaism. To the extent that it has a relationship with Judaism at all – it is an import into the religion. After all, where was this basic concept BEFORE the Jews left Canaan? Political Zionism is a creation of secular atheist Jews – not believers in Judaism. Those who truly believed they should worship in the place of their spiritual ‘ancestors’ immigrated to Palestine in the nineteenth century – and did so without the notion of establishing a race-based exclusionary expansionist state. Zionism is a creation of Jewry – not Judaism.

  42. And where is Democracy Now and Amy Goodman on this information?: said on November 11th, 2009 at 1:13pm #

    “And why have most leftists never heard of “The Clean Break Paper” of 1996?”

  43. sid wright said on November 11th, 2009 at 1:27pm #

    good to hear from you b99. you know so much about everything including being an expert on judaism.i get the impression you are also scared of little israel.
    i am glad you feel the palestinians should have their own home. i agree with you. and which country in the middle east currently has a 70% majority of its citizens who are palestinians.
    i am sure you will agree with me that the remaining palestinians who are not in this country should rejoin their bretheren who make up 70% of the population.
    after all all arab muslims are brothers and they get on so well together.
    surely they don’t want to live in a jewish state.
    let’s help them all move to jordan,the palestinian state

  44. kalidas said on November 11th, 2009 at 2:25pm #

    What’s good for the goose, eh sid..
    Are you listening, New York?

  45. B99 said on November 11th, 2009 at 2:56pm #

    But you forget, Sid, that the right of return is international law. It’s not as if this is opinion or a wild hypothesis – IT’S THE LAW. Now, if Palestinian refugees want to remain in Jordan, or Lebanon, etc., then they are entitled only to compensation from Israel for their eviction by the Jews. But first you need to admit to that history – doing so will make the *rightness* of the right of return real for you. Once it is understood by all that no one has a right to a racially pure state then you can welcome back the native natural people of Palestine with open arms. What d’ya think Sidney?!

    BTW – Arabs from Morocco to Iraq are brothers (and sisters) the way Latinos are from Mexico to Argentina. In other words, they are not interchangeable parts.

  46. Omri said on November 11th, 2009 at 4:04pm #

    B99, if the right to return is international law, then perhaps you should inform the Biharis in Bangladesh, the Hindus and Muslims who crossed over during the partition of 1947, the Sudettenland Germans, Anatolian Greeks, Ionian Turks, and millions of others who decidedly do NOT have the right to return right now. Throw in the Azeris of Nagorno Karbakh,.

    The way you antiZionists can say something so patently in opposition of the facts and common sense, never ceases to amaze me. International law.. Right….

  47. B99 said on November 11th, 2009 at 4:15pm #

    The right of return applies to the Biharis in Bangladesh, the Hindus and Muslims who crossed over during the partition of 1947, the Sudettenland Germans, Anatolian Greeks, Ionian Turks, and millions of others, including Azeris – the only exception being those groups that were not coerced. Yes, the right of return belongs to ALL! – Its the LAW – and that’s a fact!

  48. Omri said on November 11th, 2009 at 4:39pm #

    “It’s the LAW” you say.

    What law? You morons trot out “international law” like it’s a game of Calvinball and you’re Calvin.

  49. sybil e bondi said on November 11th, 2009 at 5:07pm #

    the law according to civilised countries like iran,sudan,lybia,saudi arabia who all pass judgement on israel

  50. B99 said on November 11th, 2009 at 5:19pm #

    What to hell is Calvinball? What are you, 11 years old? I’m talking about the same Geneva Conventions Law that was bandied about to make sure the Kosovar refugees could return home. Bill Clinton trumpeted it. Almost everyone but the Serbs (and Ruskies) got on board. Of course, Israel was not so strangely silent about the matter. So, if you don’t believe in such a law, then I suppose you won’t complain if someone moves the Israelis out, no?

    Sybil – Here’s a list for you. Iran, Sudan, Libya(spelled correctly), Israel, Saudi Arabia. Which one pretends to be a full-fledged democracy while operating a race-based Apartheid regime in another people’s land? I’ll narrow it down for you – to two: It starts with ‘I.’

  51. sybil e bondi said on November 11th, 2009 at 7:38pm #

    well,the answer must be iran which has just held a fair democratic election,returning the very popular ahmedinejad to power with countrywide approval.
    lybia is spelt lybia in italy

  52. B99 said on November 11th, 2009 at 7:52pm #

    You guessed wrong Sibyl (how we spell it in America). Israel is the ONLY country in the world that illegally occupies another’s land – AND holds it under race-based Apartheid rule. It’s no wonder that other nations ‘pass judgment on Israel’ – the ‘let’s pretend we are like Europe’ country.

  53. Mary said on November 12th, 2009 at 4:22pm #

    Très bon. The boycott is growing. Israel must be getting rather worried.

    Ma’an News Agency 12/11/2009

    French union joins Israel boycott

    Bethlehem – A French labor union decided to join the international movement to apply Boycotts, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) on Israel, a statement from the National Work Confederation (Confédération Nationale du Travail – CNT) said Wednesday.

    “The commitment of the CNT to support the Palestinian people over many years has led us naturally to join this vital campaign to end the exploitation and occupation by Israel,” the document said.

    The international secretary of the union said it would also invite each of its constituent members to join the BDS campaign and participate in its activities.

    “Our joining this Boycott, Disinvestment and Sanctions campaign is coherent with our solidarity with Palestine, defined by our statement of support of the Palestinian people’s struggle, adopted by the CNT during its 2006 congress. This statement is the expression of the anti-colonial and internationalist principles of our union,” the statement continued.

    “It confirms our opposition to all forms of colonization and occupation as well as our solidarity with the oppressed against the oppressor,” the organization also said.

    “As it was done in the case of South Africa, this initiative aims at weighing through economic means and the media on the state of Israel until the unpunished oppression of the Palestinian people and the denial of their fundamental rights end,” the statement said.

    CNT describes itself as “an anti-capitalist internationalist union involved in social class struggles.”

    Originally launched with an appeal from 170 Palestinian civil society groups, the boycott campaign has been gaining momentum, especially since Israel’s war on the Gaza Strip last winter which left more than 1,400 Palestinians dead.

    In February, South African dock workers refused to offload cargo from Israeli ships in an expression of solidarity with Palestinians.

  54. mebosa ritchie said on November 13th, 2009 at 3:36am #

    mary, you seem to have missed this
    a chance for you to weep
    good to see the boycott campaign working

    The high-profile government and business delegation to Brazil, led by President Shimon Peres, is concluding its visit with two new agreements and ratification of a region-wide free trade agreement with Israel…

    Once fully implemented, the Israel-Mercosur FTA, already ratified by Uruguay and Paraguay, will have tremendous economic impact. Currently, Mercosur is seen to represent approximately 270 million people and a combined GDP of three trillion U.S. dollars. The FTA will gradually eliminate tariffs on 90 percent of the trade between Israel and Mercosur states, which totalled about two billion U.S. dollars in 2008.

    The decision to ratify the FTA at this time was made in honor of the state visit of President Peres to the South American country. This vote rejected a recommendation by the Brazilian Parliamentary Commission on Foreign Relations and National Defense against ratification of the FTA until Israel accepted the establishment of a new Arab state in Judea and Samaria. The ratification has one more stage, at the Senate level of the Brazilian National Congress.

    Argentina has yet to ratify the FTA with Israel, making it the only remaining member of Mercosur not to have done so. President Peres is due to visit Argentina on Sunday.

  55. Mary said on November 13th, 2009 at 3:55am #

    You are stalking me. Well I never. This too for good measure to make your day. Another hate filled man but frustrated fortunately. From Haaretz.
    Last update – 03:05 13/11/2009

    U.S. embassy concerned over possible Kahane memorial in Knesset
    By Jonathan Lis, Haaretz Correspondent

    The U.S. embassy asked Knesset Chairman Reuven Rivlin whether he intends to permit Knesset members to hold a ceremony in the plenum in memory of Rabbi Meir Kahane. …

    Israeli media reported that MK Michael Ben Ari (National Union) was planning to hold a plenum session in honor of former MK Kahane, around the Hebrew anniversary of the former Kach leader’s assassination.

    These reports sparked American concern…

    “We are talking about a provocation. The man and his outlawed [extremist] movement cannot be separated. This is an attempt to bring the Kach movement into the Knesset through the back door,” said Rivlin.

    Ben Ari appealed Rivlin’s decision, and gained the support of several Knesset members…
    Ben Ari slammed the American inquiry Thursday.

    “I was elected by the citizens of the independent state of Israel. Mitchell’s gross intervention crosses a red line. Its acceptance amounts to a genuflection by the chairman of the Knesset, which is supposed to be [a] sovereign [entity].

    “The weakness broadcast by Rivlin has turned the Knesset into a doormat. It’s amazing to see how American government officials are trying to get involved in the daily workings of the Knesset,” he said.

    Ben Ari had planned to fly to the U.S. on business Thursday, but remained in Israel after the U.S. Embassy refused to issue him a visa.

  56. beverly said on November 16th, 2009 at 8:14pm #

    I quit watching Stewart and Colbert a couple of years ago. It was painfully obvious that these two alledged hipster bullshit detectors were the usual poser liberals who aren’t about to cross too far over the line in calling out the masters and slave dwellers on the Democratic party plantation, NOR, were they going to buck the Israeli Lobby.

    Are the jokes and barbs on the two shows even funny anymore? Or are Stewart and Colbert like most late night comedians – handling Obama with kid gloves and light weight (non funny) humor for fear of being labelled racist? The late night writers need to read this site along with Counterpunch and Black Agenda Report. They’d find a shitload of stuff to zing Obama (and quite a few other sacred cows) on. I emailed Conan Obrien about the non funny jokes and suggested these sites but of course no response – and no funny jokes either.

  57. L. King said on November 26th, 2009 at 6:29am #

    Would the right of return apply retroactively? It was agreed to on December 10, 1948. A fair argument is that it would not apply to any refugees created before that point in time.

    You can’t break a law before its passed.