Harvard Besmirched

More Bathos in Academia

In the United States (and many other places), universities, for some reason, are rated hierarchically. One wonders how to make sense of an inegalitarian university system. Are students at a prestigious university taught differently than at a less prestigious university? Are there different academic requirements for obtaining a Bachelor of Arts in sociology at different universities? Do not most physical universities have professors, textbooks, classes, and exams? If so, then why do some people pander to the inegalitarianism of university elitism?

One university, in particular, is perennially in the upper stratosphere of universities. Harvard University finds itself at the apex of university rankings, both in the US and worldwide.THES – QS World University Rankings,” Wikipedia. “Academic Ranking of World Universities,” Wikipedia.

Why is Harvard so great ratings-wise? Harvard president Drew Gilpin Faust states, “People make a university great…”Drew Gilpin Faust, “A Message from the President,” the Office of the President, Harvard University.

Harvard boasts that seven of its alumni have become US presidents and that 40 Nobel laureates have been “produced” among its faculty.An Introduction,” The Harvard Guide: History, Lore, and More.

To assemble its sublime faculty, Harvard conducts nationwide or worldwide searches for “leading scholars and teachers in their fields” when appointing professors to tenured positions.Harvard’s Faculty,” The Harvard Guide: History, Lore, and More. If, indeed, Harvard does hire the cream of the academic professorship, then it should be very vigilant that professors maintain leading credentials, and, at the very least, Harvard should be very concerned when one of its faculty is accused of academic dishonesty, characterized as encompassing plagiarism, fabrication, deception, cheating, and sabotage.Academic dishonesty,” Wikipedia.

One Harvard law professor, Dr. Alan Dershowitz, appears to be guilty of plagiarism, fabrication, and sabotage. Frank J. Menetrez, PhD in philosophy and JD from UCLA, investigated in detail the charges of plagiarism leveled by Dr. Norman Finkelstein against Dershowitz.Frank J. Menetrez, “The Case Against Alan Dershowitz,” CounterPunch, 13 February 2008. Menetrez focused mainly on the issue of identical errors: that the errors in the book by Joan Peters, From Time Immemorial, were cited verbatim by Dershowitz in his book, The Case for Israel. Dershowitz cited the original source by Mark Twain in The Innocents Abroad, which did not contain these errors.Alan M. Dershowitz, “Menetrez’s False Allegations: Debating Norman Finkelstein,” CounterPunch, 26 February 2008.

Menetrez said that he received no response from the Harvard associate dean for academic affairs, N. Catherine Claypoole, on this identical errors issue and an incoherent response from Dershowitz. This issue is vital to the integrity of Harvard.

I reposed Menetrez’s question to Claypoole, with a copy to Dershowitz: “When Harvard looked into the plagiarism charges against Professor Dershowitz, did Harvard investigate the issue of allegedly identical errors in From Time Immemorial and The Case for Israel.”Frank J. Menetrez, “The Case Against Alan Dershowitz,” CounterPunch, 13 February 2008. I also emailed, separately, Harvard director of communication Mike Armini, who Menetrez jad also emailed. I received no reply from any of these individuals.

The failure to provide a straight answer to Menetrez’s question about whether Harvard investigated Finkelstein’s identical errors argument, despite Menetrez’s persistent inquiries, suggests that Harvard either did not investigate the identical errors issue or that it covered up its finding.

If, indeed, the investigation was not carried out on the identical errors issue, then Dershowitz appears to have made repeated and public misrepresentations about this misconduct. Furthermore, based on this — what appears to be uninvestigated — issue, Dershowitz has involved the reputation of Harvard University to cover up his own seeming misconduct. He also used Harvard’s backing of him to successfully campaign against tenure approval to Finkelstein.

Most fair-minded and honest people would concur with the sentiments expressed by Menetrez:

Harvard has a moral obligation to Finkelstein to acknowledge, at a bare minimum, that it has never completely cleared Dershowitz of Finkelstein’s plagiarism charges, because it has never rejected Finkelstein’s argument concerning the identical errors in The Case for Israel and From Time Immemorial.Frank J. Menetrez, “The Case Against Alan Dershowitz,” CounterPunch, 13 February 2008.

Was Dershowitz guilty of plagiarism? The question still hangs.

Plagiarism by professors is considered a major violation of academic standards that usually results in suspension or firing. Perhaps the biggest blow is to the integrity of the academic. Reputation is only as good as an individual’s or institution’s fidelity to integrity. In the case of Harvard, the refusal to openly investigate and divulge detailed findings on serious charges, along with the appearance of covering up academic dishonesty, speaks unfavorably to an institution which claims its greatness is based on its people.

Whether Harvard falls or not in university rankings is picayune. That the charge of plagiarism against one member of its faculty remains unconvincingly refuted besmirches an institution that should be at the forefront of protecting academic honesty.

Kim Petersen is an independent writer. He can be emailed at: kimohp at gmail.com. Read other articles by Kim.

47 comments on this article so far ...

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  1. D. R. Munro said on March 4th, 2008 at 6:52am #

    I’ve often considered this myself.

    I can read the same books they’re reading, so . . .

  2. jaime said on March 4th, 2008 at 8:57am #

    Well Kim, my guess is that the Harvard people dismissed your application because somebody there came and had a look at this fine website and decided that you were probably trying to muckrake a dead issue.

    I guess not everybody on staff there ” is Hezbollah.”

  3. hp said on March 4th, 2008 at 9:11am #

    No, but they’re most likely ‘kosher.’

  4. Lloyd Rowsey said on March 4th, 2008 at 9:53am #

    Why don’t you put up the questions posed to Dershowitz by Menetrez, and the incoherent response to them from Dershowitz, Kim? I’m not an academic or even knowledgable about proper citations, but this article leaves me confused regarding “plagerism,” “errors,” and “citations.”

  5. Lloyd Rowsey said on March 4th, 2008 at 10:10am #

    This plagerism issue IS old, if not dead, jamie. And I really don’t think dragging in Israel is helpful. I followed the issue briefly six months ago, and after reading Kim’s article closely, I regret to say I’m as confused over the above three words as I was six months ago. Just clearing up the meaning of the three words, in the context of Harvard’s justifiable or unjustifiable recent non-responsiveness to Kim, would appear difficult enough. Without that is, crying “Hezbollah” and letting loose the dogs of posted screeds.

  6. hp said on March 4th, 2008 at 1:05pm #

    Not to mention Dershowitz should be arrested for impersonating a Semite.

  7. Michael Kenny said on March 4th, 2008 at 1:28pm #

    You’ve fallen into Dershowitz’s trap! You’ve let him shift the agenda away from Finkelstein’s ideas and sidetrack you only a silly debate about plagerism! If Dershowitz reads article, he’ll probably laugh his head off!

  8. Amanda said on March 4th, 2008 at 1:52pm #

    This insitution is great but unfair!!

  9. HR said on March 4th, 2008 at 1:57pm #

    The plagiarism issue probably is dead, as dead as the issue of how the 2000 election was stolen by the “supreme” court. As dead as the issue of voting irregularities in 2004. As dead as the issue of continuing Israeli terrorism. It’s a sad state of affairs when major issues become dead issues just because people don’t care enough to make something of them. A society comprised of folks who have adopted the attitude of “forget it and move on” is destined to failure.

  10. Kim Petersen said on March 4th, 2008 at 2:49pm #

    “I reposed Menetrez’s question to Claypoole, with a copy to Dershowitz.”
    I had cc’ed the question to Dershowitz as well.

  11. jaime said on March 4th, 2008 at 3:56pm #

    Looks like the Menetrez “gambit” was precisely the wrong thing to do with Harvard, Kim.

    See: http://www.counterpunch.org/dershowitz02262008.html

    February 26, 2008
    Debating Norman Finkelstein
    Menetrez’s False Allegations


    Frank Menetrez, in “The Case Against Alan Dershowitz” on the CounterPunch website, absurdly repeats the politically motivated and false charge that I committed plagiarism by quoting Mark Twain and citing to the original Mark Twain book The Innocents Abroad, when, as he falsely claims, I found that quote in Joan Peters’ 1984 book From Time Immemorial.

  12. Kim Petersen said on March 4th, 2008 at 4:22pm #

    Guess again Jaime. All readers should read Menetrez’s rejoinder to Dershowitz at the end of the link (see footnote 7). It appears clear that Dershowitz is still squirming on the plagiarism allegation.

  13. jaime said on March 4th, 2008 at 5:23pm #


    Meanwhile, the Harvard people have accepted Dersh’s position and rejected your approach, Kim.

  14. Ray Ralph said on March 4th, 2008 at 5:26pm #

    I’m amazed by some of these comments. How can a charge of plagiarism be either “dead” or “silly”? The fact that the intial charge against Dershowitz was made several years ago does not mean that it is “dead.” Nor is a charge of plagiarism ever “silly.” Harvard suspends students who are found to have engaged in plagiarism and it has fired faculty members in the past for plagiarism. The charge of plagiarism is one of the most serious charges that can be made against a scholar. Frank Menetrez in his initial Counterpunch piece made a solid and basically irrefutably case that Dershowitz engaged in plagiarism. Dershowitz’s “reply” fails to answer most of Menetrez’s charges and inadequately responds to all of them. Menetrez’s rejoinder at the conclusion of Dershowitz’s weak and poorly argued response is convincing and definitive. Dershowitz has not been cleared of the charge that he is a plagiarist. Harvard’s failure to fully investigate and resolve this matter is a continuing blemish on the institution. The issue is neither “dead” nor “silly.”

  15. Kim Petersen said on March 4th, 2008 at 5:48pm #

    Ray Ralph’s comment encapsulates why I wrote this article.
    That Harvard accepts Dershowitz’s flimsy reasoning without detailed explanation does not exonerate Dershowitz, rather it besmirches its own reputation.

  16. jaime said on March 4th, 2008 at 6:09pm #

    I think it’s more the fact that Finkelstein has no cred @ Harvard, and those who tout him are given short shrift.

  17. Hue Longer said on March 4th, 2008 at 10:08pm #

    “Whatever”? !? Kim, I once accused you of being Jaime and you never responded, but is this like when one’s about to expose to all his angry friends that the troll is actually himself, the posts just get sillier and sillier until someone says “BS, Peterson! No one can be as fucking stupid as this jaime character you’ve made up”! Wait…it’s Sunil, isn’t it?

  18. Lloyd Rowsey said on March 5th, 2008 at 8:31am #

    Well, still not understanding the three words, I’ll tell a true story about me and “plagerism”. I graduated with a BA from Harvard in 1963. One summer previously while at summer school in Colorado, an unfortunate fellow student had requested that I write a short paper for him, and he offered me a substantial sum. I refused the offer, out of a certain academic sensibility. Many years later, while I was very dropped-out and trying unsuccessfully to make a contribution to the Movement with my writings, I learned that a poor, dumb football player was trying to find someone to write an at-least-ten-page essay on Flannery O’Connor’s short story, A Good Man Is Hard to Find. I’d read the story about a year previously and already had an essay about it in my mind. But when I mailed the 8-page piece to the guy, by return mail he imformed me he wouldn’t pay me, and I’d be lucky if he didn’t come by and beat the shit out of me.

    Save from “plagerism” ? By…the bell?

    GL Rowsey

  19. Lloyd Rowsey said on March 5th, 2008 at 8:34am #

    Or may he DID pay me. That was probably it.

    As a law school prof might ask: “Plagerism?”

  20. Hue Longer said on March 5th, 2008 at 8:44am #


    You make mescaline unnessasary…thank you for being you

  21. corylus said on March 5th, 2008 at 9:32am #

    Go back to sniffing glue, or whatever you do before you write. It sure ain’t thinking.

  22. Lloyd Rowsey said on March 5th, 2008 at 12:37pm #

    Thank you, Hue. That’s one I DIDN’T try. At least knowingly.

  23. Lloyd Rowsey said on March 5th, 2008 at 12:47pm #

    Kim. I was suggesting that dragging the actual exchange into DV — and hopefully thereby providing the basis for the enlightment of your readers regarding three little word — might be worthwhile. I understand however the irresistable and sometimes useful temptation to simplify (summarize?), and then let be, essentially academic wars.

    Besides, I was one of those who thought the 11-part series you co-authored and ran on Israel’s not being very nice was an astounding waste of DV space.

  24. Igor said on March 5th, 2008 at 3:01pm #


  25. Ray Ralph said on March 5th, 2008 at 3:54pm #

    Lloyd Rowsey says, “. . . this article leaves me confused regarding ‘plagerism’ [sic], ‘errors,’ and ‘citations.'” Later he says, “well, still not understanding the three words.” Still later, he calls for “enlightenment . . . of the reader regarding three little word.” One way to end your confusion, Mr. Rowsey, would be to look up the three words in a dictionary. It is hardly the author’s fault if your vocabulary is not extensive enough to comprehend all the words he uses. When you look up “plagiarism,” however, spell it the way I just did. Your spelling is incorrect.

  26. Lloyd Rowsey said on March 5th, 2008 at 5:20pm #

    thanx Ray. I did notice that yourself among others had spelled the word “plagiarism” differently from my phoneticism. As easily as I disregard my own spelling mistakes, i make up words, without getting real bothered about it.

    I do regret the fact that your getting upset about my spelling seems to indicate you feel some guilt by association with me, and hence detracts from the substance of your 5:26 pm comment above, which presented a viewpoint REGARDING ACADEMIA with which I am in total agreement.

    The importance of academia to the concerns and priorities of dissenting Americans in March of 2008 is another matter.

  27. Lloyd Rowsey said on March 5th, 2008 at 6:01pm #

    And Ray. Whatever it was called and however it was spelled, a student’s doing another student’s work was grounds for expulsion at Harvard forty-five years ago. Of course “grounds for” covered a lot of territory, and Harvard was (and likeley still is) very solicitous of its students, mainly in giving them sabbaticals rather than flunking them out, but doubtless also by overlooking minor cheating and cribsheets, etc.

    Trying to recall my state of mind in Colorado when I was tempted to accept money for letting another student claim his work was mine, I believe it was, “this is a VERY BAD idea if I ever want to be an academic, and I get caught. And even if I’m not caught, doing it could have a disastrous effect on my motivation to pursue an academic career.”

    But back to the rather pedantic matter your raised. The expulsionable activity of which I write seems even less like improper “citations” or “errors” to me than like….you know….the P-word.

  28. Ray Ralph said on March 5th, 2008 at 6:10pm #

    Why would I feel “guilt by association”? Your spelling error (or your point of view, for that matter) has absolutely nothing whatever to do with the substance of my above comments and it does not detract from them in any way. As far as Academia and “dissenting Americans” are concerned, what makes you think that there are no “dissenting Americans” in Academia? In what way does a discussion of plagiarism in Academia impinge upon your concerns and priorities as a “dissenting American”? There are many and diverse “dissenting Americans” who hold many different “concerns” and “priorities.” My “concerns” and “priorities” may not be exactly the same as your “concerns” and “priorities” but they are no less significant.

  29. Ray Ralph said on March 5th, 2008 at 6:17pm #

    Correct spelling is now “pedantic”? I’ll have to think about that.

  30. dan e said on March 5th, 2008 at 6:45pm #

    “I don’t keep dogs, or wimmen in my roo oom…”

    –Harvard Blues
    Jimmy Rushing w/Count Basie 1938

  31. Ray Ralph said on March 5th, 2008 at 7:19pm #

    Hey dan e, How wonderful to run into another Jimmy Rushing fan here on DV. If you don’t already know it, check out Rushing’s 1960 collaboration with the Dave Brubeck Quartet titled “Brubeck and Rushing.” Although there would seem to be few less likely pairings than Brubeck and Rushing, this album does a remarkable job of fusing Brubeck’s progressive jazz sound with Rushing’s “shouting” of the blues. It’s a great album.

  32. Lloyd Rowsey said on March 5th, 2008 at 8:53pm #

    Objectively less significant, Ray. You would grant there’s possibly a distinction btw what you consider significant and what IS significant, right?

    And I’ll bow out here, if you still don’t get my point. Kim either will or will not agree with you that it’s worth DV’s time to rehash a critical issue as far as academia goes, instead of putting up other articles of more pressing concerns to DV and its readers.

    Lemme ask you, you have sampled other articles in DV, right, Ray?

  33. Ray Ralph said on March 5th, 2008 at 9:32pm #

    Lloyd Rowsey, Why do I have this feeling that you think that you are in possession of some special wisdom that permits you to determine with certainty what IS significant and what isn’t? I certainly do know what is significant TO ME. You certainly do know what is significant TO YOU! However, neither of us in a position, or possesses some unerring standard of judgment, that permits us to tell others what is and isn’t (or should or shouln’t be) significant TO THEM. You are the one who is arrogantly insisting that he knows with certainty what is and isn’t significant to everyone, or to quote your own words “of more pressing concerns to DV and its readers.” Who says that you are so wise or your discernment so correct that you can speak to what is and is not of “pressing concern” to DV and its readers? Maybe others are amused or impressed with such obtuse and self important arrogance. I am not. Cut the crap!

    Not only have I “sampled” other DV articles, but if you had bothered to “sample” some of the other articles here today you would know that I have commented on several of them. You have been too busy here, I guess, telling others what is or isn’t or what should or shouldn’t be significant to them at this particular point in time. Why you think you are in a position to do so, I cannot comprehend. Self-appointed dictators, however, we definitely do not need on DV. Thanks just the same!

  34. Angie Tibbs said on March 5th, 2008 at 11:12pm #

    Lloyd Rowsey admits he cannot spell. He has also demonstrated a deficiency in counting abilities. It was a 12 part series on Israeli racism by Kim Petersen and B.J. Sabri, not an 11-part series, and it was, from my perspective, one of the best uses I’ve seen of DV space or any space.

    With respect to the topic of Kim Petersen’s current article, that being allegations of Dershowitz’s plagiarism, and Harvard’s inability and/or unwillingness to properly investigate same, having watched the “debate” between NF and AD, I have serious doubts if Dershowitz even read the book much less wrote it. One cannot escape how little he appears to know about his supposedly own creation. See Here

  35. Lloyd Rowsey said on March 5th, 2008 at 11:43pm #

    Thank you, AT.

  36. Sunil Sharma said on March 6th, 2008 at 1:39am #

    Hue Longer wrote: “No one can be as fucking stupid as this jaime character you’ve made up”! Wait…it’s Sunil, isn’t it?”

    Believe me, I couldn’t possibly dream up a piece of work like Jaime. I’ll take it as a compliment, though, that you would suggest I possess such imaginative prowess, but no, Jaime is an unfortunate fact of life. Good for sick entertainment I suppose . . . .

  37. Shabnam said on March 6th, 2008 at 10:29am #

    Well said Igor. You may add Chomsky to your list since he is a good
    friend of Finkelstein as well as Zunes. All deny the influence of the
    Zionist Lobby on US foreign policy. They use “US made helicopter killed Palestinian babies” to diminish crimes of the Zionists and deflect attention from Israel. Michael Barker has already criticized the role of Stephen Zunes, one of Chomsky’s close associate, who is a peace activist in one of the imperialist “soft power” organization.


  38. shlomo getz said on March 6th, 2008 at 1:19pm #

    why focus on this one issue of plagiarism? dershowitz is a mediocrity. he is so hate filled he belongs no where that has humans. harvard is 2nd rate as long as there are dead weight propagandists like him occupying positions deserved by others who are qualified.

    his only qualification and it is the qualification that continues to give status positions to the likes of wolfowitz, feith, wurmser, all the kagans and pipes, they are zionists – fanatically so.

  39. Lloyd Rowsey said on March 7th, 2008 at 7:06am #

    amen all around, shlomo. And what about henry kissinger? who doesn’t even need to publish to be a “dead weight propagandist”?

  40. hp said on March 7th, 2008 at 9:34am #

    Wolfowitz, Feith, Wurmser, Kissinger, Mukasey, Chertoff.
    All dual citizen ISRAELIS.

  41. dan e said on March 7th, 2008 at 3:13pm #

    Hey, RayRalph! Arright!!

    Okay, I’ll cf. yr Dave Brubeck & raise ya Dizzy Gillespie, but first the text for Today’s Sermon:
    Reinhart Reinhart, I’m a most indifferent guy,
    reinhart reinhart I’ma most indifrnt guy.
    I LOVE my babee: that ain’t no harvard lie…

    Just discoverd few days ago Amazon Mp3s, they play on Itunes, buy one track for 99cents, one click. Day fore yesterdy I bought a track from Duke Ellington Jazz Party: “Hello Little Girl”, w/Diz & Mr 5X5. Best Diz solo ever heard, when the brass section comes in, raised hair back my neck. “Same Little guy brought You from TEnnassee…”

    Kim will give you my email if you want, glad t meetcha!

    1960 you said? Hmm, never liked Brubeck much after he got rid that highly unique & original drummer, one with the ENORMOUS bass drum? hehe, I’m djaivn:)

    “keep swingen”,


  42. Lloyd Rowsey said on March 7th, 2008 at 5:15pm #

    And I now take my hat off to Samantha Power, Harvard professor extraordinary.

  43. Ray Ralph said on March 7th, 2008 at 8:33pm #

    dan e: My favorite Dizzy Gillespie recording is probably his 1954 collaboration with Roy Eldridge (titled Roy and Diz) and the Oscar Peterson Trio (Ray Brown and still Herb Ellis besides Oscar) and with Louis Bellson on drums. The rivalry between Dizzy and Roy works to good effect on this album, as each one of them tries to outdo the other guy on virtually every song.

    I’m not a big Brubeck fan either, but I very much like his collaboration with Rushing. I’m very much into female jazz vocalists, Ella especially but also Sarah and Billie and Nina Simone and Peggy Lee and Etta James.

  44. maryb said on March 8th, 2008 at 1:27am #

    I am afraid to say that the American Groves of Academe are to be further besmirched by the arrival of Tony Blair to Yale:

    ‘Tony Blair is to expand his interest in inter-faith relations by taking on a part-time role teaching about “faith and globalisation” at Yale. The former prime minister, who is the Middle East envoy for the Quartet of the EU, Russia, the UN and the US, will lead a seminar at the prestigious American university next year.

    News of Mr Blair’s latest role comes after he was awarded Yale’s Howland Distinguished Fellowship, created in 1915 for any “citizen of any country in recognition of some achievement of marked distinction in the field of literature or fine arts or the science of government”. Richard Levin, Yale’s President, said: “The appointment of Mr Blair provides a tremendous opportunity for our students and our community. As the world continues to become increasingly interdependent, it is essential that we explore how religious values can be channelled toward reconciliation rather than polarisation.

    “Mr Blair has demonstrated outstanding leadership in these areas and is especially qualified to bring his perspective to bear. We are honoured that he is planning to join the Yale community.”
    [The Independent March 8 2008 James McIntyre]

    There is obviously a cosy relationship between Yale and Blair as the eldest Blair scion, Euan, attended there in 2006 to much speculation in the UK as to why this wealthy family (mother Cherie is a High Court Judge) should need to receive financial help of this nature.

    ‘And when newspapers reported that Yale had also awarded Blair a $92,000 full tuition scholarship to study in New Haven, some commentators asked why the financial support was needed by the wealthy Blair family and questioned whether the prime minister had used his position to secure an elite education for his son. But others have argued that Blair’s acceptance was likely for the right reasons — he has a background in politics, performed reasonably well academically, and may add to the diversity and experiences of Yale’s student body’.

  45. dan e said on March 8th, 2008 at 3:09pm #

    RR —

    Yeah, Little Jazz:) Usta have that album — yeah they sure pushed each other. Surprising how much Roy cd sound like Diz when he wanted, of course John Birks grew up copying Roy before he got into his own thing.

    Little Jazz, makes me smile just to think of him. Here’s one for your Anecdote file: winter of 1965 sitting in the Five Spot, lower Manhattan, 3:30AM? I’m sitting there writing part of the preamble to the Constitution & Bylaws of the about-to-be-launched Progressive Labor Party, listening to Roy E & Rahsaan Roland Kirk’s quartets trade sets:) With Three-Finger Horace Parlan on piano.

    Roy Eldridge: only hornplayer cd come on after Prez & bring the whole set to a climax. Ever hear that JATP, where Yard’s turn comes up right after Lester? Hehe, it’s funny:) Boys vs men:) But that was just that one time, as anybody who’s heard Yard come in on “In the still of night” knows:)
    PS, you left out Dinah Washington, greatest of them all cept Billie maybe. Alive now? Bobi Cespedes, Vivito Y Coleando:)
    PPS, ever hear Dakota Staton? “the late late show”?

  46. Lloyd Rowsey said on March 8th, 2008 at 11:55pm #

    Thanks, Maryb. I didn’t know about the Blairs. Whoever has argued that Euon Blair’s acceptance at Yale “was for the right reasons,” the same can hardly be argued for his “$92,000 full scholarship.”

    At Harvard in 1959, “honorary freshman scholarships” were awarded to about ten percent of the admitted freshmen whose transcripts justified the award of scholarship money but who could afford to attend without any form of financial aid.

    It is appalling to me that over fifty years later, some one with a father as wealthy as Tony Blair can be awarded a monetary (as opposed to an honorary) scholarship at Yale.

  47. Lloyd Rowsey said on March 9th, 2008 at 12:06am #

    Uh, I believe I’m rightly accused of not being able to spell. That should be “Euan” not “Euon.” And of not being able to add. That should be “over forty-five years” not “over fifty years.”

    And I might add as long as I’m at it. I’m appalled at Yale’s awarding Euan Blair a monetary scholarship, but not surprised. Yale has always been an incomparably more elitist institution than Harvard.