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You searched for wilkinson and got 77 results.
by T.P. Wilkinson / January 12th, 2019
Frei Betto spoke with the author at the Dominican convent in São Paulo, Brazil. Frei Betto (Carlos Alberto Libânio Christo) was born in 1944 in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. He began his political engagement as Catholic student and was imprisoned by the military regime that seized power in 1964 and ruled until 1985. I interviewed him […]
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by Robert Bohm / November 13th, 2018
Diego Rivera’s painting at the beginning of this article is called “Gloriosa victoria” (“Glorious Victory”) and was done by him in 1954 as a protest against the U.S. overthrow of Guatemala’s democratically elected government that same year. At the painting’s center, U.S. Sec. of State John Foster Dulles shakes hands with the new (Washington-approved) president […]
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by Graham Peebles / June 9th, 2018
Year on year the economic divisions and sub-divisions in the world deepen, the associated social ills increase: The rich, comfortable, and the very extremely rich keep getting richer, and the rest, well, whilst some may be raised up out of crippling poverty into relative poverty, the majority of people continue to live under a blanket […]
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by Edward Curtin / March 14th, 2018
Donald Trump’s days of playing the passive/aggressive host of a reality-television game show are coming to an end. Either he fires all the apprentices who might slightly hesitate to wage a much larger world war and lets the bombs fly, or he will be replaced by one who will. Signs are that he has learned […]
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by Media Lens / June 15th, 2017
Last week, Jeremy Corbyn humbled the entire political and corporate media commentariat. With a little help from Britain’s student population. And with a little help from thousands of media activists. Without doubt this was one of the most astonishing results in UK political history. Dismissed by all corporate political pundits, including the clutch of withered […]
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by Graham Peebles / May 5th, 2017
Anxiety and depression are at unprecedented levels worldwide and the numbers are growing. The World Health Organization (WHO) describes it as an epidemic, and estimates that 615 million people are suffering from one or other of these debilitating diseases. A staggering number, that in all likelihood is an indication only of the depth of the […]
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by Leftist Critic / April 14th, 2017
• Read Part One here The United States (US) government, only 23 years old, had declared war on the British Empire, beginning Mr. Madison’s War. This article continues the series about this war, showing that the largely agrarian US engaged in an imperialist war, lasting from June 18, 1812 until February 18, 1815, with an […]
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by T.P. Wilkinson / November 24th, 2016
Editor’s Note: Dr. Wilkinson delivered this paper about Haiti to a colloquium commemorating 40 years of study of African literature at the University of Porto. ***** Permit me to begin by saying that I am new to African literary studies. My academic training has been in the fields of political science, comparative literature, women’s studies, […]
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by T.P. Wilkinson / September 15th, 2016
In 2014 I reviewed what was promoted as a significant revision in the interpretation of what in Britain and continental Europe is called “The Great War” and since 1945 has been popularly called the “First World War”. ((T.P. Wilkinson. “Peculiar Omission in Award Winning Book,” Dissident Voice, July 21, 2014.)) The revisionary aspect was the […]
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by T.P. Wilkinson / August 19th, 2016
In the great scheme of things a minor confusion or disturbance in the routine of less mainstream journalism, whether called progressive, left or radical — terms which themselves confuse more than they clarify — has no great consequences. No revolts occur and none are quelled. But the exchange in these pages, especially the observation that […]
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by Denis Rancourt / June 21st, 2016
Summary: I show that the de facto police practice of constant random harassment by carding and other means, combined with less frequent unprovoked executions and prosecutions using false charges, in containing groups targeted for containment is exactly the most effective and efficient strategy for hierarchical containment developed by evolution and described by primate anthropologists. As […]
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by Kim Petersen and B.J. Sabri / January 7th, 2016
I cannot help asking those who have forced that situation: Do you realize what you have done? — Russian President Vladimir Putin pointing to the US policy in the Middle East, address to the United Nations General Assembly, 2015, excerpts on CNBC. Americans Have Constantly Destroyed Others. — French actor Gerard Depardieu. Is it best […]
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by T.P. Wilkinson / April 27th, 2015
In 1966, the US anthropologist Jules Henry wrote in The Nation: The establishment throughout Southeast Asia of industrial complexes backed by American capital is sure to have a salutary effect on the development of our foreign involvement: the vast land’s cheap labour pool will permit competition with the lower production costs of Chinese and Japanese […]
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by James Hoover / January 18th, 2015
The Republican retreat in Hershey, PA is rather symbolic of their tactics and their attitude toward the people. The Hershey brand of chocolate is a perfect metaphor for the Republican tactic of rebranding with the most appealing and tasty stances but never delivering on the nutritional substance. Then like a metaphor of Recycle and Reuse, […]
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by T.P. Wilkinson / August 9th, 2014
Douglas Valentine explained the purpose or at least the subject of his study of the Vietnam Phoenix Program as “terror and its role in political warfare”. He is generous, like most Americans—even critical ones—when he writes “It will show how, as successive American governments sink deeper and deeper into the vortex of covert operations—ostensibly to […]
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by Scott Noble / June 18th, 2014
It is often said that the invention of terrible weapons of destruction will put an end to war. That is an error. As the means of extermination are improved, the means of reducing men who hold the state conception of life to submission can be improved to correspond. — Leo Tolstoy, The Kingdom of God […]
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by Daniel Borgström / April 22nd, 2014
For the last month we’ve been occupying the Pacifica National Office, barricaded in, 24/7, taking turns standing watch, resisting the rogue board. We’re KPFA listeners and programmers, United for Community Radio members, with help from our allies at other Pacifica stations. Here’s how this came about: On the night of March 13th the Executive Director […]
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by Adam W. Parsons / January 22nd, 2014
In recent years, the concept and practice of sharing resources is fast becoming a mainstream phenomenon across North America, Western Europe and other world regions. The internet is awash with articles and websites that celebrate the vast potential of sharing human and physical assets, in everything from cars and bicycles to housing, workplaces, food, household […]
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by Paul Haeder / December 25th, 2013
It’s the 25th, and I am thinking about my buddy Jacob. He’s 25, riddled with PTSD, Battle of Fallujah, Marines, young spirited, radicalized at boot camp and then in country. It was a big scam, but one that ate at his heart. Scam, lie, bullshit war, and now, another year goes by, and the Gitmo […]
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by Susan Rosenthal / December 2nd, 2013
The greatest challenge facing socialist organizations is learning how not to split. A veteran socialist said that in the 1970s. If we had we learned this lesson, the socialist left would be much, much larger today. But we have not learned it, and we remain relatively tiny. Since our primary goal is to grow, we […]
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by Susan Rosenthal / September 2nd, 2013
If a book’s value can be measured by its ability to antagonize right-wing ‘think-tanks,’ then this book is priceless. The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger by R. Wilkinson & K. Pickett (2009/2011) challenges everything we’ve been told about why people get sick and what it takes to be healthy. While public campaigns […]
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by Paul Haeder / March 19th, 2013
David Eggers’ book brings us something more than Mailer, Hemingway — a New World of Literature About US(A) I’m watching this thing about how a gigantic new bridge in Oakland, California, is being made in China. Can you imagine? Now they’re making our goddamned bridges, Alan. I got to say, I saw everything else coming. […]
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by Adnan Al-Daini / October 2nd, 2012
One of the most powerful sustaining characteristics that make us unique among the animal kingdom is hope. It is what sustains us in times of hardship, tragedy and despair. Austerity mania, for the 99%ers, that is currently sweeping Europe, is getting close to killing hope. The evidence that austerity measures are not working is all […]
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by Adnan Al-Daini / June 9th, 2012
So let me get this right: free market economists’, right wing politicians and commentators’ solution to the economic depression engulfing Europe and the U.S. is to cut government spending, slash welfare payments to the bone, and make it easier for employers to fire people. Additionally, cut taxes to those at the top and give them […]
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by Adnan Al-Daini / December 2nd, 2011
George Osborne, the British Chancellor’s autumn statement may be many things, but fair and just it is not. Some of the poorest members of our society, public workers, who do valuable work that distinguishes a caring society from one that is not, are to carry a heavy load for dire economic conditions not of their […]
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by Adnan Al-Daini / October 31st, 2011
The greed, excess and selfishness that brought liberal democracy and capitalism to the edge of the abyss have been demonstrated once again by the latest research from Income Data Services (IDS). It shows that the pay of directors of the UK’s top businesses (FTSE 100) rose by 49% over the past year, bringing their average […]
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by William Blum / May 3rd, 2011
Iraq: Let us not forget what “humanitarian intervention” looks like. Libya: Let us not be confused as to why Libya alone has been singled out for “humanitarian intervention”. On April 9, Condoleezza Rice delivered a talk in San Francisco. Or tried to. The former Secretary of State was interrupted repeatedly by cries from the audience […]
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by Ben Winegard and Cortne Jai Winegard / April 19th, 2011
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times … — Charles Dickens The neoliberal revolution, which began in the 1970s, has produced inequality not seen since the gilded age. ((Saez, E., & Picketty, T. (1998). Income inequality in the United States, 1913-1998. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 118, 1-39.)) From circa 1942 […]
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by William Blum / March 29th, 2011
Libya and The Holy Triumvirate The words they find it very difficult to say — “civil war”. Libya is engaged in a civil war. The United States and the European Union and NATO — The Holy Triumvirate — are intervening, bloodily, in a civil war. To overthrow Moammar Gaddafi. First The Holy Triumvirate spoke only […]
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by James Keye / December 3rd, 2010
When the events of your world are clearly in conflict with your deepest values; when you are being told that others know what is best, that they have access to determinative information that you cannot have; when you know that you are being lied to, your efforts misused, misdirected and you feel the figurative bruises […]
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