men protesting the presence of weapons of mass destruction in North Dakota
were sentenced to federal prison terms of over three years and ordered to
pay $17,000 in restitution by a federal judge in Bismarck. The three
dressed as clowns and went to the Echo-9 launch site of the
intercontinental Minuteman III nuclear missile in rural North Dakota in
June 2006. They broke the lock off the fence and put up peace banners and
posters. One said: "Swords into plowshares - Spears into pruning hooks."
They poured some of their own blood on the site, hammered on the nuclear
launching facility and waited to be arrested.
The Minuteman III missile has over 20 times
the destructive power of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima and can reach a
target within 6000 miles in 35 minutes. The men called their action the
“Weapons of Mass Destruction Here Plowshares.”
Dressed in faded black striped prison uniforms and blue cloth slippers,
they appeared before the federal court for sentencing. Fr. Carl Kabat, 73,
a catholic priest from St. Louis with a life-long history of resistance to
nuclear weapons was sentenced to 15 months in prison. Greg Boetje-Obed,
52, a former Navy officer living with his family in the Catholic Worker
community in Duluth Minnesota was given a 12 month and one day prison
sentence. Michael Walli, 58, also with the Loaves and Fishes Catholic
Worker in Duluth received 8 months. All were ordered to pay $17,000
During their trial, the men openly admitted try to disarm the nuclear
weapon. They pointed out to the jury that each one of these missiles was a
devastating weapon of mass destruction, a killing machine precisely
designed to murder hundreds of thousands. Testimony by experts about the
illegality of these weapons of mass destruction under international law
and their effects were excluded by the court and never heard by the jury.
The 40-ton Minuteman III site they damaged lies deep in rural North
Dakota, at a site called Echo-9 about 100 miles north of Bismarck. Coiled
beneath the surface of a bland concrete bunker, it is clearly visible from
the gravel road. In fact, the otherwise pastoral countryside of farms and
silos is full of nuclear weapon silos. One nuclear weapon launching site
lies just across the road from a big farmhouse, another just down the road
from a camp for teens. There are 150 other such nuclear launching
facilities in North Dakota alone.
At the sentencing, Father Carl Kabat, who has already spent 16 years in
prison for peace protests, spoke simply and directly to the court and
prosecutor. “I believe that you, brother judge and brother prosecutor,
know that the Minuteman III at E-9 is insane, immoral and illegal, but
your actions protected that insanity, that immorality and that illegality.
Brother judge, you could have possibly been a Rosa Parks, but your actions
said “no.” We all can openly and publicly condemn North Korea for nuclear
bombs. We can openly and publicly condemn Iraq for nuclear weapons and go
to war with them. We can openly and publicly condemn Iran for nuclear
buildup, but we do not publicly condemn the United States for the same?”
Fr. Kabat then challenged all of us, “What is the use of post marking our
mail with exhortations to “Pray for Peace” and then spending billions of
dollars on atomic armed submarines, thermonuclear weapons and ballistic
Michael Walli reaffirmed his continuing conviction of the illegality and
immorality of these weapons. He pointed out that Irish Courts allowed
juries to hear about international law. Recently, after learning that US
jets were stopping at Shannon Airport to refuel on their way to bomb Iraq,
the Pitstop Plowshares went onto the runway, poured their blood on it and
started to take up the tarmac to prevent additional flights. After two
mistrials, these peace protestors were acquitted on all counts earlier
this year by an Irish jury who heard an expert on international law and
other witnesses explain the illegality of the U.S. actions. To conclude
his sentencing statement, the Peace Prayer of St. Francis was read into
the record.
Greg Boetje-Obed appealed to the judge to consider the testimony of the
mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki about the horrific effects of a tiny
nuclear weapon on their communities, testimony the court would not allow
the jury to hear. He asked the judge to re-consider expert testimony from
Professor Francis Boyle about the criminality of nuclear weapons under
international law and the UN resolutions calling for nuclear disarmament,
evidence also kept from the jury.
The judge challenged Greg Boertje-Obed’s decision to take actions that
risked a year in prison instead of staying home with his family. “Why
would one leave a wife and daughter at home to engage in juvenile acts of
vandalism to protest nuclear weapons? I would think your commitment to
your family should far outweigh your calling to such actions.” Greg’s
wife, Michelle Naar Obed, was in the courtroom during this exchange. After
the sentencing was over, Michelle shook her head and said, “If Greg had
left us his for a year and risked his life to go to war to kill people, no
one would question him -- they would call him a hero! But, because he
risked time in jail to act out his convictions for peace, people question
his commitment to his family. That is a tragic.”
What does it say about our society that personal sacrifices to go to war
to kill people in war are praised, while personal sacrifices for peace are
condemned? What does it say that intentional destruction of cities and
communities and families and individuals are considered totally legal,
while actions trying to dismantle weapons of mass destruction send people
to prison? Until those interested in peace are willing to make the same
sacrifices as those interested in war, peace will not prevail. These three
men have proven they are willing to pay the price for peace. Their courage
and sacrifice challenges us all.
While these men serve their time in prison, one hundred fifty weapons of
mass destruction sit peacefully free and protected in the fields of North
Dakota. The law protects these weapons and finds those who try to protect
the world from their holocaust criminals. If the weapons are ever used,
the people of North Dakota will not need the news to tell them. The
thunderous fiery launch of these weapons will signal the failure of
justice and the end of life as we know it.
Bill Quigley
is a human rights lawyer and law professor at Loyola University New
Orleans. He helped the defendants in their trial. He can be reached at:
For more information about the men contact
the Loaves and Fishes Community in Duluth at 218.728.0629 or Nukewatch at
715.472.4185. Copies of some pleadings in the case, pictures, updates and
addresses for the men are posted on the Jonah House website
Other Articles by Bill
Robin Hood in
Reverse: Corporate and Government Looting of the Gulf Coast
* Convictions:
The Trial of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Here Plowshares Clowns
* Trying to
Make It Home: New Orleans One Year After Katrina
* Weapons of
Mass Destruction Discovered Here
* Ten Months
After Katrina: Gutting New Orleans
* HUD to New
Orleans Poor: “Go F(ind) Yourself (Housing)!”
* “Don’t Come
Back to New Orleans Unless You Intend to Join the Fight for Justice!”
* Seven Months
After Katrina: Tales of Lunacy and Hope from New Orleans
* 6 Months
After Katrina: Who Was Left Behind Then and Who is Being Left Behind Now?
* Prison
Meeting with Pere Jean-Juste (12.13.05)
* Rights
Leaders Call for Freedom for Jean-Juste, Neptune and Haitian Political
No Home for
the Holidays: Stop Evictions of Katrina Evacuees
* Why Are
They Making New Orleans a Ghost Town?
* New
Orleans: Leaving the Poor Behind Again!