to their own well-deserved bad PR following decades of unsustainable
logging and road building on national forest lands in the Northern
Rockies and elsewhere, the U.S. Forest Service has been attempting to
redefine the terms of the debate so the public will accept more
industrial logging and road building in our public forests.
These days, as we pore over the
government's environmental documents, rarely are timber sales offered up
solely for economic purposes. In almost every proposal, we read that
"vegetation restoration" (i.e., logging) is needed, ironically enough,
in order to compensate for the negative consequences of earlier logging
and fire suppression, the latter of which was often done at the behest
of the logging industry.
But whereas there is a vigorous scientific debate over whether
industrial logging can actually restore our forests, there is simply no
debate over the immediate need to restore watersheds -- with stream
ecosystems unraveling and native fish habitat choked by sediment
following decades of road building and logging. The watershed
restoration needs here in the Northern Rockies are immense with Forest
Service estimates indicating that nearly 85% of the fish-passage
culverts in our region are currently impassable to fish coupled
with a road maintenance backlog of over $1.3 billion on the 67,000 miles
of roads that crisscross our forests and watersheds.
Unfortunately, Congress has yet to appropriately prioritize and
adequately fund genuine watershed restoration for our national forests.
Perhaps this is due to the fact that since 1990 the logging industry and
their lobbyists have given members of Congress $39 million in campaign
contributions, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
In recent years, the Forest Service has
been displaying the disturbing tendency to utilize industrial logging as
a way to raise funds for watershed restoration through something given
the positive sounding name of "stewardship contracting." One such
example is the Fishtrap logging project located twenty miles north of
Thompson Falls, Montana, within a remote corner of the forest. The
Fishtrap project calls for 3 1/2 square miles of industrial logging in
unroaded wildlands, old-growth forests and important habitat for grizzly
bears and bull trout.
The Forest Service wanted to "implement
the Fishtrap project through stewardship contracting in order to
accomplish as much of the identified restoration opportunities on the
ground as possible. Stewardship contracting facilitates land restoration
and enhancement efforts by using value of the traded goods (timber) for
important work on the ground."
In some ways, this seems almost like extortion, forcing the public to
permit logging in what are usually heavily logged watersheds so that
some watershed restoration can be achieved. Obviously, this begs the
question: how many timber sales would the agency have to hold in any
given watershed, in order to get the excessive roads removed, the
sediment sources fixed, the streams and streamside zone fully
functioning, the fish populations recovered and the weeds controlled?
Institute raised this question in the case of the Fishtrap
project. The answer we got back was a tacit admission that the Forest
Service's logging-for-watershed-restoration paradigm won't net nearly
enough money to restore all the identified road and watershed problems
in Fishtrap Creek. The Lolo National Forest stated, "Because road
management and watershed restoration opportunities far exceeded
anticipated revenues, only the highest priority road treatments" were
included in the decision, thus other watershed restoration needs were
put on indefinite hold until funds might be found. However, the 3 1/2
square miles of industrial logging are fully funded by the decision.
Another, perhaps more insidious, form of
extortion involves the Bitterroot National Forest, where the agency is
resorting to a different sort of propaganda. In recognition of a
legitimate need to reduce fire risk to a narrow stretch of private land
along the East Fork of the Bitterroot River, the agency offered up the
Middle East Fork logging project, under the auspices of the Healthy
Forests Restoration Act.
However, instead of focusing limited fuel reduction resources along the
ownership boundary, the Bitterroot National Forest also proposed to log
nearly 4,000 acres of unlogged, old-growth forests far from the
community. In response to agency scientists and other researchers who
indicate that fuel reduction must be more narrowly prioritized, and to
counter the Forest Service's unfounded claims that logging old-growth
would "restore fire-adapted ecosystems," the WildWest Institute and
Friends of the Bitterroot -- together with retired Forest
Service rangers, loggers, hikers, hunters and local residents --
proposed a smaller, more focused alternative that, according to the
Forest Service, would have reduced fuels on 1,600 acres, created 45 jobs
and pumped $1 million into the local economy.
Our alternative was also in recognition that the Middle East Fork
project area is still recovering from past Forest Service mismanagement
including clearcutting, terracing and excessive road building, which was
so egregious that it lead to Congress passing the National Forest
Management Act in 1976. In fact, a third of the entire analysis area has
already been logged and the roads in the project area are currently
dumping over 150 tons of sediment into streams annually.
We also requested that the Bitterroot National Forest create a list of
all needed watershed restoration actions for the Middle East Fork
project area, so that the Environmental Impact Statement would inform
the public how much money it would take -- and how many jobs would be
available for local workers -- to restore the badly damaged watersheds
in the project area.
Unfortunately, Bitterroot Supervisor David Bull refused to provide such
information, saying, "The Healthy Forests Restoration Act does not
address or authorize such unrelated activities for watershed improvement
purposes." If the HFRA is truly about restoring healthy forests, we
wonder just how in the world that goal is accomplished without
bona-fide, ecologically based watershed restoration work. And what good
is a Healthy Forests Restoration Act if the best that can be provided to
the imperiled bull trout is an impaired status quo?
In order bring to light our federal government's disingenuous and
ineffective logging-for-watershed-restoration paradigm -- and due to
other illegalities within both the Fishtrap and Middle East Fork logging
projects -- we have initiated the checks and balances provided by the
third branch of government, by filing suit in U.S. District Court, in
order to hold the Forest Service accountable and make sure that this
government agency follows the law.
As the old saying goes: "When there's a will, there's a way." In the
case of restoring our national forests, the WildWest Institute is
working with diverse interests on many levels to find alternatives to
the current, dysfunctional paradigm. We believe the opportunities are
nearly endless and bona-fide restoration work could provide jobs for
generations. Unfortunately, until Congress and the Forest Service
demonstrate the same willingness to make watershed and ecologically
based restoration activities a top priority, our public watersheds,
forests and wildlife will continue to be compromised.
Jeff Juel
is Ecosystem Defense Director of the