couldn't sleep replaying in my mind everything I have recently read
and heard from savvy observers who think as I do regarding the looming
crisis. I tried counting sheep, but as someone who once raised sheep, it
didn't work. It just led to thinking about shearing and spinning and all the
nice organic lamb we used to put in the freezer. I won't go into
particulars about what is coming down the pike regarding the real estate
situation, dollar, foreign entanglements, energy and the corrupt financial,
political and corporate non-ethics that are destroying this country. Many
are doing that. Instead, I'd like to address self reliance and taking
control of one's life.
If you wake in the morning, turn up the
thermostat, pour your coffee from a coffeemaker, grab your car keys, and
head out to fill the gas tank before hitting the highway to go work for the
man, you may soon be screwed. If you wake in the morning and stoke the
woodstove with seasoned pieces you have cut, stacked and piled to dry, walk
to the barn and gather eggs and milk the cow or goat, check the garden for
newly ripened produce, and return to the house with your bounty, you are a
man or woman who works harder than most, but you are blessed and will be
more blessed as time passes.
If you are an urban dweller who has created a garden from a small patch
of earth alongside your house, or who plants herbs and patio tomatoes
in buckets on the porch or in a sunny window, you are on the right track,
and I'll bet you have an inkling as to the disaster that we may soon be
facing. More than half of our food is imported, and this percentage will
rise in
proportion to the number of acres that are reassigned to producing
plant crops for ethanol. Fuel prices will rise again, and the net result
will extend to increased costs of transportation, including of our food. We
were recently shocked to learn that Chinese wheat tainted with an
extremely toxic chemical managed to get into a huge chunk of our pet food
supply. It doesn't take a lot of imagination to understand that it could
next show up in our frozen pizza dough. So there are plenty of reasons to
become more self sufficient.
If you long for the independence of providing your basic needs but have
no clue as to where to begin and think you'll never be able to afford the
land, think again. If everything hits the crapper, and real estate values
tank, and you have the foresight to put away a little cash and do a little
learning, it may become a possibility. The trick will be beating the
carpetbaggers to it, but it doesn't take a lot of land to grow enough
vegetables for one family and maybe even fit in a chicken coop. If you think
that big daddy government is always going to provide you with a job and
home, protect your food and water supply, and keep you healthy, you are so
living in fantasyland. It isn't going to happen, and the plain fact is that
before long, everyone will have to look out for himself. If you asked your
neighbor today if he'd like help digging a well, he might think you crazy.
In a few years, maybe not so crazy.
The Foxfire series originated in 1972, with the original The
Foxfire Book, a collection of articles from the magazine that was begun
in 1966 by children of the Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School in Georgia. The name
Foxfire was chosen as the magazine's title for the glow emitted by
bioluminescent lichen that grows on decaying logs in the Southern woods,
noticeable on dark nights. Since that time, the magazine has been published
uninterrupted, a museum has been established, and the core principles, based
on self-centered learning and community-based education have been adopted by
families and educators who favor the Foxfire Approach to Teaching and
Learning that "promotes a sense of place and appreciation of local people,
community, and culture as essential educational tools."
Beginning over four decades go, the students interviewed the elders of their
area, documenting their lives and skills, and in doing so they became aware
of the close relationships and sharing that were an integral part of
creating a strong community. We need more of that -- relationships with
neighbors and an appreciation of lost culture, not only in Appalachia, but
in the urban, exurban, and suburban communities where most of us live.
There are now twelve books in the series that began as a sociological work,
and nearly ten million copies of individual volumes have been sold. I bought
the first six books of the series in the 1970s. I was a city girl learning
how to establish a homestead. I had no experience with farming but was a
believer. It was part of the times, and the times they are a comin' again.
It is in these first collections that most of the practical information
can be found. You may not plan on butchering a hog anytime soon, but you
will certainly want to plan a garden. The original book has sections on
planting by signs, building a log cabin, making soap, basket weaving and
preserving food, as well as making butter, soap and moonshine. For the
religious, there's information on faith healing and snake handling. The next
five volumes offer instructions on spinning and weaving, animal care,
tanning hides and logging, as well as making cheese, apple butter, wagons,
kilns, tools, and shoes. And for "when the work's all done and the sun's
getting low" (thanks John Denver), you can also learn how to make
old-fashioned toys, corn husk dolls and primitive dulcimers, banjos and
fiddles -- just in case you can't power up the tv.
One of the advantages of technology is that there are many Web sites that
offer help and guidance when it comes to learning the homely arts. For
someone like me, who poured over hard copies of magazines like
Countryside & Small Stock Journal and other homesteading
publications, there is now a bonanza of information online. My biggest kick
has always been in making things for a fraction of the retail cost. How
about an incubator for
hatching eggs made from a styrofoam chest; a
hydraulic ram pump; or a
greenhouse made form OCV pipe. The
National Gardening Association website contains a great USDA
planting zone map.
The first six Foxfire books are now online at the
Librum. These large files are scanned versions and often
difficult to read. The books themselves are available through the
site, which is a great place to begin if you'd like to secure your future in
small ways, and possibly in bigger ones. And remember the Boy Scout motto.
Oh Lord, won't you buy me an acre of land
I swear I'll improve it however I can
And care for your creatures that sustain us all
Oh Lord, won't you hear me and answer my call.
Sheila Velazquez is looking forward to
soon establishing another homestead. She can be reached at:
Other Articles by Sheila Velazquez
Overtones of the Global Warming Debate
* Drug
* A Tale
of Two Cities
* More BS
From the BLS
* Bonds
Are Us