"Nothing in the world is more dangerous
than a sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
-- Martin Luther King, Jr.
a lifetime New Yorker means I took notice when the Red Sox came to town
this week. Tens of thousands jammed Yankee Stadium ... each pretending
the House That Ruth Built does not stand on land stolen from a nearly
exterminated indigenous population.
Millions more tuned in to watch on TV
powered by electricity, which is generated by the burning of fossil
fuels. We pushed environmental degradation from our minds and cheered
for our team.
Yankee announcer Ken Singleton is an African-American but we all opted
to ignore the slave trade that brought Africans to North America. In
order to better enjoy the sports spectacle, it's not recommended that
viewers contemplate a nation built upon a foundation of slavery.
Toyota is one of many "official sponsors" of the New York Yankees so
it should come as no surprise that the broadcast featured more than a
few car pitches but, of course, no mention of the car culture. After
all, how can one enjoy our national pastime if forced to consider that
the surreptitious cost of the automobile lifestyle is nearly $500
billion a year in the U.S. alone ... much of that going support the
waging of perpetual war to keep the world safe for petroleum?
The presence of David Ortiz from the Dominican Republic could've spurred
a discussion of U.S. complicity in the overthrow of Juan Bosch but it
Of course, "God Bless America" was the seventh inning sing-a-long.
Everyone stood and sang and blocked out the more than one million of our
taxpayer dollars spent per minute on war.
When Bernie Williams came to the plate, our minds were not cluttered
with thoughts of his native Puerto Rico as the world's oldest colony.
Mike Mussina struck out the side and a kid in the stands pulled out his
cell phone to tell a friend all about it. His conversation contained no
mention of columbite-tantalite (a.k.a. "coltan"). Global demand for this
common cell phone component is fueling war and environmental destruction
in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Who knew?
Panamanian Mariano Rivera warmed up in the Yankee bullpen. Not a whisper
was heard about the illegal 1989 American invasion of his homeland or
the malevolent machinations behind the building the Panama Canal more
than a century ago.
It takes an awful lot of denial just to exist in a society like ours.
Look around: Those folks over there, yeah, the ones chowing down on
stadium franks ... they're not thinking about factory farming, Their
minds don't seem distracted by the fact that the EPA considers 30
percent of all insecticides, 60 percent of all herbicides, and 90
percent of all fungicides to be carcinogenic, yet Americans spend about
$7 billion on 21,000 different pesticide products each year.
That guy parked next to you in his SUV isn't pondering the reality that
the top one percent of Americans own wealth equal to the bottom 95
percent. That woman buying a Derek Jeter jersey doesn't appear bothered
by the 1200 citizens incarcerated each week or the 4000 new cases of
cancer diagnosed each day or the 19 insect species becoming extinct each
The Yankees pull off a double play but 52 of the top 100 economies are
the planet aren't countries, they're corporations.
The Red Sox make a pitching change but it doesn't change the fact that
every day, 80 percent of Americans take a potentially addictive
prescription drug and 52 percent of those drugs will be either pulled
from the shelves or relabeled because they'll prove to be more hazardous
than studies had indicated.
Watch out...Jorge Posada is hit by a pitch. This provokes a far more
dramatic response than polar bears having to swim up to 60 miles for
food and subsequently drowning due to climate change melting the Arctic
ice shelf.
A-Rod steals a base ... and not a soul seems worried about 100,000
Americans losing their health insurance each month.
Every two seconds, somewhere on this planet, a child starves to death.
(How many have did we lose while Jason Giambi rounded the bases after
his three-run homer?)
As Arundhati Roy explains: "People from poorer places and poorer
countries have to call upon their compassion not to be angry with
ordinary people in America." Ward Churchill takes it further ... warning
us that the same people Roy refers to "have no obligation-moral,
ethical, legal or otherwise-to sit on their thumbs while the opposition
here dithers about doing anything to change the system."
Noam Chomsky sez: "You are responsible for the predictable consequences
of your actions." By "actions," I believe he is also implying
Z. can be found
on the Web at:
His latest book is
American Revolutions You're Not Supposed to Know: Reclaiming American
(Disinformation Books, 2005).
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