I'm hearing the calliope music of the big top as I watch the never
ending greatest show on earth of comedic and infuriating adventures in
What can you say about
these guys? They provide an infinite source of amusement for our train
wreck mentality watching entertainment.
Ladieeeeeeeeeeeees and Gentlemen! In the center ring, the supposed
"debate" over the war in Iraq! Evidently the GOP bought their own hype
and thought the death of Zarqawi and Bush's visit was going to make
everyone in Iraq start buying each other a coke and singing in perfect
harmony. Well actually, maybe they are. Unfortunately the lyrics go
something like, "Why don't we kill each other in bloody ways, let's all
get together and start today."
At any rate, the Republicans think that all the "good news" coming out
of Iraq is going to enable them to use it as campaign issue in the fall.
That's about as likely as seeing Osama Bin Laden doing a commercial for
Vegas. Actually I can imagine it. Osama in a big Hawaiian shirt going to
Hooters with Dick Cheney, and then turning to the camera with a grin and
a wink, saying "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" Come on, you know
you'd pay good money to see that.
The truth of course is that nothing has really changed in Iraq.
Sectarian violence continues unabated. Even Ringmaster Dick is admitting
the insurgency isn't the real problem anymore. Bullet ridden bodies are
being found by the dozens, Britain can't fly helicopters during the day
anymore for fear that they will be shot down, we had two soldiers
kidnapped, tortured, and murdered, with others dying in more typical
ways. It's getting so bad that Japan is leaving and they were only doing
some road building in the south. They'll be joining the crowd of
educated and professional Iraqis that are getting the hell out in
But while the idea of Republicans using Iraq as a campaign issue is
idiotic, the Democrats aren't going to be able to make it an issue for
their side either. They bicker and squabble like the clowns that ride in
those little cars. Most of the American people think that Iraq was a
mistake and yet these brain children can't seem to grasp the concept
that they can be against the war now. Some of them anyway. Shockingly,
John Kerry seems to finally have wised up. What good it will do him is
In the meantime while all this sound and fury is going on, there's the
other part of the circus tent where the manure keeps piling up.
One example is the "Financial Data Protection Act." You know when you
hear a word like "protection" coming from Congress you are about to get
screwed, and like the guy that swears he's had a vasectomy, there ain't
any protection involved.
Essentially what this act does is let companies that have had data
compromised decide whether or not you need to know. In other words, if
someone gets your personal information from a credit card company, these
people that care so much about you make the determination whether or not
it's serious enough that you need to do something about it. Furthermore,
in states where you are able to "freeze" your credit, that is not allow
any credit to be taken out against your record, well those state laws
would no longer be valid. They say it's because such laws bring the
banking industry to a standstill. I get the feeling that what they mean
is that credit card companies could no longer peruse your credit at
their will and send out tons of pre-approved applications. Now you know
who Congress is protecting. It's not you.
You want more? Oh I got more. They are also rushing through a bill that
would allow internet companies to charge people for better access. They
say it promotes competition. Yeah, that's why all these companies love
the idea. Nothing they like better than competitors.
What it really means is that big business can squeeze out little
companies. For instance, say good-bye to your internet phone unless you
are getting it from your local cable provider. Say goodbye to fair
access to small business, and say hello to big business controlling
speech. Think I'm being alarmist? They've already done it.
Savetheintenet.com's mails have already been blocked from big
provider's customers. God knows what happens to internet activists and
writers who can't pony up any fees and try to say anything bad about
But folks, the show must go on. So watch them shoot Hillary Clinton out
of a cannon holding a flag burning amendment. Gasp at the truth defying
antics of Rick Santorum claiming that WMD have been found in Iraq, even
though our government's own weapons inspectors say the stuff is from the
Iran-Iraq war and that the Iraqis had probably forgotten it was there.
When I was a kid, clowns always creeped me out. Something about all that
makeup and the fake smiles, and weird hair... YIKES. That's why
politicians scare me. The similarity is spooky.
Peggy McCann
is a mother and blogger living in Greensboro, NC. She can be reached at:
Other Articles by Peggy
Bush Bedtime