year ago, I urged readers to
forget about President Bush's "Road Map to Peace" – on which so much
attention was wasted at the time, by now a dead letter – and
concentrate on the real map of Palestine, radically changed by the
construction of Israel's Apartheid Wall, which was virtually ignored
by the international media. A year has passed, and the silence has
been broken: thanks to the work of several conscientious journalists,
thanks to Palestinian efforts culminating in referring the Wall to the
International Court of Justice in The Hague, which is due to decide on
its legality soon, and – last but not least – thanks to thousands of
Palestinian, Israeli and international activists, of
Shalom and many other groups, whose daily non-violent
demonstrations are dispersed with
ruthless brutality by the Israeli army. The Wall is now on the
agenda, and it should be. But is it a Wall at all?
Disputed Terms
The term has been
disputed from the outset: "the Apartheid Wall" is the Palestinian name
for what official Israel calls "Separation Fence" of "Security Fence".
I preferred the Palestinian term: a fence sounded like a ludicrous
euphemism for 8 meter (26 ft.) high concrete walls with a 100 meter
(328 ft.) wide "security strip" just to start with. At present, the
surveillance arsenal includes not only patrols and cameras, but even
remote-control machine guns are being developed, which, as the Israeli
media proudly report, will enable gentle female soldiers to shoot at
"suspicious movements" (i.e. human beings) from behind a monitor in an
air-conditioned office miles away. For the industry of killing, the
sky is the limit.
In fact, both terms –
Fence and Wall – are misleading. Even though most people know by now
that the Wall is not constructed along the Green Line, but deep in
Palestinian territory, de facto annexing to Israel a great part of it
(one-third?), both Fence and Wall suggest some kind of contiguous line
with the Palestinians on one side and the Israelis on the other. "We
over here, they over there," as Barak's election slogan went. But is
this what's going on? Not quite. Reality is far more horrible.
What the Wall
Really Is
Have a look at the
following map, adapted from Amira Hass' recent article (Ha'aretz,
June 25, 2004). It shows just a small detail of the Wall, in the
Christian Triangle south of Jerusalem.

The red lines are the Wall – in part already constructed, in part
under construction, in part to be constructed. Now have a look at the
four Palestinian villages on the left: Nahalin, Hussan, Batir, Walaja.
On which side of the Wall are they? Obviously, a wrong question. They
are actually encircled by the Wall, trapped by it all around. Batir
and Hussan together, Nahalin and Walaja each on its own. Consider the
scale: crossing any of the enclaves, from wall to wall, would take
10-20 minutes walking. Any inhabitant of these villages is never more
than a kilometer (0.6 mi.) away from the wall. Not only agricultural
land, but schools, hospitals, clinics, markets, shops, work, not to
mention recreation, are all outside. To get out, you have to pass
through a gate, through an Israeli army checkpoint. The gate is
probably closed – because it's open just a couple of hours a day, or
because someone up there declared a state of high alert, or because of
a Jewish holiday, or because the soldier in charge didn't get up on
time. And if the gate happens to be open, the soldier might let you
pass (if you have got the necessary permits), or not (for whatever
reason, or for no reason), or ask you for something in return: a small
gift, or cursing Mohammad, Jesus or Arafat, or maybe a tip on your
neighbor or brother. If your work, or your health, or your child's
life depends on getting out, you'd do anything. Same if you want to
get into the village – as guest, truck driver, electrician, or doctor.
There are dozens and
scores of villages encircled like this all over the West Bank. Danny
Rubinstein reports on some 200,000 Palestinians living north of
Jerusalem, many of them holding Israeli identity cards, all totally
dependent on the city for schools, hospitals and jobs, all having to
get to it through the single filthy, overcrowded checkpoint of
"The residents of these neighborhoods
have also been informed of the further construction of internal fences
that will provide passage into the settlements. These fences, the
second phase of the separation fence project, will create five large
islands in which the Palestinian populace will concentrate in
quasi-ghettos." (Ha'aretz,
June 27, 2004)
Sometimes houses are
fenced individually: Israel's TV Channel2 (June 25, 2004) recently
reported of two houses on the edge of a Palestinian village, around
which a Jewish settlement has grown. The two families have therefore
been encircled by "their own" fence, separating them on three sides
from the Jewish settlement, and on the fourth side from the rest of
their own (encircled) village.
So this is no
exception: it is the rule. All Palestinians should end up locked in
such fences; the lucky ones might enjoy a somewhat larger cage. The
location of the walls follows the standard Israeli rule-of-thumb:
minimum land for the Palestinians, maximum for the Jews. The walls are
constructed just meters away from the last houses of the village, but
in many cases, houses are destroyed to make room. Even cultivated
fields and water wells are mostly left outside the walls, so they are
no longer accessible to their owners. On the map you can actually see
how all the open areas are assigned to the Israeli settlements of Gilo,
Har Gilo or Betar Illit, whereas the Arab villages and towns have no
free inch left.
"Wall" a Misnomer
this is neither a Wall nor a Fence. Just like you don't
call a book "a paper," or bread "flour," you won't call this a Wall.
What Israel is building in the West Bank is made of walls and
fences, but it is not a wall or a fence. It is something very
different. I am not sure about its proper name: ghettos?
Extra-judicial detention centers? Open-air prisons? A network of cages
for humans? I am not sure there is a name for it; I am not sure
it has a precedent in human history. Not only has it got nothing to do
with the comparatively miniature Berlin Wall, it has clearly very
little to do even with the
Apartheid Bantustans, which encompassed tens of thousands of
square kilometers each. The West Bank cages often comprise just a few
hectares, which is a different thing altogether.
Decades ago, a common
Israeli argument was that the West Bank and Gaza were too small for a
viable Palestinian state. Be that as it may, nobody would claim that a
fully built-up 2 x 2 km (1.5 sq. mi.) cage, with no public facilities,
no land reserves for housing, no fields, and with a gate guarded by a
hostile army, is a viable place to live in. The Israeli authorities
know this very well; after all, their own passion for land is
insatiable. Their intention is clear: sooner or later, the hopelessly
caged population will have to leave simply to escape starvation. This
is ethnic cleansing, making life impossible so that the Palestinians
are forced out. The nearer we get to the Green Line and to major
settlements, the smaller the cages get. These are the areas that
Israel wants most, so living conditions should drive away the
indigenous Palestinian population there as soon as possible.
interested in fair peace in the Middle East should therefore find a
proper term for the caging network constructed these days in the West
Bank, a term that reflects its true nature, and start a major campaign
to explain its significance. It is not separation, but a systematic,
intentional destruction of the most basic conditions for human life,
which inevitably leads to mass starvation – or ethnic cleansing.
teaches in the
Tel-Aviv University's Department of Comparative Literature, and is
currently working on his PhD thesis. He also works as a literary
translator (from German, English and Dutch), and as a literary critic
for the Israeli daily Yedioth Achronoth. HaCohen’s semi-regular
“Letter from Israel” column can be found at
where this article first appeared. Posted with author’s permission.
Other Recent Articles
by Ran HaCohen
Who Won
World War II?
Sharon's Escape from Alcatraz
* The
Syrian Threat
Israel-Palestine: Is There Any Hope? Where To Look For It
Lesser-Known Stories from the Only Democracy in the Middle East
Abusing “Anti-Semitism”
A Case for Hizbollah?
Behind the Hudna Scenes
Mid-Eastern Terms
The Apartheid Wall
Israeli Militarism At War
Hebron: City of Terror