The Ghosts of the Past: Repented Leftists
Revisited |
Act 1 scene 1 Cemeteries of the world are filled with ghosts meeting and discussing; ghosts in sheets of red, ghosts in black and red; some with gaping wounds, others without limbs, some beheaded and blinded. Some came from forgotten weed patches, others from under monumental tombstones. Some speak loud and clear, other curse under their breath -- but all are filled with angry indignation. From near and far they all declare: All: Revenge! To those who betrayed our trust, our fight, our sacrifice, even as they dare to praise or speak in our name and of our death. We say a curse on all your kind, we shall visit and you shall hear our voices amplified by the millions and through the many languages will be conveyed our message: Traitors do not tread upon our graves Lest you lose your treasures And more yet your unholy alliance with all those whose power tyrannize our people And makes a mockery of our sacrifice.
And so speak the assembly of the ghosts of the past addressing the rulers of the present, former comrades who have taken up the cudgels of their former enemies. They travel far and wide to Central and South America, to the Middle East, Asia, Europe and North America. Neither color or gender are forgotten, or forgiven. All those who forsake their class are to be visited…
Act 1 scene 2(Midday in Managua in the Presidential Palace, the ghosts of the past stare at the ex-guerrilla President.)
Ghost: Do you know what it cost for you to become President?
President: What’s it to you, who are dead, the past, forgotten? Times have changed. Time to move on…
Ghost: Drop the clichés - the election campaign is over. I want an accounting. I will remind you everyday in everyway.
President: I don’t keep books … Maybe millions from bankers, entrepreneurs everyone regressive has to be ‘progressive’ for funding me.
Ghost: (loud prolonged laughter, followed by a cold stern straight ahead look) That’s all known, your new allies: the Archbishop, who blessed the mercenaries, the bankers, who bought the guns, who murdered our schoolteachers, the entrepreneurs, who closed the factories and took their money to Florida. I’m talking about your former comrades, who fought and died, whose blood and courage freed the country of the tyranny: fifty-thousand of the best and most beautiful, under the earth, feeding the worms…
President: We tried the revolutionary way. It didn’t work. Times have changed, we had to try a new way. We were successful, the proof is that I am President today!
Ghost: You in the tyrant’s palace with your millionaire commanders and partners in crime incestuous lovers, criminals and swindlers all! Who cringe and crawl Before the emperor we dared defy.
President: (screams) You dare repeat the outrageous lies, those obscene stories of forbidden love to me-the-President-elect? You miserable ghost! (He pulls a revolver out of his desk drawer and waves it around in the empty air)
Ghost: We’ll have no more of your empty gestures, your feigned indignation. Face reality: You cannot kill the past, it lives in the streets and hovels, the heroes who hop on stumps, the fighters who sell trinkets in the street, the boldest taking flight to other lands, and others still taking up arms to traffic in drugs and contraband, to guard the mansions of their former foes -- landowners, bankers, the crap of old.
President: Ghost, guerrilla, comrade or foe. You must know that this catastrophe was not of my choice. It was the Empire which left us so.
Ghost: No double discourse, Sr. Presidente. For while you speak in here of the criminal emperor, out there you are with bended knee: Austerity for the poor and incentives for the rich. You open the door and with a deep bow, your forehead touching the floor, you say ‘Welcome plunderers, pillage to your hearts’ content… and leave it to me to corrupt the willing and repress the poor.’
President: (rises and strides toward the door) I have no bad conscience. I never regret of fighting and forgetting: I have made new friends and abandoned the old. For that I am now el Presidente!
Ghost: I take leave today. But I will be back everyday. When you speak, I will tie your tongue. When you walk, I will crowd your way. When you embrace the Archbishop, I will raise a bloody fetus to your sight, product of your heinous legislation. You will rule from the palace, but the streets will remain our domain.
Act 1 scene 3(Senate chambers of a South American State) Ghost hovers over a Senator in conversation with a General Senator: The best is to forget the past, we both believed sincerely In our cause, we guerrillas fought and lost, but now we are allies in democracy.
General: I look forward to your collaboration in the name of God, Family and Nation. You can start by striking down our common enemy -- those who would incite the rancor of the past, rake up tales of death of torture long past… and best forgotten.
Senator: I have spoken once and will speak again. to forget the past, revenge speaks not to justice but to chaos, vindictive families fail to realize we cannot raise the dead.
Ghost: We have risen, you Senator of Perversion. My former Commander who sent me into combat on a hopeless mission, captured, I spent days and nights on the rack, to save your skin…
Senator: (aggressively self-righteous) It was right to send you into combat then and it is right today for me to be with your former torturer -- a General essential to our defense.
General: (perplexed by seeming monologue of the Senator) Senator, its time for me to go. We shall continue some other time. ( Musing to himself, “Must be a habit from his long stay in solitary” He laughs as he walks away.)
Ghost: You’re sitting pretty now, Senator. It was a long and arduous climb. Over the corpses of so many comrades, so many of our suicides, exiles, mentally disturbed. The tragedy are those militants who build the movements, some of whom receive the crumbs of your largesse as Senator. Most, however, worry about tomorrow’s meal, struggle with a subsistence pension, while your new affluent colleagues drink champagne instead of maté, celebrating power over solidarity.
Senator: I don’t need your lectures. I did my time. (He begins to pace back and forth, six steps in each direction, the size of his former prison cell) Ten years in prison, nine years in solitary, six years underground, without light. I never talked.
Ghost: True. But now you are making up for lost time. Your frequent press conferences in favor of imperial bases, investments and contamination makes a mockery of your party’s name -- National Liberation. Better call it ‘National Defamation.’ You live off our past. You piss on our graves and call it ‘holy water.’ Holy hypocrite.
Senator: We honor your memory each year. We celebrate our roots, commemorate our movement, our fallen militants.
Ghost: Yes, I recall the day and time: between bending over to be buggered by the imperial military consul, and debauching with the bankers. Shame! Look at yourself Self-important In the Senate. On your knees before the powerful At the throats of the poor. Look in the mirror! A traitor Is a traitor With and without a shave.
Act 1 scene 4
Ghost: Where did you get the design for this Wall? From Warsaw? Your memory of the ghetto Allows you to recreate another… As curator, promoter of the Holocaust Memory Industry. Your testimonials Serve as the foundation For a living ghetto. Traps a million Palestinians. Extract a billion from the brethren far and near.
Joshua: (looks up) I am a survivor…
Ghost: Of sorts… your Aunt Lina died in a camp, while you, a baby born in Istanbul, claimed her memory and are generously compensated.
Joshua: …who educates the world on the greatest crime in history, against a uniquely suffering people…
Ghost: Yes they are all all suffering people. The Russian Oligarchs, the Israeli death squads, And the squalid lawyer exploiters of our people’s past misfortunes…
Joshua: We share a common past. Two thousand years of anti-Semitism by the Gentile assassins who laid waste our dreams and still would, if they had half a chance.
Ghost: The millions flow to your pots of gold from the wealthy brethren, Who are the richest among the rich, a power among the powerful In the land of the Gentiles. You speak to no fool We knew you kind and kin: Swindlers and frauds, we called you ‘kapos’ In the Warsaw ghetto.
Joshua: You smell of the anti-Semite, speaking not in Hebrew but in a foreign language…
Ghost: Yiddish. Bundist Socialist and fighter -- That’s me. We beat in our tombs, Knowing of your crimes: Everything we suffered from our enemies You practice in this stolen land. After Deir Yassin, came Sabra and Shatila and Jenin we became a ghost brigade After the Wall, Lebanon and that roofless prison, Gaza, We met in a grand assembly And voted to disown you, our descendents -- We despise your beliefs, Charlatans’ claims to be a Superior Race Begotten by the Aryan disgrace.
Joshua: Self-hating Jew!! Who respects nothing we hold sacred Our Memory, our Treasury Our holocaust! Your claims of battles past Were lost! So dare you not deface Our military State Which has never Lost battles with our inferior foes.
Ghost: Hearts we share With the resistance To your oppression To your wall. Poorly armed resistance To your military juggernaut, Evokes painful memories of our Warsaw street-fighting days. Courage we share With the Intifada (so like our own uprising) that denies your ethnocide, homicide and affirms their humanity.
Joshua: Your are not a real Jew And anti-Semitism is your sport.
Ghost: Rabble and swine, do not speak our name in vain. Time will come when in greed you’ll fail. Returnees will claim their homes, their land, their olive trees. Will you be ready to share and Till the land? Earn your keep with the sweat of your brow? Or will you traipse on back to Gentile land And plead as a ‘refugee’ from the Promised Land?
Act 1 scene 5(A feast of billionaires, CEOs, top Party officials at a 30-course Mandarin dinner)
Ghost: Quite a banquet of the rich and powerful. Very different from the old days in the cafeterias of the communes and factories with soup and rice and a chicken bone.
Hu Dung Chi: (President and Secretary General of the Party, Commander in Chief of the Army and Pater familia of several tycoons) Quite in line with the Marxist-Leninist-Dungist Philosophy: ‘What’s good for the wealthy is good for China’!
Ghost: Let me remind you the rich went not on the Long March to Yenan in the Thirties -- they collaborated with the Japanese and Kuo Ming Tang. In the Fifties they did not fight or die on the frozen fields of North Korea. They did not build dams, roads, industries, hospitals and schools Which your greedy colleagues (do you still call each other ‘comrade’?) have Seized -- excuse me -- privatized -- and exploited with imperial partners.
Hu Dung: (Very cool and nonchalant) If you were truly a MARXIST-LENINIST you would know that equality and social justice was an early stage of building socialism, what MARX called ‘primitive accumulation.’ Today we are in the advanced period of the six ‘C’ principles: Concentration, Centralization, Conspicuous consumption, Corruption, and Concupiscence. The mature state will lead to Equality, Fraternity and Liberty.
Ghost: There are 700 million peasants who liberated and defended the nation Who now live without pensions, public clinics and schools. The elders are paupers. The parents cannot pay school fees for their children. Millions die at the doors of private clinics or sell their last pig to see a doctor or their last chicken to see a nurse. Your state mature Is worse than manure It smells the same But provides no future For the millions of poor. The wealthy prosper The peasants Are paupers. The Party celebrates The economy grows Only the people suffer.
Hu Dung: You are spreading anti-state lies -- If you were not spiritual You would spend time in prison And I would not have to listen To your ghostly fabrications.
Ghost: In our assembly of one billion ghosts Who in time past fought and lost limbs and eyes -- Even our babies ended their lives At the ends of Japanese knives Find your wealth -- obscene. Your pillage Of our wealth is treason. Your justifications without reason. For now we ghosts stand as your opposition Because today’s fighters are in prison.
Hu Dung: I have no time to discuss with invisible foes. Forsooth seek out Mao, Ho or some other ghost Who shares your outmoded ideals and dreams. For me there are reams of contracts to be signed, Several agitators to consign To prison. For me Material reality is the only ‘truth.’
Ghost: So easy do you forget the hundred million Workers and peasants dispossessed To ape the new billionaires Of East and West: Your son included with his chauffeured limousine, his empire of office towers, factories and banks, to keep his concubines in palatial mansions and pay his progeny’s foreign education. There is no better proof than your family, millionaires form a new class of exploiters of exporters and rentiers. Put a mirror to your clan, your family and all those who lead and follow your command. Traitors all! The poor whisper as they recall the loss of dignity and land so too will come your judgment day.
Hu Dung: The aromas of the thirty fine dishes beckon me on. The shine of the billionaire’s fortune, the pot of gold is the light to follow. I dare look back only to bellow to the Army to cover my ass and slaughter the mass that dares disturb the banquet of the billionaires.
Ghost: I will follow you to the table to remind you of who is not there and to cause you indigestion.
Hu Dung: Remember I was called a ‘capitalist roader’ in the days of Mao’s infamy! I am protected in History by a mountain of tales about the horrors of the past. I read them not but I urge on the scribes. They protect me from indigestion and dysfunctional erection.
Ghost: Your army of scribblers, who write your speeches in Chinese character and flatter your reforms in English letters, cannot abolish the memory of the hundreds of millions of workers and peasants whose factories and lands were sold for a pittance to speculators and investors who paid your cadres to beat the militants, frighten their sympathizers and isolate the rest.
Hu Dung: (presiding at the banquet) A toast to the best and brightest: Long live Socialism! Long live Capitalism! Long live Peace and Friendship between the Ruling Classes of the World!
Ghost: So many sacrifices produce such gaseous expressions. Tis the hot sauce and dollar signs that inspire your speeches. Tis your ass which speaks as your mouth knows better.
Hu Dung: (Annoyed by the Ghost’s intervention) Get thee to a factory! This is no place for old militants. Militants out! (He shouts) (The billionaires raise their heads in shock: “Too much to drink”, “Has he lost his mind?”, “Is it a joke to titillate the CEOs”?)
Oligarch: (Raising his glass to toast the party) To the militants: Tycoons and billionaires! The vanguard of the New China! The Leaders of our Superpower!
Act Two, Scene 1 Denial (A meeting of all former revolutionaries who occupy positions of power in the New World Order.)
Hu Dung: We gather because we have all suffered visits from the ghosts of the past who complain and whine ‘that we have forgotten the masses and created new classes of predators and exploiters.’ Though their threats are immaterial yet they have spoken and we should seek a collective -- no, no -- a forthright repudiation of their blood libel fabrications.
Senator: Let us first admit that we made mistakes in the past. We failed to understand the magic of the marketplace. So we led some astray and now they come back to haunt us. Let us say that we admit the errors of our past, and affirm that now we have found our way to prosperity.
Joshua: The Chosen Way
Hu Dung: Not for me. We were right in the past and we are right today. The reason is found in the changing times in the different stages in the dialectical logic. We are always on top and the bottom is on the bottom as it always will be.
President: If the dialectics is not your kettle of fish, there is still cocaine and an orgy each day to keep the ghosts away.
Act Two, Scene 2
Hu Dung: We must not distain the old leaders and militants who in their day were stepping stones to our glorious future.
President: Yes, les construct monuments and mausoleums. Honor their past in order to transcend them today.
Joshua: Lets honor our martyrs and charge admission for a visit to our Remembrance Museums.
Senators: Lets even sing the International while we reap the profits of global integration. (Together they sing a single verse of the International -- and stop for loss of memory, some, while continuing, sing ‘arise ye stock markets of the world’ in place of ‘arise ye wretched of the earth.)
Act Two, Scene 3
Senator: Methinks we fear too much the ghosts of the past, the voices of the dead. After all we are all honorable men and our works will live long after the ghosts have been forgotten. We should celebrate the free market and free elections. Break out the champagne! Bring on the caviar! The lambs on the spit… let the good times flow!
Hu Dung: Democracy and Prosperity with Chinese Characters! Don’t cower, Asia is the Emerging Superpower.
Joshua: Let’s celebrate and cheer, but keep me clear of pork and shrimp to keep my body clean and my conscience free.
President: Let’s play some music and invite our muses. Tickets only for millionaires and bankers.
Hu Dung: Only Billionaires for us, we are now a World Power, extracting wealth and killing miners. But who cares? Its all part of History And our growing maturity. (Hu Dung starts to dance with the First Lady Billionaire) (The President escorts an ex-Dictator’s mistress). (The Senator paces the floor looking for the General’s daughter) (Joshua beckons a ‘billion-dollar babe’ from the Diaspora).
Joshua: We have to tell our story. Our History will refute the ghastly lies that cover us with blood \and gore. We are founders of a State of refugees, settlers, squatters and mega-crooks who have great fortunes founded. We sheltered them all, even our brethren, the Russian oligarchs -- we sheltered their treasures too!
Hu Dung: We started poor and fought and struggled for what we got. So why shouldn’t we enjoy our fortune and… pleasure too?
Senator: The ghosts are jealous because we survived while in ill fortune they perished. We dodged the bullets and shells while they lay dead and heard not the calls of collaboration and reconciliation. Now they speak of those who want what we got without our struggle and sacrifice. Let the text books show that we, the survivors and victors, are generous to our former adversaries, even the billionaires, while we scorn those who prattle on of a class struggle of the past long gone.
Act Three Scene 1 (A Grand Council of Ghosts from the marked and unmarked graves of revolutionary fighters.)
Ghosts from Central America: (With great indignation) There is nothing we share in common with our former comrades. Neither memory nor suffering moves them. They are lost to appeals to conscience. Only action by a new generation will move and unseat them.
Ghosts from China: They sing and whore over our graves. Even when we berate their lies, their degenerate souls, we see no remorse. We warn -- lest they forget that one Cultural Revolution does not preclude another. So we look and hope for the dispossessed to repossess their land from the predators. We look to the workers, who shoulder the architecture of this emerging world, to stretch their arms and bring it down. March the billionaires in their dunce caps through the streets of the common whores, down the alleys of the drug fixes. We will reach the tallest towers where the worshipers of the Golden Calf design the Sweatshops of the World. And send them flying down the stairs or out the window -- it’s quicker that way.
Ghost From the Warsaw Ghetto: I fear that little is left of rebels from the Ghetto except the commercial enterprise. So we look to our Semitic brothers enclosed in walls and like us suffering collective punishment and dispossession who share our fighting spirit. I found a future reincarnated as a Palestinian.
South African Ghost: The most we can do to be true to our memory: Clear the debris of history, dissociate the dead from the degenerate living. Bring together the remaining few, true to the cause of Liberation with the new generation. Free the past of the hucksters, Presidents, Senators and the black bourgeoisie who falsely claim to be the righteous heirs of our struggles.
All Ghosts: What is to be done? We ask the New Generation on the barricades in struggle: They tell us the answers are coming, the voices are rising from the jungles of Colombia and the slums of Caracas, the millions in the factories and villages of China, the mines and the shanties of South Africa. We can hear the crackle of its guns in the hands of the streets fighters of Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine. Putting fire to the ample haunches of the billionaires, owners of the Empire!
James Petras, a former Professor of Sociology at Binghamton University, New York, owns a 50-year membership in the class struggle, is an adviser to the landless and jobless in Brazil and Argentina, and is co-author of Globalization Unmasked (Zed Books). His latest book is, The Power of Israel in the United States (Clarity Press, 2006). He can be reached at:
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Who Rules