been extremely fortunate to attract an amazing mix of regulars to
my blog . . . a crew
self-dubbed "The Expendables." The conversations range from serious to
silly and often have nothing to do with my post for the day. The topic du
jour on Friday, January 19 was a certain Venezuelan president.
Paul M. wrote: "Hello all Expendables. What
do you make of the latest accusations leveled at Chavez?"
Paul was referring a BBC News report, "Rule by decree passed for
Chavez" (Subtitled: "Venezuela's National Assembly has given initial
approval to a bill granting the president the power to bypass congress and
rule by decree for 18 months"). The article began: "President Hugo Chavez
says he wants 'revolutionary laws' to enact sweeping political, economic,
and social changes." In the name of strengthening his "Bolivarian
revolution," it seems Chavez has said he wants to "nationalize key sectors
of the economy and scrap limits on the terms a president can serve." He
also wants to see "major Venezuelan power and telecoms companies come
under state control . . . (and) an end to foreign ownership of lucrative
crude oil refineries in the Orinoco region."
Paul M. added: "I totally oppose authoritarianism in all its forms,
and idiotic Socialists/Marxists are always susceptible to this, but
I'm wondering if it's the BBC reporting a lot of shit again."
My response: "Who knows? I certainly don't trust the corporate media as
an objective source, re: official U.S. enemies. But, of course, Chavez is
human and thus capable of such behavior. What does everyone else think?"
Here's a sampling of Expendable comments (based on what was known on
Jan. 19):
Deb: "It initially looks bad, but I'd want to hear perspectives from
the people in Venezuela. One thing I've noticed is that Chavez keeps
giving to the people -- the poor people. That is one big reason the
fathead leaders will view him with suspicion and try to make him sound
like a tyrant. We 'democratically' elect our tyrants who continually take
from the poor to give to the rich. Is an authoritarian leader who takes
from the rich to give to the poor really a worse choice? I don't have much
of an opinion on the latest from the BBC until I hear what the people in
Venezuela have to say. I just don't know enough of the situation to be
able to see on my own what the BBC isn't saying."
Zenprole: "If there is any truth to this Chavez story, I think he's making
a big mistake. In the past, he has used presidential power to
blunt antidemocratic efforts to undermine the Bolivarian program (firing
oil industry provocateurs, for instance), but has wisely and strongly
kept within the Constitutional framework (unlike some presidents we
could mention). Whatever the reason for this decree power (if the story
is accurate), it likely won't outweigh the rationalizations it will give
the U.S. to ramp up attacks. And this may just be another case of an
independent government being under such constant pressure that this is a
response rather than an initiative. I'd like to learn more about this.
Thanks for the link, Paul."
Edson: "As for Chavez, I don't see what the big deal is. The West
always preaches about what a great system we have because there are checks
and balances on power and those who wield it. So then, how to explain
the absolute mess we've made of this planet? Where are the checks and
balances to the greed of the ruling oligarchy? I'd rather have a guy like
Chavez or Castro in charge than a democratic government like Harper's (up
here in Canuckistan) or Bush's."
RMJ: "I agree with Edson. Chavez is a lot better than most. As far as
ruling by decree goes, I think a Benevolent Monarchy would be better than
the corrupt, oppressive, bought-and-paid-for Predatory Capitalism that
exists in the USA. A Benevolent Monarchy would be an improvement over a
Corpocracy. Chavez gave U.S. citizens some oil to heat their homes. The
U.S. government says, 'Let 'em freeze to death'."
And finally, JOS summed up: "Long live the Bolivarian Revolution! I am
sure his congress is littered with scum-elected on CIA money and
U.S. propaganda-that would simply block him from completing the steps the
people elected him to accomplish. Taking back businesses and resources
from foreign corporate multi-nationals sounds like a great thing."
That's what some of us think... how about you?