Bill O'Reilly = Super Genius |
If the recent summit between a mirth master (O'Reilly) and his amusing apprentice (Colbert) proved anything, it was the sheer comedic brilliance of Fox's sardonic culture warrior. For a full decade now, Bill O'Reilly has been living out -- in public -- the greatest impersonation of a knee-jerk right-winger since Senator McCarthy waved his lists of communists . . . and it's long overdue he receive the credit he deserves.
Night after night, O'Reilly never
cracks. Like a method actor on steroids, he remains diligent in his
mission (wink, nudge) to ferret out liberals, tree huggers, and the
blame-America crowd. This isn't Andy Kaufman "becoming" a wrestler for
a little while or even Jim Carrey "becoming" Andy Kaufman for a movie.
We're talking ten years of staying in character. Ten years of driving
the folks at FAIR crazy (or perhaps they're in on it?). Ten years of
delivering dazzling one-liners like: "The ACLU has now become a
fascist organization that is imposing a perverted interpretation of
the Constitution upon the American People" and "If Jimmy Carter were
president today, we'd all be speaking Arabic and we still wouldn't
know squat about history or geography." This, my friends, is the
humorist equivalent of Cal Ripken's streak. Mickey Z. is the author of several books, most recently 50 American Revolutions You're Not Supposed to Know (Disinformation Books). He can be found on the Web at:
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