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(DV) Mickey Z: Wanted -- Creative Extremists







Wanted: Creative Extremists 
by Mickey Z.
January 16, 2007

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“The question is not whether we will be extremists, but what kind of extremists we will be. The nation and the world are in dire need of creative extremists.” 

-- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

When reporting on the infamous New York School of abstract expressionist painters in 1947, art critic Clement Greenberg pondered, "What can fifty do against one hundred and forty million?" It wasn't so much an entire population stacked against a band of radical painters that Greenberg was contemplating. Rather, it was 140 million Americans essentially ignoring a movement that would eventually change the face of art. 

The US population has more than doubled in the fifty-plus years since Jackson Pollock dripped his way onto the cover of Life magazine and there are still plenty of movements being ignored by the majority. In fact, lurking beneath the homogenized, one-size-fits-all surface of today's consumer culture, there's a broad range of indefatigable rabble-rousers doing their thing. 
For many (most?) Americans, the term "dissident" evokes images of a brave soul standing up against a Soviet-style totalitarian regime. But, contrary to our headlines and history books, a long, storied tradition of American dissent exists-out of necessity. From Emma Goldman, Eugene Debs, and Helen Keller right up to Abbie Hoffman, Huey P. Newton, and Angela Davis -- there's been no shortage of rebels in the U.S. The same holds true today. 
Of course, charismatic leaders can never take the place of an informed populace, brimming with solidarity and ever ready to engage in passionate action based, for the most, on some sort of unifying theory. Still, dedicated, articulate, and perceptive activists are essential... particularly in such a heavily conditioned society. 
Everywhere we are inundated with the American theology of individualism within the capitalist/entrepreneur model. The "heroes" that are packaged and sold to us are Wall Street speculators, professional athletes, and digitally- or surgically-enhanced celebrities. The dreams we are encouraged to fulfill seem to be limited to appearing on television, purchasing consumer electronics, and playing the lottery. Civil society is vanishing while fortitude is measured on Fear Factor, morality is dropped along with cluster bombs from 15,000 feet, and solidarity has been reduced to waiting together on line for hours to buy Play Station 3. Obviously, we need a radical new vision of courage. 
As Alice Walker reminds us, activism is our rent for living on this planet.

Mickey Z. is the author of several books, most recently 50 American Revolutions You're Not Supposed to Know (Disinformation Books). He can be found on the Web at: www.mickeyz.net.

Other Recent Articles and Poems by Mickey Z.

* The People's Republic of Me: Novelist Nick Mamatas Declares His Independence
* Felonious Monk: What's the Deal with the Dalai Lama?
* What We're Up Against (Lessons from Guatemala)
* Fasten Your Seat Belts for Global Warming
* Will the Real Dr. King Please Stand Up?
* Mid-Term Election Post Mortem
* Botched or Not, the Joke's On Us
* The Battle in Seattle: Looking Back Seven Years
* When “Anti-War” Doesn't Mean Anti-War
* Nukes: Iran and North Korea are Not the Problem
* Who Killed Michael Moore? (Why and What's the Reason For?)
* NBA Says No to Leather
* US Boots Step on a Caribbean Flea (Does This Sound Familiar?)
* The High Cost of Dying
* Those in Power are Poisoning Children (Mussels Not Flexed?)
* No Innocent Bystanders in America
* Why Blogs?
* Winning the War on Terror
* 175 Years Ago: Nat Turner Puts the South on Notice
* “I Have a Right to Keep My House Safe”
* Jesus is in my Computer
* In Defense of Barry Bonds
* DON'T Support Our Troops (Inform Them)
* “We should always remember who makes the rules”: Derrick Jensen Sees the Big Picture
* The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Corporations
* Haditha and Rumsfeld's Ratio
* Challenging the Auto-Dependant Lifestyle
* Impeachment is Just One Tiny Step
* The White Washing of Muhammad Ali™
* 15 Minutes of Radical Fame: America Meets Blum and Churchill
* Parenti Does Culture
* An Interview with John “Indio” Washington
* Target Iran: A Day at the Arms Races
* Haiku
* Which Wolf Will You Feed in 2006?
* GI Joe Goes to Baghdad