Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice has informed a Senate panel that the Bush
administration plans to be spending $75m (on top of the $10m in 2006
budget) to “reach out to Iranian people and support their calls for
freedom.” Of this amount, $50m is to be spent on radio and satellite TV
transmissions into Iran. The rest of it on things like “expanding
Internet access,” supporting “political dissidents,” sponsoring “labor
unions and political organization,” granting fellowships and
scholarships to Iranian students “who have never experienced democracy,”
etc. She added that "the United States will actively confront the
policies of this Iranian regime," but the $75m package is intended to
"support the aspirations of the Iranian people for freedom in their own
country." She went on to say that she thinks “the solidarity model is a
good one”, that when “people organize themselves and really become
unified in calling for change, then you get the change you need”, and --
lest we forget she is a concert pianist -- that she had “read that it is
forbidden in some quarters to play Beethoven and Mozart in Tehran,” so
she hopes that Iranians can one day “play it in New York or Los
In examining Ms. Rice’s
proposal, once we get past the lack of important details (most notably,
lack of any explicit reference to Iranian organizations with which the
US government is establishing relations, the fact that most of these
groups are outside Iran and do not enjoy significant support inside
Iran, and that some of these groups are on the US government's list of
terrorist organizations), and after we observe that much of the
information in the proposal is as usual not intended to be taken
literally (for example, the claim of support for labor unions and
solidarity of the masses or the presumption that there is an Iranian
“call for freedom” directed at the Bush administration), we ask the
following questions: where does this proposal fit in the
administration’s strategy with respect to Iran, and how serious is Ms.
Rice in her declared expectation that answering this “call for freedom”
through spending money on radio and TV transmissions or supporting some
unidentified Iranian organizations will somehow make the masses of
Iranians rise up against the current government?
Looking back to the periods leading to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq,
one can recall that the links between Iran and the Northern Alliance in
Afghanistan and the relationship between Iran and the Shi’a institutions
and communities in Iraq were well within common public discourse. It is
therefore reasonable to assume that the administration was aware that
overthrowing the Taliban in Afghanistan and Saddam Hussein in Iraq would
strengthen the position of Iran’s government in the region. It is also
sensible to believe that the administration realized that surrounding
Iran with American forces in Afghanistan and Iraq would further
stimulate Iran in its quest to assert its power and significance in the
Middle East. So, it stands to reason that the administration has had
some type of a plan to deal with Iran at least since the preparations
for the Afghanistan war began. Taking into account the record of US
foreign policy in the last few decades would tell us that the
possibilities for a country like Iran, a country which is significantly
inferior to the US in its military and economic might but is of
strategic importance to US interest, are limited to the following: (1)
support US policies with some consistency or (2) become a target of
overt and covert confrontation. Iran’s post-1979 conflicts with the US
and the current awareness that Iran's influence in Afghanistan and Iraq
and within the larger Shi’a communities in various Arab countries can
drive the region toward scenarios that may not easily submit to US
policies and dominance in the Middle East renders possibility (1) highly
unlikely (even if the power structure in Iran, in the interest of the
regime’s survival, moves to tone down president Ahmadinejad’s rhetoric).
Therefore, we can say with some confidence -- as much as it is possible
to be confident in matters that do not lend themselves to precise
methods of inquiry -- that possibility (2) is the likely scenario, and
that a plan for some kind of confrontation with Iran is and has been, at
least since late 2001, within the overall strategy of the
One cannot predict exactly how the administration’s plan will play out
(we should not be surprised if some of the $75m is given to individuals
and organizations with dubious pasts and objectives or if we find out
that there is a massive covert and violent operation for which the $75m
plan serves as a mere distraction). What we can predict is that the Bush
administration plan for “the cause of freedom in Iran” will have little
to do with bringing Iranians to play in New York concert halls. And we
can be sure that the details of that plan will not be presented to a
Senate panel.
Mehdi Hosseini writes for
The Third
Note: The statements in quotes have been extracted from two
sources: the
transcript of Rice’s
opening remarks
and the State Department’s official
statement in support of
Rice’s proposal.