dedication to “low, low wages” is a satirist's dream. The Onion
zeroes in on it in “Wal-Mart Announces Massive Rollback on Employee Wages” (December
8, 2004):

Above: A sign announces a Louisville, KY
Wal-Mart's low, low wage for cashiers.
can take on “the $259 billion retail behemoth” (Liza Featherstone, “Will
Labor Take the Wal-Mart Challenge?” The Nation,
June 28, 2004) satirically, but can American trade unions organize it,
whose managers are directed by Bentonville to make “a full-time commitment”
to “staying union-free” (“Labor Relations and You at the Wal-Mart
Distribution Center #6022,”
September 1991, p.7)?
Wal-Mart has been reined in by the labor movement abroad: “in Germany,
... many Wal-Mart workers are unionized and the company abides by a
sectorwide agreement with a large retail union, and has been the target of
pickets and warning strikes.... In Brazil Wal-Mart has had to reach
agreement with unions on some workers' rights issues, while in Japan all of
the company's workers are unionized, and Wal-Mart abides by an agreement
reached with the stores' previous owner.” (Featherstone,
June 28, 2004) To the surprise of many, even
Chinese workers (whose “right to strike was removed from China's
constitution in 1982” [John Pomfret, “Labor Unrest in China Reflects
Increasing Disenchantment,” The Guardian Weekly,
May 4, 2000, p.37]) recently saw Wal-Mart
reluctantly agree to allow the
All China Federation of Trade Unions to unionize Wal-Mart workers. The
Chinese Communist Party and its unions, fearful of the political fallouts of
naked capitalism ("[S]ome action by Beijing is crucial. Workers are
increasingly taking to the streets. The number of protests reached 300,000
in 2003, estimates [Robin] Munro [research director at China Labor
Bulletin]. This year more than 500 workers in Dongguan damaged facilities
and injured a manager at a big Taiwanese shoemaker" [Dexter Roberts, “China:
A Workers' State Helping The Workers?” Business Week,
December 13, 2004]), are at least willing to make a show of standing up
for workers' rights.
Will organized labor in the United States? So far, the United Food and
Commercial Workers has spent little: “the UFCW devotes only 2 percent of its
national budget to the Wal-Mart campaign” (Featherstone,
June 28, 2004); and the UFCW has won nothing: “In the United States,
only one group of Wal-Mart employees has successfully organized. In February
2000 ten meat cutters in Jacksonville, Texas, voted 7 to 3 to unionize their
tiny bargaining unit. Two weeks later, Wal-Mart abruptly eliminated their
jobs by switching to prepackaged meat and assigning the butchers to other
departments, effectively abolishing the only union shop on its North
American premises.” (Featherstone,
June 28, 2004)
Andy Stern, president of the Service Employees International Union,
wants to change that. Stern recently gave the AFL-CIO an ultimatum: adopt
the changes he proposes, or the SEIU will pull out of the federation. Among
the changes he demanded in his
ten-point program, “he called for the AFL-CIO to return half of all dues
to unions to fund aggressive organizing drives. And he said the federation
should set aside about $25 million -- out of its $118-million annual budget
-- for an effort to organize Wal-Mart Stores Inc.” (Nancy Cleeland, “The
Service Employees International President Threatens to Leave the Umbrella
Federation,” Los Angeles Times,
November 11, 2004). Whatever you think of the
rest of Stern's program, you would have to agree that spending more on
organizing is the way to go.
The question is how the money will be spent, however. Peter Olney argued
that union organizing should focus on "the most strategic sectors of the
economy that are crucial to labor’s overall power and place in society,” one
of which is the "logistics (transport and storage)” sector. (“The Arithmetic
of Decline and Some Proposals for Renewal,” New Labor Forum,
Spring/Summer 2002) Why logistics? First of all, it is impossible for
capital to offshore the jobs of transport and warehouse workers.
Furthermore, corporations’ obsession with
"just-in-time" inventory control makes them vulnerable to supply
Efficient supply chain management is the key to the profitability of
Wal-Mart, which pioneered “just-in-time” inventory in the retail industry:
“The ‘Wal-Mart model’ is the leading retail strategy (perhaps the leading
business strategy in any sector) to emerge since the 1970s. This model
features a super-efficient production process in which each operation --
buying products from manufacturers, distributing them to the retail stores,
and selling them to customers -- is linked to the next in a continuous
'just-in-time' chain.” (Annete Bernhardt, “The Wal-Mart Trap,” Dollars &
Sense 231,
September-October 2000) Wal-Mart's zeal to "hold the lowest feasible
[inventory] level while avoiding the risks of 'stock outs'" (Bahar Barami,
“Productivity Gains from Pull Logistics: Tradeoffs of Internal and External
Costs,” Paper presented at the Transportation Research Board Conference on
Transportation and Economic Development,
September 23-25, 2001), its competitive advantage, is also the weak link
in its anti-union empire.
According to the Teamsters, Wal-Mart had 78 distribution centers that
employed approximately 25,000 workers by the end of 2001 ("Wal-Mart: Driving
Down Standards in the Food Industry,"
July 11, 2000) -- about 3% of the total Wal-Mart employees in the United
States at that time. By now, it has more than 100 distribution centers, but
the ratio of Wal-Mart distribution center workers to Wal-Mart store and
office clerks is likely to have remained roughly the same (and it will
decline further soon, upon the introduction of
radio-frequency identification). It makes sense to concentrate on
organizing distribution center workers, who represent a small proportion of
the total Wal-Mart workforce and yet control the strategic points of the
Wal-Mart supply chain, as several labor writers suggested (for instance,
Marc Brazeau, “What Would a Successful Recognition Campaign for Wal-Mart
Workers Look Like?” The Joe Hill Dispatch,
April 30, 2004; and David Moberg, “The Wal-Mart Effect: The Hows and
Whys of Beating the Bentonville Behemoth,” In These Times,
June 10, 2004). What if the unions spent $25 million salting the
distribution centers? “Training and hiring new professional organizers,
Olney argues, is not as important as encouraging potential organizers to
take jobs themselves, in target workplaces. This ‘salting’ -- taking a job
with the intent to organize -- was one factor in the massive drives of the
1930s,” says Jane Slaughter (“Organizing for Numbers -- Or for Power?”
Labor Notes,
October 2002).
Distribution centers are good targets from the point of view of using public
subsidies already lavished upon them for an argument for working-class
community control. Philip Mattera and Anna Purinton found that "90 percent
of the company’s distribution centers have been subsidized" and that
Wal-Mart has received an average of about $6.9 million per subsidized
distribution center, far more than $2.8 million that it captured per its
subsidized store (“Shopping for Subsidies: How Wal-Mart Uses Taxpayer Money
to Finance Its Never-Ending Growth,”
May 2004). A Wal-Mart distribution center generally employs “660 to 800
employees” (Mary Hopkin, “Grandview Official Wants Grant Put on Hold,”
Tri-City Herald,
December 20, 2002). That's $8,600-10,000 per job in direct subsidies
alone, not counting the costs of “food stamps, Medicaid, the earned income
tax credit and other social safety-net programs that Wal-Mart retail workers
(and their families) may be eligible for because of the low wages and
limited health insurance coverage they receive”: “A state survey [in
Georgia] found that 10,261 of the 166,000 participants in the PeachCare
program, which provides health care coverage for youngsters in low-income
uninsured families, were children of Wal-Mart employees. This was more than
10 times the number for any other employer” (Mattera and Purinton,
May 2004).
The main obstacle is locations, locations, locations. Take a look at the map
of Wal-Mart distribution centers:

Source: Teamsters, "Wal-Mart Organizing Update," Warehouse Newsletter,
Many of them are in
the South, especially outside metropolitan areas, where unions have had
little success organizing. Wal-Mart's aggressive expansion, however, has
brought it into the traditional strongholds of organized labor in the East,
the West, and the Midwest, laying the ground for a coordinated national
Then, there are choke points at ports. Chris Kutalik's article on the "[w]ildcat
strikes, rallies, and highway blockades by
port truck drivers
rocked West and East Coast ports in late April and early May" demonstrates
their potential power to impact the bottom lines of many bosses, "from ship
owners to port authorities to retailers like Wal-Mart":
strikes, rallies, and highway blockades by port truck drivers rocked West
and East Coast ports in late April and early May. Angered by rising diesel
fuel prices and other factors that keep them at or under the poverty line,
hundreds of mostly African-American and Latino owner-operators (sometimes
called troqueros) parked their trucks and blocked terminals….
troqueros' unique position in the transportation system enabled them to shut
down freight traffic and force powerful interests, from ship owners to port
authorities to retailers like Wal-Mart, to listen to their demands.
Troqueros move freight between ports and inter-modal terminals, the sites
where truck cargoes are loaded onto rail cars or unloaded from them. All
freight that enters the country must pass through a troquero's hands before
being loaded onto other trucks or onto trains for its journey to warehouses,
stores, and factories around the country.
In West Coast ports truck drivers are paid $50-$200 per cargo container
hauled (often a truckload), depending on length of the trip. After expenses
for fuel, insurance, registration, and maintenance, earnings average $8-$9
an hour, according to Teamsters Port Division estimates. With diesel prices
hitting record highs -- $2.39 per gallon in California on April 30 –
drivers’ income has been eroded even further, pushing drivers to
desperation. (Chris Kutalik, “Dockside Wildcats Halt Freight Traffic: Gas
Prices Fuel Port Drivers' Revolt,” Labor Notes,
June 2004)
issues that drove the port truckers to their direct actions – “a 30 percent
rise in freight rates paid by trucking companies," "fuel surcharge increases
of 5 percent, plus 5 percent for each $.25 a gallon when diesel fuel tops
$1.95 a gallon,” “[r]ecognition of the drivers as workers” rather than
“independent contractors” were their demands (Kutalik,
June 2004) -- remain unresolved, providing opportunities for joint
actions between them and Wal-Mart distribution workers, attacking Wal-Mart's
supply chain simultaneously.
Yoshie Furuhashi is an activist in
Columbus, Ohio. You can read her blog "Critical Montages" at:
Articles by Yoshie Furuhashi
Why Does
Fahrenheit 9/11 Pursue Conspiracy Theory?
* Winning
the Culture War, Losing the Class Struggle