Robertson was right when he suggested that the United States would
assassinate Venezuela's Hugo Chavez.
Robertson, of course, is a hypocrite and one
of this country's most effective ad men for atheism. In the main, Pat
Robertson is a medieval, witch-burning, fool. However, he moves among
people who are either within or near to the circles of power. They are not
nice people, but they are not fools. Robertson has either heard directly
from this country's rulers' own lips, or heard from reliable sources close
to them, that the US does, indeed, have President Chavez in its
Robertson sees himself as a prophet with a direct line to God. All
medieval witch-burners do. He is a fool because he could not resist
opening his mouth and blabbing to the whole world that he had
foreknowledge about America's black bag operations to assassinate yet
another democratically elected foreign leader. By speaking so brazenly --
and prematurely -- Robertson caused two immediate effects: First,
he provoked sanctimonious denials from other political witch-burners like
Minnesota's Republican Senator
Norm Coleman and Secretary of War Donald Rumsfeld. Second, Mr.
Robertson's intemperate prattling has, in essence, spilled the beans about
the all-too-real US
plan to kill President Chavez. Thus has Pat Robertson unwittingly
spared Hugo Chavez from the death that was, indeed, prepared for him --
at least for the time being -- and earned Mr. Robertson a public
scolding from those liars whose dark secret he has disclosed.
There are numerous wonders associated with what Mr. Robertson said. Why,
for example, are so many Americans shocked by the notion that, covertly or
overtly, their leaders would assassinate another country's head of
It is one thing to have forgotten our history from the last century, when
the US helped to violently overthrow the popularly elected governments of
Chile (Allende) and
Iran (Mossadegh) and nearly every country in Central America from
Panama (Omar Torrijos) to
Guatemala (Jacob Arbenz). Can the majority of Americans have already
forgotten that even in this century we have forcibly removed Jean-Bertrand
Aristide, the duly
elected president of Haiti, and unhesitatingly supported undemocratic
governments in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the Philippines and
Kazakhstan? Political assassination, of course, is not an exclusive tool
of American foreign policy. This country's readiness to covertly kill
political leaders who offend us puts the US in league with Ariel Sharon,
Stalin, Rome's Caligula, feudal Europe and the medieval despots of the
declining Byzantine Empire.
It is no surprise that Mr. Robertson and his fellow medievalists have most
in common with the theocrats of Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and the Taliban
in Afghanistan. The word “assassin”, after all, is derived from the
medieval French word, “hassassis” (hashish takers) given to Muslim
fanatics who committed to “assassinate” Christian crusaders who had
occupied the Middle East. Thus has Mr. Robertson eschewed the
peace-extremist teachings of
Jesus of Nazareth and endorsed the tactics of medieval,
anti-occupation, Crusader-killing, dope-smoking, Islamic insurgents.
The Administration's more-or-less official response to Mr. Robertson's
statements was that such an assassination would be
“illegal” under US law. But why would the public accept that
explanation when it is obvious that the 'rule of law' in America applies
only to the lesser classes, and not to them at the highest level of policy
making? Political and social leaders have been
assassinated within and without the United States for decades, usually
without the sanction of law; and if the US government had not its own
finger on the trigger, then it found the usual
collaborators who, for the purchase of power or money, would pull the
trigger as America's proxy.
Meanwhile, America's perpetually vacationing medieval king says nothing
while he shakes spears at the world and mutters disingenuously, like
Henry II, “Will no one rid me of this meddlesome chaviste?”
The election of Mr. Bush and the influence of Pat Robertson and his
dominionist ilk are markers of a degenerate medievalization of
America. So, too, are the efforts in some quarters to push Science back
into the Middle Ages and to undermine evolution with oxymoronic notions of
“intelligent design”. Notwithstanding advances in technology, America is
regressing backwards from its
Enlightenment origins into medievalism. The people who scream their
patriotism the loudest seem to be the most determined to destroy the
Founders' dreams by creating a medieval theocracy like only
Torquemada could love.
History often shows that blind religious fervor, superstition, sectarian
violence, witch hunts and intolerance increase in society commensurate
with increasing economic stress. Thus, “technology”, in and of itself,
does not protect a society when economic surpluses start to disappear and
the competition for depleting resources becomes sharp. Technology will not
brake the superstitious, frightened flight into medieval religious
irrationality when the people find their jobs disappearing, their
purchasing power devalued, their houses becoming too expensive to heat,
their cars too expensive to fuel, everything costing more for less value
-- in short, as the brief historical blip of American middle class
prosperity between the age of coal and the age of the Internet evaporates.
It is in times like these, historically, that the people turn to
charismatic religious leaders.
Why do we seem so unable to arrest America's backsliding from modernity?
Other than the occasional demonstration, protest march or election between
greater or lesser evils, concerned American citizens cannot seem to gain
any traction. Except for the spontaneous actions of people like
Cindy Sheehan, organized resistance to the witch-burning medievalists
has, at least in these United States, resulted in more disappointment than
quantifiable success. Why is this?
Partly, it is because beginning around the time of the First World War,
America has been a laboratory for very successful
social engineering on a grand scale. By a deliberate, decades long,
coordinated training of the American people -- through print, film, radio
and television and their infusion into the institutions of education --
the most powerful business/political interests have thoroughly inculcated
the citizenry with a medieval serf's docility and acceptance of authority.
Our colleges and universities have been re-made into incubators for
obedient corporate employees and consumers. Whereas once we were a wilder,
more independent pack of dogs, now we tend to bark when told to bark, shut
up when told to shut up, and lick the hand that merely refrains
from striking us. We have been trained to be collared, to walk on a leash,
and to think of it as though we were walking the master and not the other
way around. We eat the kibbles that trickle down to us and we have been
trained not to bite.
In part, enlightened Americans have become politically impotent because we
have been purchased with the excesses afforded by abundant, cheap
Like peasants in Pieter Bruegel's
Land of Cockaign, we luxuriated in a relative life of ease and forgot
that we were once a revolutionary people who had to wrest our
Enlightenment from an empire by blood, force and strength of will. Now,
when the hard labor of political effort beckons to us, we can, instead, do
the institutionally approved, time-consuming things like go shopping, go
to the movies, watch a baseball game, play the slot machines, drink a
beer, play a video game, anything that entertains and distracts us from
the task of democracy. There is Michael Jackson to titillate, Pat to
pontificate, American Idols and more American idles.
In part, even the Enlightened portions of the citizenry have been
enervated by the
of this Brave New World. Some think that occasional charitable deeds,
or a few dollars contributed to this
NGO or
another, or a weekend demonstration (time permitting), or effusions of
love and understanding will change the world. While they cannot hurt, by
themselves, none of these actions will accomplish anything. In fact, the
control tendrils of surveillance, monitoring, and foundation grants, we
should have no doubt, have already so vascularized, so infiltrated into
even the highest levels of the most noble appearing organizations such
that only the spontaneous, non-hierarchical actions of the Cindy
Sheehans of this world can hope to effect real change. It is as though the
Powers tolerate, even indirectly fund, the ineffectual organized protest
that they do permit to take place because these are a social pressure
mechanism that dissipates resistive energy, a controlled burn intended
to prevent a larger conflagration.
It is a bitter truth to swallow that the American peace movement, by
itself, did not end the Vietnam War. It ended, primarily, because the
Vietnamese people fought tenaciously, purchased freedom with their own
lives and bloodied America's nose. It ended because America's soldiers,
mostly Black, began to
mutiny, and because college-aged boys, mostly White,
declined to fight or die for a war that meant nothing to them. It
ended because of the massive
stresses in the American economy, the inflation, the devaluation of
the dollar, the crisis caused byskyrocketing
oil prices due to the 1973 oil embargo. It ended because the feedback
loop of the Vietnam War threatened to
rip apart the carefully engineered society of America.
As painful as
the end of the age of cheap, abundant energy will be, it may allow
Americans to bust out of their gilded cages. It is, after all, in the less
affluent countries of today's world -- where there is less time for social
foppery and fewer resources for idle consumerism -- where we find the
lessons Americans must learn if it is to avoid descending into a new
In Mexico this year, more than a
million citizens turned out, effectively shutting down the capital
city. They prevented the ruling mainstream parties from contriving,
through judicial machination, to extinguish the presidential ambitions of
its popular, left-leaning politician, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. In
Ecuador, the people rose, first to oust their unrepresentative
president and, second, to shut down the
oil industry until it renegotiates its national contracts. In
Bolivia, in June 2005, a coalition of indigenous and working class
people threw out a leadership that had sold off the nation's mineral and
energy patrimony to western corporate interests. In the years while
Americans disputed the limped electoral contests of Bush versus Gore or
Bush versus Kerry, the citizens of Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina and
Uruguay also practiced enlightenment and swept their political houses
In Europe this spring, the EU proposed a constitution that was, in
essence, a carte blanche for multinational corporate rule.
Overriding the cajolery of their leadership, the citizens of France and
Holland overwhelmingly voted
NO, thereby extinguishing (for the moment) big business's attempt to
undo Europe's social safety nets and remake the continent in America's
neo-liberal/neo-conservative image.
We can relearn lessons in enlightenment by looking abroad. The lessons
will not mean anything, however, until the economic stress in this country
equals that of the nations we would learn from; until the seductions of a
surplus society yield to the reality of scarcity. That time could be
coming sooner than you think: as soon as your next trip to the gas pump,
as soon as your next winter heating bill, as soon as your next electrical
power outage.
It is then that America's descent into medievalism could begin to be
seriously checked. May the Enlightenment prevail.
Zbignew Zingh
can be reached at Zbig@ersarts.com.
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