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(DV) M.J. Alam: Pain, Anxiety, Felt by White Segregationists at End of Jim Crow Era







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Pain, Anxiety Felt by White Segregationists at End of Jim Crow Era
by M. Junaid Alam
June 17, 1955
First Published in Left Hook

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Washington, DC: Following last year’s controversial Supreme Court ruling that “segregation of white and Negro children in the public schools of a State solely on the basis of race…denies Negro children the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment,” a large number of whites across the South are experiencing great pain and agony as an historic era comes to an end.

“Keeping those niggers out of our schools and neighborhoods was such an important part of the white dream,” John C. Black, an Alabama businessman with strong ties to the local Christian community, tearfully recalled. “After all, this land belongs to us, that’s what God and Manifest Destiny says,” he added.

Many white citizens in the Southern states, along with some in the North, feel trapped and endangered by what they perceive to be a radically pro-Negro agenda sweeping the country. Some have even vowed to resist the government’s mandates.

“When the cops come here and try to force us to board the buses with those black hoodlums, we will fight them every step of the way,” Stan White, a South Carolina preacher, roared to an applauding audience at a political event sponsored by the White Citizen’s Council.

Such scenes of tumult erupted last week across Alabama, as emotional white parents fought police officers and National Guardsmen, hurling rocks and spitting at them as they attempted to escort Negroes to schools. “They’re traitors, I used to admire our military, but now I don’t know,” Rob Black, a protesting parent of two boys at a large Montgomery high school said.

Prominent spokesman for segregation, Elie Weasel, appeared deeply pained by the ongoing situation and condemned Negroes for their callousness. “Look at those Negroes, why, they don’t even sympathize while many of us whites experience the great pain and suffering of having to relinquish part of what makes us so superior to them,” he lamented in a recent opinion piece published in a prominent paper.

At the time of this report, several Negroes had been lynched. None, however, were available for comment.

The above piece was penned in honor of the highly objective reporting provided by the mainstream American media on the Gaza withdrawal, and in appreciation of the wise words of Elie Wiesel. 

M. Junaid Alam, 22, is co-editor of the leftist youth journal Left Hook,, and a journalism student at Northeastern University in Boston. He can be attacked at:

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Other Articles by M. Junaid Alam

* Why I Am No Longer A Radical
* Does the Resistance Target Civilians? According to US Intel, Not Really
* How the Democratic Party Creates Conservatism
* An Interview with Noam Chomsky
* An Interview with Stan Goff
* Know Your Enemy: Political Contradictions of the Right
* The ABB Logic of Retreat Has Been Discredited: Now We Must Advance

* Purchasing Individuality in America
* Disrupting America’s Fateful Non-Debate on the Roots of Terror
* How to Avoid Becoming an Anti-American
* Taking on Dangerous Lies:A Response to Zell Miller’s Speech
* The War on Terror is a Fraud: Unraveling the Logic of a Lie
* Six Grim Consequences of the Anybody But Bush Plague
* The Left’s Rotten Rallying Cry of Retreat: Cowardice is Not a Strategy
* Torture is Merely the Symptom
* The Enemy Within
* We Are the Barbarians: Consequences of Colonialism in Iraq
* Interview with Jeffrey St. Clair
* Regime Change, Resistance-Style: Iraq's Intifada Begins
* Israel, Suicide Nation
* Are We Waging An Anti-Civilizational War?
* An Interview with Noam Chomsky on Bush and the Left's Strategy for the Elections
* “If You Organize, You Can Win”: Philly School Workers Fight for Fair Contract
* Iraq’s Right to Resist: Outside the Spectacle
* Image and Reality in the Middle East: An Interview with Norman Finkelstein
* The Racism Barrier: Answering William Safire
* The Wolf Who Cried “Wolf” Charging Anti-Semitism—and Extending the Iron Wall

* Why Do They Hate Us? And How to Move Forward