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(DV) Engel: Miraculous as Air







Miraculous as Air
by Adam Engel
August 6, 2005

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But even that car won't arrive
with no mortician left alive
to loaf behind the wheel
and urge mourners to feel
emotions besides dread,
or at least respect the dead,
if not for sadness or true grief,
perhaps remembrance of belief
that there would be another day
of sun and air and like display
of Spring and Future and the Bloom
of Life, despite the  gloom
of children taken, promptly gone;
the knowledge that things won't go on.
Such luxuries as Hope beyond Despair
would be, for us, miraculous as air.

Adam Engel lives at He can also be reached at: You can order a copy or two of Left Out for a discounted rate at:

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Other Recent Articles and Poems by Adam Engel

* Sum
Hephalumps and Woozels: A Review of Joshua Frank's Left Out
* The Gray Line
* Free as in Freedom (Part 2): "New Linux"
* Free as in Freedom (Part I): GNU/Linux
* Empire of the Senseless
* Gallipoli for Dummies
* Just Gas
* Subterranean Homeland Blues
* Arbeit Mach Frei
* Parlor Radicals
* Topiary: Call Me Plantman
* 24/7 and Your Dreams
* The Man in the Black Suit: Potentially Dangerous Citizens
* Man in the Black Suit: An Introduction
* Natural Selection
* Revolution and Reform: An Interview with Lenni Brenner
* What?
* What's Left

* I, Clitoris
* Abraham & Sons, LLP
* Enough is Too Much
* Crumblecake and Fish
* Black is Indeed Beautiful: An Interview with Ernest Crichlow
* Pretty Damned Evil: An Interview with Edward S. Herman

* Hall of Hoaxes
* Black and White is Read All Over: An Interview with Tim Wise
* Born Again Republican
* Jew and Me