Ghosts Don’t Exist and God is Dead! |
Today, I overheard two regular sorts of people talking about the “Amityville Horror” movie that was just released. One man, a large straight-laced self-proclaimed Christian with racist tendencies stated, “that’s a bunch of garbage, ghosts don’t exist!” In which an attractive female replied, “How do you know?” I was staring at the two and they must have noticed because the women asked, “what?” I blurted out some simple reply like “oh nothing”, but then I thought about it and asked the Christian man two simple questions that upset him greatly and instantly: Me: You don’t believe in ghosts, but you believe in god? Him: Yes Me: What’s the difference? Him: Everything He was irritated. I pressed it a little. “Did you know a giant invisible elephant is standing next to you right now?” He asked, “Are you so sort of liberal asshole, atheist?” Okay, I’ll stop the story there. What meaning does this short uncomfortable social interaction carry for radicals? Actually. It’s simple. 1. Differentiating between radicals and liberals. State that you are a radical and insult the liberals at every possible chance. This religious guy was a conservative that accused me of being a liberal. Hopefully, we are radical enough to avoid others making this mistake, especially with close associates. 2. The level of our conversations must be raised beyond pop culture and political and social generalizations. Taking about politics is not talking about the election or the war, but bringing forth interesting facts and points that mainstream people never hear. Our writing articles for each other to read and the occasional protest is accomplishing little. Communicating regularly with regular people in regular places is a must. It does take courage. Possibly more courage than a major protest because comrades do not surround you, but instead normal people. You will be alienated and ostracized, but you will also reach some people. You will discover people like you, radical, but not sure what to do or how to get anything done. 3. Finally, the removal of god from mainstream consciousness is a goal that is seldom stated on “radical” websites. The concept of god is at the foundation of the belief systems of mainstream people, even those that may not go to church. The fact that so many believe in an inevitable reward for the earthy suffering or for “being a good person,” is proof that we must negate this belief in order to encourage them to embrace social or political causes. It’s clear that without negating god we will forever accomplish nothing. A good starting point for the conversation is simply discussing religious division and the mass violence it causes. Again, this takes courage, probably a lot more courage than writing an article. Gordon Johns is working to change the world for the “hell of it.” Contact him at for a nihilist time. |