Zionist Left Writes Its Own Obituary

Barak and Netanyahu Kill Off Israel’s Labor Party

Ehud Barak, Israel’s defence minister, appears to have driven the final nail in the coffin of the Zionist left with his decision to split from the Labor party and create a new “centrist, Zionist” faction in the Israeli parliament. So far four MPs, out of a total of 12, have announced they are following him.

Moments after Barak’s press conference on Monday, the Israeli media suggested that the true architect of the Labor party’s split was the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who, according to one of his aides, had planned it like “an elite general staff [military] operation”.

Netanyahu has pressing reasons for wanting Barak to stay in the most right wing government in Israel’s history. He has provided useful diplomatic cover as Netanyahu has stymied progress in a US-sponsored peace process.

Barak had been happy to oblige as the government’s fig-leaf, so long as he was allowed to hold on to his post overseeing the occupation of the Palestinians. But as Labor became little more than a one-man show, it was racked with revolts, its MPs and handful of cabinet ministers regularly threatening to pull out of the coalition.

Netanyahu, however, has a larger purpose in seeking to draft the Labor party’s obituary — one related to the cementing of a domestic consensus behind the right’s vision of a Greater Israel. The prime minister is hoping to unpick the last strands of the Israel created by the founders of Labor Zionism.

Labor’s impact on Zionism was truly formative. During the 1948 war, the party’s leaders established Israel as a socialist state — even if it was of a strange variety that worried almost exclusively about the welfare of its Jewish majority and carefully engineered systematic discrimination against the fifth of the citizenry who were Palestinian.

For the next three decades Labor ran Israel virtually as a one-party state, centrally directing the economy and its major industries through the party’s affiliated trade union federation known as the Histadrut.

Labor’s political power rested on its economic power. Most of Israel’s middle and working classes relied for their employment on state corporations, the security industries, the civil service and government firms — and that ensured votes for Labor.

But as Israel’s economy began to wane, so did Labor’s electoral fortunes. The right wing Likud party — home to Netanyahu — won power for the first time in 1977, championing both the settlements and economic privatisation. These moves further weakened Labor.

The party recovered only in the early 1990s, under former general Yitzhak Rabin, who reinvented it as a “peace party”. Rabin adopted the Oslo accords that, it was widely assumed, would eventually lead to Palestinian statehood.

The Oslo process had its own economic, as well as political, logic. The Labor party, which had lost its chief rationale following economic privatisation, now promised that regional peace would open up lucrative new global markets, especially in China and India. The ultra-nationalism of Likud was presented as a barrier to trade and growth.

But peace failed to materialise, and the settlements’ continuing expansion steadily eroded the Palestinians’ belief in Israel’s good faith. Labor’s last shot at peace-making was the Camp David summit of 2000. When Barak, as prime minister, failed to reach a final-status agreement with the Palestinians, claiming there was “no partner”, he killed off Israel’s fickle peace camp and made his party politically irrelevant again.

In the following years, Barak continued to undermine Labor. In joining Netanyahu’s government, he visibly abandoned Labor’s two official missions: to protect the poor and defend the peace process.

With Netanyahu’s help, he now appears to have finished off Labor for good. His centrist party known as Atzmaut or Independence — working inside the government — will replicate the platform of Israel’s large opposition party, Kadima.

Atzmaut’s ideology, Barak has already made clear, will depart from Labor’s. At his press conference he denounced his former colleagues as representing “the left and post-Zionism”.

Avishai Braverman, a dovish and disgruntled Labor minister until Barak’s split, responded bitterly that the new party would be “Likud A at best and Lieberman B at worst” — a reference to Avigdor Lieberman, the ultra-nationalist foreign minister.

Labor’s breakup highlights both the continuing shift rightwards in Israel and Barak’s obssessive placing of his personal ambitions above all else. The defence ministry has become his personal fiefdom.

What will now become of the Zionist left in Israel? The few remaining Labor MPs will probably either knock on Kadima’s door, a natural home for a growing number of them, or unite with the tiny other left party, Meretz. Together, the surviving left will struggle to match the paltry number of Arab MPs. At the next election, the Zionist left may all but disappear from the parliamentary stage.

Its demise, however, should not be lamented. It has been in terminal decline for decades.

What its disappearance may do is free up the political landscape for a real left to emerge in Israel, one less tied to the onerous legacy of Labor Zionism and prepared to collaborate creatively with the Palestinian national movements. That is an outcome not considered in Netanyahu’s scheming.

Labor’s failure offers a potent lesson for this new left. The old party’s success was dependent on offering the Israeli public not just a political vision but an economic one too. Israelis will not welcome the compromises needed for peace unless they believe there are material incentives to make such sacrifices worthwhile.

The new left already understands the power of the stick of international sanctions looming over Israel. But it must also offer a carrot to the Israeli public: a vision in which an Israel at peace with its neighbours will bring about a better quality of life.

That will be the first, formidable task facing the post-Barak left.

Jonathan Cook, based in Nazareth, Israel is a winner of the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His latest books are Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East (Pluto Press) and Disappearing Palestine: Israel's Experiments in Human Despair (Zed Books). Read other articles by Jonathan, or visit Jonathan's website.

26 comments on this article so far ...

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  1. David Silver said on January 19th, 2011 at 8:21am #

    “Zionist Left” is an oxymoron sort of like “compassionate capitalism.
    You can’t have a racist perspective and be “Left.” Recall that the
    “labor Zionists called hashomair hatzahere non-Jews were forbuidden tio
    join a kibbutz. Similarly a “Progressive Democrat is oxymoronic.
    Dave Silver

  2. jayn0t said on January 19th, 2011 at 8:36am #

    If only this were true of the USA: “Zionist left writes its own obituary”. In the US, the Zionist left is a thriving industry. It is the intersection of local ‘human rights’ campaigns, hard-line anti-fascists, and the Anti-Defamation League. In Western Europe, anti-fascists are careful not to be seen with open Zionists – in America, they have no such qualms. The hyping up of white extremism produces tolerance of Jewish ethnocentrism – anti-fascists tolerate ambiguity, or worse, about Israel, whose supporters it works with against any critique or Jewish power, labelling all such criticism ‘fascist’. As a result, Jewish activists are able to weaken opposition to Israel.

    Whereas colleges and the co-operative movement boycotted white apartheid thirty years ago, they have only just begun to discuss the same approach to Jewish apartheid – and they are being sabotaged from within by Zionists disguised as leftists, claiming that opposition to Jewish power is a form of ‘oppression’. The solution is not to say that Jewish power is a form of white power, as argued by Jenny Peto, but rather that white supremacy simply isn’t an issue today, Zionism is the only serious form of racism left in the West, and political correctness needs to be unceremoniously junked.

  3. Ismail Zayid said on January 19th, 2011 at 11:12am #

    The facts on the ground show clearly that there is no difference between the “Zionist left” and the “Zionist right”. The massive ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians and the refusal to allow them to return to their homes was formulated and effected by David Ben Gurion, the primary leader of the Labour party. As to the vision of Greater Israel, Ben Gurion was also determined to achieve that. On the declaration of the state of Israel, on May 14, 1948, he refused to define any borders to this state, a state, which remarkably remains to this day the only state in the world that has no defined borders. His expansionist programme was declared in his statement in his memoirs, reported in 1954, after Israel taking control of 78% of historic Palestine, as he stated: “The status quo will not do. We have created a dynamic state bent upon expansion.”

    As to the racist laws, that continue to be effective in Israel today, they were passed in the early fifties under the direction of Ben Gurion. He claimed to accept the Oslo Accord but continued to violate its principal elements including the continuing settlement expansion. And there is a lot more to that.

    So, as far as peace is concerned in this tortured land, I am afraid there is no difference between the Zionist left and the Zionist right.

  4. bozh said on January 19th, 2011 at 11:15am #

    the conquistadors may have been socialist only because they cld not conquer palestine if they also oppressed own people– or own fellow cultists!

    an ethnic or cult supremacist cannot be called a socialist. call herhim anything u want, hisher evil doing is the same as that of a facist! so i say. so i’l forever do!

    i forgot about saying ideas or facts in ten words or less: personal-ethnic-cultish supremacism= evil.
    via hyphenation, i used only five words!

    btw? the reason i hyphenate the three phenomana is because each is part of a whole.
    there cannot be personal supremacism w.o. ethnic or cultish and vice versa. tnx

  5. 3bancan said on January 19th, 2011 at 11:51am #

    “What its disappearance may do is free up the political landscape for a real left to emerge in Israel, one less tied to the onerous legacy of Labor Zionism and prepared to collaborate creatively with the Palestinian national movements”

    It seems that becoming an Israeli citizen has brought JC a new optimistic outlook. Who knows, maybe Rabbi Ovadia Josef is starting a new Left, before the turn of the century…

    “Israelis will not welcome the compromises needed for peace unless they believe there are material incentives to make such sacrifices worthwhile”

    The Jewish thieves, robbers, vandalizers, torturers, murderers, genociders
    and consummate liars know to appreciate their living as world parasites No. 1.

    “The new left already understands the power of the stick of international sanctions looming over Israel”

    I’m not quite sure what “the new left” refers to, but probably not to the “real left” mentioned two paragraphs back…

    “But it must also offer a carrot to the Israeli public”

    Imho there’s really no need to describe in detail the wishes of “the Israeli public” and “the carrot” it receives…

  6. Deadbeat said on January 19th, 2011 at 12:11pm #

    I agree with jaynot. The pseudo-Left is a thriving industry who is the first line of defense for Zionism. Their job is to deflect any scrutiny of Jewish power and hyping white racism is one of their means. We’ve seen this with the Tea Party and the recent shooting.

    Jenny Peto rhetoric sounds like it is out of the Chomsky’s “junior partner” playbook. I’ve heard that “white racism” was an invention that developed out of Jewish power as a deflection naturally as Jewish businessmen became rich from the slave trade. Regardless the notion that Jewish racism derived from white racism is yet another way to claim that Jews are “victims” of a greater power.

    Zionism is the most serious form of racism in the West today and it is the pseudo-Left that is doing everything possible to prevent it from being confronted.

  7. hayate said on January 19th, 2011 at 1:08pm #

    Decent comments.

    As to the israeli politics, their labor party was never a leftwing party, in fact, it wasn’t even a centrist party like Britain’s Labour was at one time. The israeli labor party is like old time american “liberals” who supported segregation. Among the Jewish population, there is no left in israel beyond a few very isolated and powerless individuals.

  8. Rehmat said on January 19th, 2011 at 4:03pm #

    In it comes to Zionists – there is no “right, left or centric” – they’re all Zionazis with different ideas to create WZO’s dream of Eretz Israel. Barak, Benji, Avigdor, Tzipi, etc. are all war criminals and have arrest warrant issued in Britain, Turkey, Islamic Iran and maybe in South Africa in the near future.


  9. hayate said on January 19th, 2011 at 10:02pm #

    Wednesday, January 19, 2011

    Israeli Racism – by Stephen Lendman



  10. hayate said on January 19th, 2011 at 10:50pm #

    January 19, 2011

    A CounterPunch Special Investigation
    US was Cheerleader for Massacre
    Wikileaks Cables on Israel’s Gaza Onslaught



    What she describes about those cables is essentially a dominated nation relaying the dominator’s propaganda. You don’t see the usa questioning israel, something you would see if the usa was the one in charge. These are not diplomatic cables from one who is in charge, but rather from one who is subservient and does not dare question the acts of massa.

  11. mary said on January 20th, 2011 at 1:57am #

    Yes read them yesterday. Chilling and lacking any humanity.

    This about the theft of the Palestinians’ oil and gas reserves. Not only their
    land is stolen from them.

    19. Jan, 2011

    New offshore gas and oil fields (map)
    by Manlio Dinucci – Voltairenet.org

    For years, various companies have been exploring the hydrocarbon deposits in the Levantine Basin, but only a handful of political and economic leaders were privy to the size of the prize. On 29 December 2010, the Israeli authorities gave Noble Energy Inc. the green light to release the news. The communication, announcing that exploitation was taking off after a political freeze, has been coupled with a diplomatic campaign to allow Tel Aviv to siphon off all the reserves to the detriment of the other coastline states.

    U.S.-based Noble Energy Inc. recently announced a massive natural gas field discovery, located 130 kilometers offshore of Haifa [1] and consisting of an estimated 450 billion cubic meters. Resources in the surrounding area should total some 700 billion cubic meters. Exploration and exploitation are overseen by an international consortium composed by U.S. company Noble Energy Inc., currently the largest shareholder with a 40% stake, plus Israeli enterprises Delek, Avner and Ratio Oil Exploration [2]

    This accounts for only a small part of the energy reserves abounding in the Levantine basin, which comprises Israel, the Palestinian territories, Lebanon and their territorial waters. According to U.S. Geological Survey, a U.S. Government agency which has been prospecting in the region for several years, the natural gas deposits in the basin consist of approximately 3 500 billion cubic meters, while the oil reserves have been assessed at 1,7 billion barrels.

    The Israeli government, with Washington’s backing, considers it is entitled to all the energy reserves. Israeli national infrastructure minister Uzi Landau declared that the large natural gas fields would not only bring economic benefits to Israeli citizens but could also transform Israel into a gas supplier in the Mediterranean region. However, objected Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament Nabih Berri, Israel is disregarding the fact that according to the maps the fields stretch into Lebanese territorial waters. The United Nations Convention stipulates that a coastal state may exploit offshore gas and oil reserves within a zone extending 200 nautical miles (370 kilometers) from the shore.

    According to the sample principle, the reserves belong in great measure also to the Palestinian Authority. From the map drawn up by the U.S. Geological Survey itself, it emerges that the major portion of the gas deposits (around 60%) lie in the waters and territory belonging to Gaza. Exploitation rights were granted by the Palestinian Authority to a consortium formed by British Gas and its partner Consolidated Contractors (based in Athens and owned by two Lebanese families), of which 10% is held by the Palestinian Authority.

    Two wells, Gaza Marine-1 and Gaza Marine-2 are ready but not operational. In fact, Tel Aviv has systematically rebuffed all the proposals from the Palestinian Authority and the consortium to export gas to Israel and Egypt. Therefore, the Palestinians possess vast riches which they are unable to exploit.

    To seize the totality of the energy reserves – both Palestinian and Lebanese – bathing in the Levantine Basin, Israel has chosen the military option. The Lebanese Foreign Affairs Minister Ali al-Shami recently urged the UN Secretary General to prevent Israel from exploiting the offshore energy reserves located in Lebanese territorial waters. Minister Uzi Landau claimed instead that the reserves are in Israeli waters and warned that his country will not think twice about employing force to protect them. Israel has therefore threatened to attack Lebanon again, like it did in 2006, with the intention this time of impeding it from exploiting its offshore deposits [3].

    It is for the same reason that Israel does not accept a Palestinian state. To do so would imply the recognition of Palestinian sovereignty over a large portion of the energy reserves, which Israel wants to grab. It was to this end that the 2008-2009 “Cast Lead Operation” was launched and Gaza caught in the clutches of the blockade. Meanwhile, Israeli war ships control the whole of the Levantine Basin – and hence the offshore oil and gas reserves – within the framework of the NATO-sponsored “Mediterranean Dialogue” to “contribute to the security and stability of the region.

    Manlio Dinucci is geographer and geopolitical scientist. His latest books are Geograficamente. Per la Scuola media (3 vol.), Zanichelli (2008) ; Escalation. Anatomia della guerra infinita, DeriveApprodi (2005).


    Note again the dominator is calling the tune and backed up by the stooge, the US. ‘The Israeli government, with Washington’s backing, considers it is entitled to all the energy reserves.’

  12. Luis Cayetano said on January 20th, 2011 at 6:23am #

    ”The Jewish thieves, robbers, vandalizers, torturers, murderers, genociders and consummate liars know to appreciate their living as world parasites No. 1. ”

    So now it’s not even Zionist thieves, robbers etc. Just Jewish.

    Wow. So tell me: how will you respond when someone refers to ”the Muslim theives, vandalizers etc” when they’re talking about the Sudanese regime, the Iranian regime, the Egyptian regime, or any of the other cliques in the Middle East that happen not to be located in Tel Aviv? Certainly not with outrage, given the precedent you’ve now set.

  13. 3bancan said on January 20th, 2011 at 7:01am #

    Luis Cayetano said on January 20th, 2011 at 6:23am #

    Another beautiful example of typical zionazi blather.

    PS: The zionazis don’t call the racist supremacist genocidal Jews in historic Palestine ‘Jews’, they call them ‘Israelis’, or just ‘Zionists’…

  14. Luis Cayetano said on January 20th, 2011 at 7:28am #

    ”Another beautiful example of typical zionazi blather.”

    Not an argument.


    ”PS: The zionazis don’t call the racist supremacist genocidal Jews in historic Palestine ‘Jews’, they call them ‘Israelis’, or just ‘Zionists’… ”

    So I guess all that talk by Israeli leaders about anti-Semitism and their mention of ”Jews” was just my imagination. What isn’t my imagination is that you’ve now referred to them simply as ”Jews”, even though you wouldn’t dream of doing the same thing when it comes to Muslims (after all, it’s not like Muslims ever kill anyone. Or atheists, Buddhists, Hindus, or any other group). I’m talking about what you’re saying, slanderer, not what Zionists are saying. I’ll quote you again:

    ”The Jewish thieves, robbers, vandalizers, torturers, murderers, genociders and consummate liars know to appreciate their living as world parasites No. 1”

    See how you mentioned only Jews in there? No talk of Zionists. This nicely sets out where your true antipathies are at.

  15. 3bancan said on January 20th, 2011 at 7:35am #

    Luis Cayetano said on January 20th, 2011 at 7:28am #

    Another beautiful example of zionazi hubristic mendacious blather…

  16. Luis Cayetano said on January 20th, 2011 at 7:54am #

    ”Another beautiful example of zionazi hubristic mendacious blather… ”

    Not an argument.

  17. 3bancan said on January 20th, 2011 at 8:00am #

    Luis Cayetano said on January 20th, 2011 at 7:54am #

    “Not an argument”

    Ie not a zionazi one…

  18. Luis Cayetano said on January 20th, 2011 at 8:03am #

    ”Ie not a zionazi one… ”

    A claim about blather isn’t an argument of any sort. If you don’t agree with that, then you’re thoroughly stupid.

  19. mary said on January 20th, 2011 at 2:15pm #

    Sleeping Palestinian Shot 13 Times; but “Israel regrets ….”

    From Haaretz

    According to the IDF, one of the soldiers in the mission fired on Qawasme “following a suspicious movement that caused the soldier to feel that his life was threatened.”

    An investigation into the incident found that while this soldier fired “in accordance with IDF rules of engagement,” a second soldier who followed the first one’s lead and also began firing at Qawasme had acted “unprofessionally”, and was thus discharged from his IDF service.

    The IDF concluded the statement by saying they “deeply regret the death of Amr Qawasme.”

    He was shot 13 times, but they showed real remorse as they “deeply regret …” and nothing on the BBC

    {http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/idf-discharges-soldier-involved-in-hamas-raid-which-left-palestinian-civilian-dead-1.338010 }

  20. 3bancan said on January 20th, 2011 at 6:10pm #

    Luis Cayetano said on January 20th, 2011 at 8:03am #
    “If you don’t agree with that, then you’re thoroughly stupid”
    Ie, whoever doesn’t agree with LC’s zionazi blather, is “thoroughly stupid”…

  21. 3bancan said on January 20th, 2011 at 6:24pm #

    mary said on January 20th, 2011 at 2:15pm #

    A – sleeping or awake – Palestinian is “a threat to Jewish existence”. Only a dead Palestinian is “a good Palestinian”, ie no more “a threat to Jewish existence”…

  22. hayate said on January 20th, 2011 at 8:37pm #


    “but they showed real remorse as they “deeply regret …”

    Being israelis, the only remorse or regret they probably had was because their disgusting war crime got known outside apartheid israel. Apparently these 21st century nazis forgot to kill all the witnesses this time around.

  23. 3bancan said on January 20th, 2011 at 9:53pm #

    hayate said on January 20th, 2011 at 8:37pm #

    “the only remorse or regret they probably had was because their disgusting war crime got known outside apartheid israel” implies that they really regret it. I doubt it. “We deeply regret the loss of human life” (and its equivalents) are used by the zionazis as a disculpating mantra (usually it’s followed by phrases like “BUT it was selfdefence/necessary/in compliance with the law”).
    Btw, it’s interesting to compare the religious blather about Jewish justice/righteousness in [http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/prof-richard-falk-on-jewish-identity.html] with the real-life justice in a Jewish court [http://www.uruknet.info/?p=m74124&hd=&size=1&l=e]…

  24. mary said on January 21st, 2011 at 2:10am #

    My brother has produced this report and accompanying table on the methodical shooting of boys on the Gaza border by the Israelis, using data that Defence of the Child International have collected.

    Note the mealy-mouthed words of the rejectionof the request to publish it from the British Medical Journal. If it had been published, the IOF would probably have ceased their cruel practice given the air of publicity in a medical journal.

    Q. Why did they refuse it? Maybe because following a campaign to have the President of the World Medical Association, Blachar, removed from his office because of the complicity of Israeli doctors in the torture of Palestinian prisoners, there was a massive Hasbara- like international response to the Journal. Even in the medical profession! {http://www.pjvoice.com/v47/47007doc.aspx}

    Silence is Complicity: The methodical shooting of boys at work in Gaza by snipers of the Israeli Occupation Force
    by Dr. David Halpin

    The deliberate injury of the limbs of 23 boys by high velocity weapons has been logged and described by Defence for Children International – Palestine Branch (DCI-P) since March 2010. (1) Some of the facts have been published in national newspapers. These barbarous acts contravene international and national law but there are no judicial responses. The caring professions see the physical and mental pain of those who suffer and they should be in the vanguard in calling for this great cruelty to cease forthwith. Political leaders have failed to act. The Geneva Conventions Act 1957, which is of central importance in holding war criminals to account in the jurisdiction of the UK, is being emasculated.


  25. Luis Cayetano said on January 21st, 2011 at 7:57am #

    ”Ie, whoever doesn’t agree with LC’s zionazi blather, is “thoroughly stupid”… ”

    Here’s what I said:

    ”A claim about blather isn’t an argument of any sort. If you don’t agree with that, then you’re thoroughly stupid. ”

    So apparently you think that a claim about blather DOES qualify as an argument 🙂 One could be forgiven for thinking that you’re not too bright. or that you’re simply a vicious liar. You’re perhaps not embarrassed that other people read your words, but you should be.

  26. hayate said on January 21st, 2011 at 12:34pm #

    mary said on January 21st, 2011 at 2:10am

    Thanks for posting that. The israelis treatment of Palestinian children is a reflection on zionist, and especially Jewish zionist, total lack of humanity when it comes to people of different cultures and races. Their views are almost identical with those of nazis.