Recently, political pressure has been brought to bear against a trades unionist for attempting to express his views about the events of 9/11, on Australia’s publicly funded broadcaster, the ABC. This video redresses the balance, and makes it clear that Australia’s prime minister is either ignorant beyond belief, or she is putting the interests of nuclear Apartheid Israel ahead of Australia’s.
Friends of Israel: Enemies Inside the Gates
4 comments on this article so far ...
hayate said on November 24th, 2010 at 12:06am #
“makes it clear that Australia’s prime minister is either ignorant beyond belief, or she is putting the interests of nuclear Apartheid Israel ahead of Australia’s.”
It’s the latter. These things are bought and paid for by zionism, inc. before they run for office.
mary said on November 24th, 2010 at 2:39am #
These Aussie politicians are off to Israhell in December.
mary said on November 24th, 2010 at 5:46am #
I understand those links don’t work. Sorry. S/be
KonstWinkel said on November 25th, 2010 at 8:19pm #
Ever wondered why we are only given vague reasons why Gillard replaced Rudd? Sometimes right-wing journalists let slip on what is really happening in the halls of power before the Lobby has adequate censorship. Check out the essay ‘Democracy on a Leash’ on and the supporting MSM references.
The faction which put Gillard into the PM chair was the Israel Lobby/Danby faction .