The Sufferings of a Man in China

If someone had asked me a month ago, “Who Is Liu Xiaobo?” I would have answered: “I don’t know, but judging by the name, he’s probably Chinese.” And if someone had asked me a month ago, “What is the Nobel Peace Prize awarded for?” I’d have said: “That’s a world-famous and very honorable prize awarded for peacemaking. Like it says in the Bible—‘Blessed are the peacemakers!’” For example, in 1994 the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin “for his efforts to achieve peace in the Middle East.” Sadly, a month later Prime Minister Rabin was assassinated by his fellow countryman Yigal Amir, who was motivated by a desire to protect the people of Israel against the Oslo Accords. That incident clearly demonstrates the calling of peacemaker is not only honorable, but dangerous as well.

Mikhail Gorbachev was a Nobel Peace Prize recipient, too. Although he wasn’t killed by grateful countrymen, he took a hard blow to the head during a 1996 election campaign. Gorbachev received the award “for his leading role in the peace process which today characterizes important parts of the international community.”

Other Nobel Peace Prize recipients include Barack Obama for “his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples,” Jimmy Carter, Mother Teresa and Menachem Begin—not for the massacre at Deir Yassin, as you might expect, but for preparing and concluding groundbreaking agreements between Israel and Egypt.

So, if someone were to ask me today, “Who is Liu Xiaobo?” I’d answer: “He’s a Chinese citizen who was awarded the Nobel Prize “for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China.” Others who have received prizes for their human rights struggle include Lech Wa??sa, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and Aung San Suu Kyi, who was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal by the US Congress in 2008.

What do we know about Liu Xiaobo?

He’s 54 years old. In 1989, he took part in the acclaimed anti-government riots in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square. Evidently, this new Nobel Prize winner hasn’t since lost his revolutionary fervor because in June 2009 the Xinhua News agency reported that Liu Xiaobo had been arrested on charges of organizing subversive activities intended to undermine state power and overthrow socialism. In December 2009, he was sentenced to 11 years imprisonment for sedition. That decision by China’s judicial system incurred the displeasure of the European Union, the United States and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. One of the people who nominated Liu Xiaobo for the Nobel Prize was the 14th Dalai Lama, who is known both for his religious activism and his struggle to free Tibet from China. After the anti-Chinese uprising in 1959, the Dalai Lama fled to India, where he has lived ever since.

We should first of all mention that we (or at least we Russians) know very little about Liu Xiaobo and his activities. We know so little that we have to wonder why such powerful states as the United States and the European Union are concerned about such a little-known Chinese troublemaker. Could the evil Chinese Communists be planning military action against Western countries and preparing to parachute a million Chinese cut-throats on top of Obama’s head? Perhaps Liu somehow managed to damage those parachutes and sent the Chinese Communists into a tizzy? Everyone knows that Communists are very bad people who want to conquer the entire world, especially America. If so, it seems quite reasonable to award a Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo.

Second, every country in the world punishes anti-government activities, specifically the sort that Liu was engaged in; and the United States and the European Union are no exception. If Liu had been living in the United States and actually struggling to establish a Communist regime in that country, he would be unlikely to escape with only 11 years in prison. He probably would have been sent straight to the electric chair, as has happened in American history; or outraged American citizens would simply have killed him without thinking twice about it. Think back to the Palmer raids and Senator McCarthy’s activities. Still, we should acknowledge that not every anti-government activity is punished by all countries. Anti-Chinese activities obviously aren’t the same as anti-American ones; therefore, we shouldn’t expect the US State Department to treat them the same way. If you’re aiming to destroy the United States, that’s bad. If you plan to destroy China, then you probably don’t need to go to prison at all. Obviously, the positions of the United States and its vassal, the European Union, are the same.

Did Liu intend to destroy China?

Oh yes, that’s exactly what he intended, and the new Nobel laureate may still want to. How can I be sure of that? The fact is that the Tiananmen Square events of 1989 in that Liu took part in weren’t tragic random occurrences. In fact, the things that happened across the world in 1989 weren’t random at all. That was the year Communist regimes throughout the world began to crumble one after the other, and that was the period in history that Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote about in his article, “The International Consequences of 1989.”

However, is there much truth to the idea that the departure of the Chinese Communist Party from the political scene would lead to the collapse of China and civil war? Alas, there is. China has quite a few separatist organizations, the best known of which are the Tibetan and Uighur movements, which would like to rip China apart. Ultimately, the fall of the Communist regime in the USSR caused its collapse in 1991. Why should China be any different?

But what if the Chinese Communist Party violates human rights?

First of all, the CCP today isn’t the same organization it was during Mao’s time and during the Cultural Revolution. The CCP today doesn’t want to cause a world revolution, and it strongly supports private business. It has undergone a tremendous evolution, but not enough of one to win the US State Department’s approval. On the other hand, the activities of the State Department haven’t always met with the approval of the Chinese themselves or the Indians. But life being what it is, sometimes we all have to put up with our neighbors’ shortcomings. Do we reproach Great Britain because it hasn’t yet got around to acquiring a Constitution? That makes the term “constitutional monarchy” look like a joke when applied to Britain.

Second, even if the CCP does violate the rights of the Chinese in China, that doesn’t give anyone the right to interfere in China’s internal affairs. Are we going to lecture Obama because his country doesn’t have direct presidential elections, like Russia does? We won’t be funding the Communist Party of the United States of America any more, despite the fact that sometimes we would very much like to.

So. What does the awarding of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo mean? Does it mean that in a year’s time the CPP will fall into a Communist hell and China will collapse? Don’t forget, Liu’s human rights colleague, Mikhail Gorbachev, received the prize in 1990, and the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.

No, the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu doesn’t signal the end of the CPP and the collapse of China in 2011. The award is an open declaration by the West of its intention to destroy the CPP and cause China’s collapse in the near future. That’s all there is to it. We can only guess about specific dates. I don’t know whether the US State Department will get the Pope on its side, but I don’t doubt for a minute that there will be another “crusade.”

Is it true that the only thing behind the “statement of intent” is a problem about the denial of rights to Chinese in China? Of course not. Nobody but a dozen freaks in the West (meaning the United States and its vassal the EU) are truly interested in the rights of our yellow-faced neighbors. But what are the motives of the United States on the issue? The answer is ridiculously simple. The problem primarily lies with the internal affairs of the United States itself. The country is currently facing economic problems that can’t be called “temporary difficulties.” The fact is that the curve depicting the total US national debt has now gone exponential. To those for whom the term “exponential curve” means nothing, I’ll say that the Americans owe a great deal of money to foreign creditors, and strange as it may seem, China tops the list. The Americans don’t just owe China a lot of money; they owe it an obscene amount of money. The United States is a bankrupt nation, and if tomorrow you were to somehow force Americans to consume only what they produce, they’d call it a “violation of human rights” and start a revolution and a civil war. Alas, the prospect that it could happen is very real. Some spiteful critics on the web are already drawing maps showing Texas as part of Mexico.

What better way of keeping your standard of living up than to eliminate your main creditor? I agree, that sounds crass and cynical, but could the question be as absurd as it appears at first glance?

Consider opium…

What could be more profitable than a heroin market with a couple of million customers? Before its collapse, there was no heroin addiction as such in the USSR. After 1991, drug abuse became a national disaster. And who controls the world’s opium production now? The answer to that question isn’t hard to find. Consider that Afghanistan in 2007 produced 93% of the world’s raw opium, and Afghanistan is currently under American occupation.

So. The Chinese Communist Party has only one option right now: to try and drive the United States into its grave before the United States drives the CPP and China as a whole into its grave. I don’t know whether the Chinese will succeed in accomplishing that lovely outcome, but it could happen. As I said earlier, the United States is a bankrupt country, and China is the main producer of its consumer goods. The challenge is to redirect China’s flow of goods from the foreign market to its domestic market. The solvency of the United States is becoming more and more illusory every day unless the supplies of heroin in exchange for Chinese-made pants and shoes are factored in.

A second promising approach for the CPP is to deepen economic ties with Russia. The point here isn’t that Russia is the homeland of Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin. It’s something different. Russia is the only country in the world now capable of single-handedly standing up against the entire military might of the West. And that despite the incredibly pacifist policies of the current Russian government. As we know, a government can change its composition or its views on the world, but there is no reason for claiming that the Russian people will ever change their nature.

Konstantin Penzev is a Russian historian and writer, especially for New Eastern Outlook. Read other articles by Konstantin.

43 comments on this article so far ...

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  1. Unga_Khan said on October 12th, 2010 at 7:34am #

    And I doubt The West will attempt to crush China anytime soon- aside from the obvious nuclear issue, there is simply so much economic interdependence (debt is really only a minor issue comparatively) that a war and regime change would be so disastrous for the short and mid-term economy of the world as to be unthinkable within the current global industrial framework. That’s not to say the West wouldn’t like to see the CCP out of power- most everyone except for North Korea would like to see the CCP out of power frankly. But the strategy will be one of intense economic competition and jockeying for geopolitical influence especially over natural resources in Asia.

  2. bozh said on October 12th, 2010 at 8:08am #

    The quest to end knowledge [i use the word as undefined and undefinable; in short, in its folk meaning and not obama’s, gergen’s, rahm’s] is now stronger that ever.
    Proof where? Well, all aghas, lords, earls, beys, amirs, ceos, b’naires, priests, ulema, ‘educators’, kings, et al are uniting now in order to end it forever!

    Knowledge, to be knowledge, must comprise also honesty, accuracy-adequacy in informing us, timo-democratic governance, guidance-tutoring-etc.

    Alas, all of this gone; people rendered unsane; worshipping devils, inanimate objects; belittling others or denaturing the nature.
    However, fish starts stinking from the head! tnx for ur ear.

  3. Mulga Mumblebrain said on October 12th, 2010 at 8:18am #

    The Nobel ‘Peace’ Prize has been a vicious joke for some time. Real monsters,like the terrorists Begin, Rabin and Peres, the mass murderer Kissinger, the Quislings Annan and Sadat (who at least got his just desserts)the CIA stooges Walesa and the Dalai and the butcher of Waziristan, Obama the confidence-man (who celebrated by sending more Hellfire missiles crashing into sleeping villages) have received the ‘prize’ making it despicable and a mark,not of distinction,but of perfidy.
    The way in which the prize has been perverted to suit Western and US strategic interests is blatant, but unmentionable.The committee,if it had any decency, would have awarded it to real heroes struggling against real tyranny,like Marwan Baghouti or Leonard Peltier, but they won’t. This is just more irrefutable evidence of how united the pathocratic Western elites are in opposing China’s rise, a development that fills them with dread.
    Liu is , in my opinion, a compradore and traitor, not just to the Chinese regime but to Chinese civilization. The demand that China,a culture with a 5,000 year history, comply with Western demands to change its social arrangements to meet Western diktat, is a relic of a by-gone age of Western cultural supremacism and contempt for the global untermenschen.
    Just who in hell are these Western braggarts and bullies who preach ‘democracy’ and ‘human rights’? They are the same vile hypocrites who defend Israel as it destroys the Palestinians, murdering,torturing and dispossessing. They are the same humbugs who attacked Iraq based on known lies, murdered over a million and polluted the country forever with satanic weapons like depleted uranium. The US is the country where they solved their ‘black’ problem by incarcerating millions, torturing them while imprisoned and deleting them from the electoral rolls thereafter. This is the West that used the Holy Child Molesting Roman Church to undermine the socialist regimes of Eastern Europe, then imposed a savage ‘free market’ kleptocracy on them.They have no legitimacy, whatsoever,to pontificate over human rights, freedom or democracy, being the bitterest enemies of all these ideals, however defined.
    This is just one front in a relentless war to delegitimise China, subvert it and attempt to finish the work unsuccessfully initiated in 1989 of launching a ‘colour revolution’ to replace the Communist Party with something more malleable to Western requirements. Any fool knew immediately who was behind the ‘students’ at Tian An Men as soon as the appalling ‘Goddess of Liberty’ so craven in its appeal, not to the Chinese, but to Western audiences, was wheeled onto the stage. Most of the student leaders fled to the USA, from where they had been financed, like a new wave of KMT Quislings fleeing to the West. There they, and other CIA financed subversives, like the Falun Gong cult, the Dalai and the Uighur terrorist leader Kadeer, ceaselessly seek to serve their Western masters in subverting China. This activity will lead to war, sooner rather than later, simply because no Western racist, whether in the USA or Norway, can stomach the idea of a Chinese global economic hegemony and the end of the era of Western pillage and contempt.

  4. Don Hawkins said on October 12th, 2010 at 8:30am #

    Then there is this and combined with drought not only in China but the Mid East and boring this will not be.
    BEIJING — More than 440,000 people have been evacuated in Hainan after the heaviest rains for decades inundated 90 percent of the Chinese island in the South China Sea, state media reported on Monday.

    Further downpours were forecast for Wednesday, threatening to intensify damage to homes, infrastructure and crops across the island, Xinhua news agency said, quoting Hainan’s governor Luo Baomin.

    The floods have affected 2.7 million people in 16 cities and forced schools to close, he said.

    More than 3,000 houses have been destroyed by flooding and damage has been done to 1,300 roads, over 40 reservoirs and nearly 170,000 hectares of crops, the report said, citing the provincial civil affairs department.

    According to the Hainan meteorological bureau, more rains are forecast to hammer the island on Wednesday and may hamper the relief effort, Luo added.

    The torrential rains have been falling for more than a week and are the worst on the island off China’s southeastern coast since 1961. AFP 1 day ago

  5. Unga_Khan said on October 12th, 2010 at 11:19am #

    Mulga, I think you’re forgetting that many Chinese communists and liberal activists also took part in the Tiananmen protests. They were a demonstration against authoritarianism, not socialist principles.

  6. hayate said on October 12th, 2010 at 11:47am #

    Great article. I love the way many Russians use a subtle mix of dry and wry humour, satire, irony and sarcasm all at the same time. One is always hearing from zionist dittoheads and rightwing knuckledraggers how there’s no freedom of expression in the Russian media, but commentaries like this of Konstantin Penzev are common in Russian media, especially in the Russian language media. On talkboards there, even much more so.

    But getting back to what the author wrote. About opium and who handles the distribution, the usa is definitely in the driver’s seat there, like they were earlier when S.E. Asia was a rival source of opium to that of Afghanistan. Everyone knows about cia drug connections, but few know that the mafia is not run by Italians or Sicilians. It’s mostly run by zionist Jewish interests. They are closely connected to the israeli guv and international banking. In fact connected is the wrong term, the Jewish mafia is part of them. The american invasion of Afghanistan has opened up a new source of heroin for these zionists now.

    Today in Russia, approx. 30000 people die a year from heroin drug abuse. This is not just a crime, it’s covert warfare. The israeloamericans are using that heroin to attack Russia. The Russian people know this. Their media covers it. Through their Uighur and Tibetan quislings, the israeloamericans would like nothing better than open up China to a similar heroin attack. Like the British before them and their opium trade in China.

    As the author pointed out, this wasn’t happening during the USSR. I’m sure israeloamerica would have loved to attack the USSR this way, but the Soviets prevented it from happening. With the fall of the USSR, they got their access through their zionist quislings who quickly rose to power under yeltsin. Many of those oligarchs were former black marketeers under the Soviets and were part of a loose network that provided some access to israeli intelligence to the USSR, in exchange for this outside support in their black market activities. These minor crooks were quickly made into major oligarchs under Yeltsin, using zionist money to buy up everything in within sight.

    The Jewish mafia has other uses than just selling drugs and the usual organised crime activities. The conduits used to smuggle drugs are also used for espionage and are intertwined with israeloamerican terrorism ops. This is particularly true in Russia and central Asian countries. It is also true in Latin America where the israeloamerican quislings there are closely associated with the cocaine traffic. The “Muslim” terrorismin south Russia, central Asia and west/southwest China are israeloamerican destabilisation ops and the drug trade provides israeloamerica with much of their access to these regions.

  7. hayate said on October 12th, 2010 at 11:52am #

    Mulga Mumblebrain said on October 12th, 2010 at 8:18am

    Great commentary.

  8. hayate said on October 12th, 2010 at 12:20pm #

    Mulga Mumblebrain

    “This is just one front in a relentless war to delegitimise China, subvert it and attempt to finish the work unsuccessfully initiated in 1989 of launching a ‘colour revolution’ to replace the Communist Party with something more malleable to Western requirements. Any fool knew immediately who was behind the ‘students’ at Tian An Men as soon as the appalling ‘Goddess of Liberty’ so craven in its appeal, not to the Chinese, but to Western audiences, was wheeled onto the stage. Most of the student leaders fled to the USA, from where they had been financed, like a new wave of KMT Quislings fleeing to the West.”

    Back in 1990 I had dinner with a couple people connected with that. The man was an israeli living in the usa, the woman had been teaching in China for several years. Both sayanim, though I did not know that at the time. I’d never heard of the term back then. The woman had been a labour lawyer, but she was teaching business law in China. An unusual turnabout, that, that should have clued me in to what was up. There were several others at that dinner and the woman acted as a go between for some them who wanted to use Chinese labour production and Chinese contacts of hers that wanted to set up business producing items for western consumption. On the Tianaman “uprising” she claimed she had no part, being far away in another region and inferring something happened by the way the Chinese news providers act. But, she was also meeting with Chinese dissidents in the usa to give them “legal advice”. So who knows. Years later I put 2 and 2 together realised what the roles this man and woman played as sayanim. The woman was providing zionists with access to Chinese and in China, looking for Chinese willing to be “influenced” by zionist interests. The israelis have been infiltrating China a long time and they probably are the major players there working to subvert the country. Atzmon had this to say about the huge presence of israel in China when he visited.

    Autumn in Shanghai by Gilad Atzmon

    BTW, the sayanim working in China that I described was working in the Shanghai region.

  9. teafoe2 said on October 12th, 2010 at 12:29pm #

    great article, and great comments from Mulga and hayate!

  10. hayate said on October 12th, 2010 at 12:44pm #

    Cheers T42, and thanks.

  11. catguy00 said on October 12th, 2010 at 7:17pm #

    “every country in the world punishes anti-government activities, specifically the sort that Liu was engaged in; and the United States and the European Union are no exception”

    Too bad the author could not offer a modern day example.
    Are socialists/communist parties banned in the west?

  12. catguy00 said on October 12th, 2010 at 7:20pm #

    So the Nobel Peace Prize caused the Soviet Union to collapse? Quite the conspiracy theory being put forth by this blogger.

  13. hayate said on October 12th, 2010 at 7:32pm #


  14. hayate said on October 12th, 2010 at 9:26pm #

    Another example of that subtle Russian humour infiltrating a serious commentary:

    2010 Nobel Prize in economics: Silent on the crisis

  15. hayate said on October 12th, 2010 at 9:39pm #

    Back to the druggies:

    Russia proposes to set up Caspian anti-drug 5 to fight Afghan drug trafficking

    Oct 12, 2010 21:27 Moscow Time

    Russia proposes to set up the Caspian anti-drug Five to fight drug trafficking from Afghanistan.

    Russia’s drug control chief, Viktor Ivanov, said at an international conference in the city of Astrakhan in Russia’s Volga region.

    According to him, this organization would include Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan.

    He stressed that 90% of all drug routes go through Afghanistan and the Afghan drug lords annually raise $16 billion from the drug trafficking to Russia.

    Note: israeloamerica was not invited. Gee, I wonder why.

  16. catguy00 said on October 12th, 2010 at 9:44pm #

    Do you have any Russian sources that blame the Jews for this?

  17. hayate said on October 12th, 2010 at 9:49pm #

    “We danced to Deep Purple, Slade and Led Zeppelin” – Medvedev

    Published 12 October, 2010, 14:26

    Edited 12 October, 2010, 21:16

    Russia’s president Dmitry Medvedev, known for his love of rock music, has caught up with the top brass of the country’s rock’n’roll scene.

    Medvedev and the musicians enjoyed a relaxed evening at Moscow’s Rythm-and-Blues Café, a jazz club owned by famous rocker Andrey Makarevich.

    They also grabbed some beers in a Moscow bar to chat about their favorite music and what is going on in the country.

    Medvedev confessed he is more addicted to working than music, while the musicians cracked a joke suggesting that it was Deep Purple songs that led Medvedev to presidency.

    Indeed, there may be some truth in it, as it is their music he danced to at school discos.

    “It was in the 1970s and 1980s. We listened to various music, but mostly hard rock. I was even a DJ at school discos. Oddly enough, we even managed to dance to Deep Purple, Slade and Led Zeppelin,” Medvedev said.

  18. hayate said on October 12th, 2010 at 11:29pm #

    Back to what I was talking about before I was so rudely interrupted. Oddly enough, when those Russian demonic “L” advocates got to the usa, they were censored. Good thing, too. Cant have women behaving that way on ‘merkin television, especially on the “excessive chin show”:

    Now what was happening when they switched cameras? ;D This was on the tonight show in 2003, Feb. 2003, just before the zionists had their american puppet invade Iraq, a couple of years after the Kremlin show (Iraq war? Why mention that? Well, I’ll get to that, be patient). What was really funny here is that the clueless american censors, so intent on preventing a {gasp} lesbo kiss on network television,the plugs completely missed the message on their shirts (the women were specifically instructed not to smooch by the americans, and when they did, literally panic ensued backstage – no joke). The message:

    ??? ?????!

    Translated it literally means FUCK WAR!

    The context:

    The israaeloamericans were on the verge of invading Iraq (this was late Feb. 2003) and the ziofascists had literally imposed a blanket ban of anti-war protest on american network broadcast media. Later when one of the women was asked about the protest, and the fact americans wouldn’t know the Russian terms, she replied (I paraphrase) people at home will know and will see it (incidentally, these 2 were only 17 at that time).

    BTW, later, mad tv refused to let them wear the ??? ?????! shirts, but asked them to neck. Naturally, being the product of evul Russian totalitarianism, the women refused to kiss and wore shirts that said “censored”.


  19. hayate said on October 12th, 2010 at 11:37pm #

    I forgot mention that if one tries to post that t.A.T.u. tonight show performance on one of the usual israeloamerican sites, like youtube/google/ap, it gets deleted pronto, if it even gets past their censors, which I found it usually does not.

    So much for “freedom of expression” in zionist run america….

  20. catguy00 said on October 13th, 2010 at 12:14am #

    Yes, they certainly do have more respect for gay rights in Russia.!v=iDOV6qvizmA&feature=related

    Canada, Western Europe, and even socially conservative USA are for more ahead of the Russkies on this issue.

  21. hayate said on October 13th, 2010 at 12:30am #

    More freedom of expression in Russia? Posted by catguy00 on 10/13/2010 at 12:07am

    has now been editged now to:

    catguy00 said on October 13th, 2010 at 12:14am #

    “Yes, they certainly do have more respect for gay rights in Russia.!v=iDOV6qvizmA&feature=related

    Canada, Western Europe, and even socially conservative USA are for more ahead of the Russkies on this issue.”

    That or it was deleted and quickly replaced with the above spam. Either way, an explanation is due, DV.

    Let’s hear it.

  22. hayate said on October 13th, 2010 at 12:38am #

    Il_suo said on October 13th, 2010 at 12:34am

    Gee whiz, a new nick! What will ziospamthink ofnext?

  23. hayate said on October 13th, 2010 at 12:46am #

    Edited posts , then a quick change to a name that’s never been on DV.

    Very curious, eh?

  24. shabnam said on October 13th, 2010 at 11:39am #

    {For example, in 1994 the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin “for his efforts to achieve peace in the Middle East.” Sadly, a month later Prime Minister Rabin was assassinated by his fellow countryman Yigal Amir, who was motivated by a desire to protect the people of Israel against the Oslo Accords.}

    Oslo was not a peace process but a facade through which stealing of Palestinian’s land was expanded. Arabs and Muslim in general hold Russia, then Soviet Union, a helping hand of Zionism because both countries’ policy regarding Muslims is IDENTICAL. As Rumy Hasan writes in “The Soviet hand in Israel” established the dirty hand of Russian in dispossession of Palestinians:

    {Western critics of Israel almost invariably think that the partition of Palestine was a product of the West, above all of the old imperial power, Britain, which held “mandate” Palestine, and the US, the dominant force after World War II. Given all the support that these two countries have given to Israel over the past six decades, and continue to give, this is perhaps an understandable assumption. Importantly, however, it is not a full, and therefore true, representation of what actually happened.
    Put briefly, there is compelling evidence to suggest that had the USSR not supported the partition of Palestine and Israel’s creation, such a partition would not have happened. On the one hand, the US’s support for the partition plan was by no means as strong as is ordinarily imagined. We surely need to recognise that the political terrain in the US with regard to a Jewish state was very different 60 years ago than it is now. On the other hand, the USSR’s late change of stance and its uncompromising support for the Zionist project during the fateful years of 1947-48 was arguably the decisive factor.}

    Today, the ugly hand of Russia, a criminal state, is with the Judeofascists hoping to gain a foot in the Persian Gulf and substituting American’s criminal treatment to expand her interest.
    Iran is not alliance of any military pact and is willing to become a permanent member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) to contribute to the security of the region and to be alliance with other power since Iran is under real threat. Russia and China have cooperated with the criminal states, Israel and US, denying Iran to be part of SCO. Russia has every incentive to see destruction of Iran because Iran has strong cultural ties with the population of the Central Asia that criminal Russia wants to oppress and steal their resources.
    The SCO is an intergovernmental, mutual-security organization established in 2001 by the leaders of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Iran applied for SCO membership in March 2008. Tehran wants Moscow to accelerate Iran’s incorporation into the organization, in which Iran now holds observer status. But many Iranian leaders complain that neither Russia nor China is making this possible because neither country wants to lose the status quo that the phony “war on Terror” has been created. They want to gain more concessions by helping the war criminals to kill more Muslims. Are these countries deserved to be supported. How the population on earth can change the situation when China with unique position and more than one billion population behave SO PETTY and stays very careful not to anger the enemy of humanity to be protected and build her fucking economic ‘progress’ based on death bodies of Muslims. China like Russia has voted for the illegal sanctions imposed by the criminal West, while she is dumping more Chinese garbage on Iranian market. Today, due to DUMB POLICY OF WASHINGTON, Iran is filled with Chinese business men to dump more garbage for lucrative gain in Iran. China is making huge PROFIT from the status quo and there is no sign that china thinks and plan long term not for a petty short term gains. Thus, China’s behavior, helping hand of Zionism and imperialism, strengthen the criminal act of the West and finally they bring down China, a conservative and timid county. China has shown is contempt with her PUTTY GAINS to feed her hungry population and gives a damn about others. This kind country DOES NOT DESERVE OUR SUPPORT, because then you are supporting the hand of your enemy. China killed more than 190 Muslims in 2009 and escaped criticism by Washington. On the other hand, due to Iranian election ‘fraud’ HOAX Street demonstration, around 25 percent of what Chinese government killed were perished. The criminal West chose to ignore Chinese death bodies and established a propaganda campaign against Iran. This is double standard policy in terms of treatment of those countries that help the war criminals, and those who don’t.

  25. shabnam said on October 13th, 2010 at 3:12pm #

    {For example, in 1994 the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin “for his efforts to achieve peace in the Middle East.” Sadly, a month later Prime Minister Rabin was assassinated by his fellow countryman Yigal Amir, who was motivated by a desire to protect the people of Israel against the Oslo Accords.}

    Oslo was not a peace process but a facade through which stealing of Palestinian’s land was expanded. Arabs and Muslim in general hold Russia, then Soviet Union, a helping hand of Zionism because both countries’ policy regarding Muslims is IDENTICAL. As Rumy Hasan writes in “The Soviet hand in Israel” established the dirty hand of Russian in dispossession of Palestinians:

    {Western critics of Israel almost invariably think that the partition of Palestine was a product of the West, above all of the old imperial power, Britain, which held “mandate” Palestine, and the US, the dominant force after World War II. Given all the support that these two countries have given to Israel over the past six decades, and continue to give, this is perhaps an understandable assumption. Importantly, however, it is not a full, and therefore true, representation of what actually happened.
    Put briefly, there is compelling evidence to suggest that had the USSR not supported the partition of Palestine and Israel’s creation, such a partition would not have happened. On the one hand, the US’s support for the partition plan was by no means as strong as is ordinarily imagined. We surely need to recognise that the political terrain in the US with regard to a Jewish state was very different 60 years ago than it is now. On the other hand, the USSR’s late change of stance and its uncompromising support for the Zionist project during the fateful years of 1947-48 was arguably the decisive factor.}
    Today, the ugly hand of Russia, a criminal state, is with the Judeofascists hoping to gain a foot in the Persian Gulf and substituting American’s criminal treatment to expand her interest.
    Iran is not alliance of any military pact and is willing to become a permanent member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) to contribute to the security of the region and to be alliance with other power since Iran is under real threat. Russia and China have cooperated with the criminal states, Israel and US, denying Iran to be part of SCO. Russia has every incentive to see destruction of Iran because Iran has strong cultural ties with the population of the Central Asia that criminal Russia wants to oppress and steal their resources.
    The SCO is an intergovernmental, mutual-security organization established in 2001 by the leaders of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Iran applied for SCO membership in March 2008. Tehran wants Moscow to accelerate Iran’s incorporation into the organization, in which Iran now holds observer status. But many Iranian leaders complain that neither Russia nor China is making this possible because neither country wants to lose the status quo that the phony “war on Terror” has been created. They want to gain more concessions by helping the war criminals to kill more Muslims. Are these countries deserved to be supported. How the population on earth can change the situation when China with unique position and more than one billion population behave SO PETTY and stays very careful not to anger the enemy of humanity to be protected and build her fucking economic ‘progress’ based on death bodies of Muslims. China like Russia has voted for the illegal sanctions imposed by the criminal West, while she is dumping more Chinese garbage on Iranian market. Today, due to DUMB POLICY OF WASHINGTON, Iran is filled with Chinese business men to dump more goods for lucrative gain in Iran. China is making huge PROFIT from the status quo, thus, China’s helping hand is appreciated by zionists and imperialists. China has shown is contempt with the status quo, mainly off the hook and signing more sanctions against Iran and its legal nuclear energy program, like Russia, while China is sitting on hundreds of nuclear bombs like Israel.

  26. hayate said on October 13th, 2010 at 7:36pm #

    There was another post by shabnam I saw earlier, but it’s gone and now there’s this double posted rant. There are so many unsourced inaccuracies in this comment, it would take all night to track them down and debunk them. So I’ll stick to some recent news items about Chinese-Iran relations post the latest round of sanctions.

    China rejects U.S. pressure on Iran trade ties

    BEIJING | Thu Aug 5, 2010 12:43am EDT

    BEIJING (Reuters) – China pushed back at U.S. pressure on its business and oil trade with Iran in comments published on Wednesday, while Iran’s oil minister was in Beijing seeking to shore up ties with the big customer.

    Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu was responding to comments by Robert Einhorn, special adviser for nonproliferation and arms control at the U.S. State Department, who said on Monday China should observe sanctions against Iran aimed at forcing it to curtail its nuclear ambitions.

    Western governments have pressed China to loosen its energy and economic ties with Iran, which they see as shielding Iran from international pressure.

    Iran’s oil minister, Massoud Mirkazemi, is in Beijing for talks with Chinese energy executives. He has not made any public comments.

    Jiang, the Chinese spokeswoman, said her country’s trade dealings with Iran should not be criticized.

    “China’s trade with Iran is a normal business exchange, which will not harm the interests of other countries and the international community,” she said in comments published in the official China Daily.

    “As a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council, China has always observed the council’s resolutions,” she said.

    Iran is a major supplier of crude oil to China, the world’s second-biggest consumer of oil after the United States.

    The United States has urged China to tap other suppliers, but China has condemned unilateral U.S. and E.U. sanctions aimed at Iran’s energy sector.

    China has backed U.N. Security Council resolutions pressing Iran to abandon disputed nuclear activities, which Western governments say are aimed at giving Iran the means to make nuclear weapons. Iran disputes that.

    The latest resolution was passed in June.

    But China has also wielded its veto power over Council resolutions to protect energy and trade flows with Iran.

    In the first half of 2010, Iran held its place as China’s third biggest supplier of crude with shipments of 9 million tonnes of oil, putting it behind Saudi Arabia and Angola, according to Chinese customs data.

    (Reporting by Chris Buckley and Jim Bai; Editing by Ken Wills)

  27. hayate said on October 13th, 2010 at 7:40pm #

    China says wants deeper trade ties with Iran

    BEIJING (Reuters) – China wants deeper trade ties with Iran, a senior Chinese leader was quoted as saying on Wednesday, praising relations between the two countries despite the controversy over Tehran’s nuclear program. “”China is willing to continue maintaining high-level contacts and exchanges at all levels with Iran and deepen mutual political trust,”” the People’s Daily quoted Li Changchun, Communist Party chief propaganda official, as saying. The two sides should “”deepen trade and economic relations, earnestly put into effect signed agreements and contracts, develop infrastructure, communication, auto and light rail cooperation””, Li said during a visit to Iran. China and Iran should also encourage and lead exchanges between their respective companies, he added. “”The positive and stable development of ties has brought real benefits to the two peoples,”” Li told Iranian officials. Li later told President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that China wanted to resolve the stand-off over Iran’s nuclear program through talks, in a repetition of China’s standard line. “”China is willing to continue playing a constructive role in this regard,”” Li said, according to the Xinhua news agency. Ahmadinejad expressed “”appreciation for China’s longstanding efforts to help solve the Iranian nuclear issue””, adding that “”Iran is committed to solving the issue through negotiations””, Xinhua said. “”Iran will continue implementing friendly policies towards China,”” the president was quoted as saying. Western governments have pressed China to loosen its energy and economic ties with Iran, which they see as shielding Iran from international pressure. China has pushed back at U.S. pressure on its business and oil trade with Iran in comments published last month, saying Chinese trade dealings with Iran should not be criticized. Iran is a major supplier of crude oil to China, the world’s second-biggest consumer of oil after the United States. The United States has urged China to tap other suppliers, but China has condemned unilateral U.S. and EU sanctions aimed at Iran’s energy sector.

    Thursday, October 14, 2010

  28. hayate said on October 13th, 2010 at 7:42pm #

    Iran-China trade to hit $50b: official
    Tehran Times Economic Desk

    SHANGHAI – The president of Iran-China Joint Chamber of Commerce predicted that the annual trade between the two countries will reach $50 billion in the next 5 years.

    Asadollah Asgaroladi pointed out that the west’s sanctions against Iran were to no avail and the Chamber has accomplished excelling trade between the two countries despite them, the Mehr News Agency reported.

    He added that Iran-China trade value was $3.5 billion ten years ago and has currently reached $30 billion through the ardent endeavors of the Iran-China Joint Chamber of Commerce.

    Asgaroladi underscored “joint ventures” in various fields including the hospitality industry and transportation as two out of numerous ways to increase business between the two friend nations.

    Also present at the celebration, the Iranian commerce minister commended enhanced trade between the two countries private sectors and said the government will do all in its power to alleviate existing obstacles.

    Mehdi Ghazanfari pointed out that Iran and China have enjoyed meaningful relations with one another which have been stable and significant throughout the past.

    Other Iranian officials speaking at the ceremony included President Ahmadinejad, the Vice-President of Iran-China Joint Chamber of Commerce Majid-Reza Hariri, Tehran’s Ambassador to China Mehdi Safari and the Head of the Trade Promotion Organization of Iran Babak Afqahi who all expressed their ideas and solutions for further strengthening of ties with China.

    Many other Iranian officials took part in the celebration as well.

    Expo 2010 Shanghai China is a world expo in the tradition of international fairs with the theme of “Better City – Better Life” and signifies Shanghai’s new status in the 21st century as the “next great world city.”

    It is the most expensive and largest world fair ever at 5.28 square km.

    More than 190 countries and over 50 international organizations have registered in the Shanghai World Expo.

    China expects to receive approximately 100 world leaders and 70–100 million visitors from across the globe which would make it the most visited fair ever in history.

    Seven presidents have celebrated their countries’ national day at the expo up till now.

    The show will end on October 31, 2010

    Thursday, October 14, 2010

  29. hayate said on October 13th, 2010 at 7:49pm #

    Iran Sanctions Leave China, Russia as Winners in Trade

    By Ali Sheikholeslami, Anthony DiPaola and Alaric Nightingale – Aug 8, 2010 9:54 PM PT

    Sanctions punishing Iran for its nuclear program are deepening the country’s ties with China and handing Russia opportunities to sell more gasoline while hurting suppliers in Europe and India.

    Iranian Oil Minister Masoud Mir-Kazemi and Chinese officials pledged for their countries to cooperate more closely in the energy industry during talks in Beijing on Aug. 6, Iran’s government-run Press TV reported. Russia’s state-controlled OAO Rosneft and OAO Gazprom Neft may step up fuel shipments to the Islamic republic this month, the Iran Commission of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry said in July.

    “These countries have long-term interests in the region,” said Gary Sick, a member of the U.S. National Security Council under Presidents Ford, Carter and Reagan and the principal White House aide for Iran during the 1979-81 hostage crisis. China wants “to maintain relations with Iran for the sake of maintaining some access to the oil,” he said.

    While sanctions against Iran are denting the country’s fuel imports, squeezing supplies to the country’s 73 million people, they are forcing refiners including India’s Reliance Industries Ltd. to pay higher costs to ship gasoline to more distant markets. Sanctions also translate into lost profit for Paris- based Total SA and other European refiners, which are facing their lowest returns on processing crude since December…..

  30. hayate said on October 13th, 2010 at 8:02pm #

    There are two main reasons China and Russia went along with the zionist sanctions against Iran.

    1) to sate the current “hitler of our time” (ziofascists/western fascists) and dissuade it from escalating their war against Iran into a similar situation these ziofascists/fascists are creating in Pakistan. So far successful.

    2) to increase their own trade with Iran. With the west out of the picture due to their sanctions regime, guess who is picking up the slack.

    It is only because of Chinese and Russian actions that Iran has not been subjected to an israeloamerica/eu hot war the way Afghanistan, Iraq and now Pakistan have been subjected to. Telling the 21st century’snazis not to attack will do squat. They were told such by China and Russia regarding Iraq, the ziofascists attacked anyways. Neither China, nor Russia are strong enough to directly confront ziofascism, inc and it’s american/eu quislings, either militarily (without bringing on a nuclear WW3) or economically without totally wasting themselves in the process. The only choice is to whittle the monster down gradually while keeping it chasing its tail and picking up tossed crumbs.

  31. shabnam said on October 13th, 2010 at 9:42pm #

    I am afraid you did not get my point. I have already written that China has floated Iranian market with so many of his cheap goods. Tehran is filled with Chinese Businessmen to make a profit. Iranian people want to have a diversified market and have a better quality for the amount of money they pay. One of the article that you posted reads:
    [Iran Sanctions Leave China, Russia as Winners in Trade]

    This is exactly what I am talking about. Due to sanction, Russia and China become the winners in Trade. No wonder these countries repeatedly stab Iranians on the back. Iran needs advanced technology to protect herself and her citizen against the real threat from the war criminals. Iran is encircled by the nuclear states, Russia, Israel, US, India, Pakistan, yet China and Russia voted 4 times against Iran nuclear enrichment program while they are sitting on thousands of nuclear bombs. Both China and Russia have repeated their statement, “Iran should cooperate with the agency”. Iran has been cooperating with the agency for the last 20 years. These two countries are repeating the nonsense of the war criminal states to maintain the status quo which has been very profitable for them. The NPT expects nuclear states get rid of their nuclear weapon. What China and Russia have done so far? NOTHING. Yet they have demanded from Iran “to cooperate with the agency” which is nothing but nonsense.

    Russia postponed f the completion of Blusher reactor for over 11 years to gain more concessions from the West with the help of Israel. Russia has expanded her military relations with the apartheid state yet DARES to tell Iran “to cooperate with the agency”. Russians have signed an agreement to sell S-300 defensive system to Iran in 2007 to be able to use it as a bargaining chip to gain more concessions from the United States and her dumb politicians at the expense of the Iranian people. Now, Russia cancelled S-300 defensive system agreement to help Israel in case of any military attack. This situation has been maintained by the sanction regime where both Russia and China have supported. WHY SHOULD IRAN BE UNDER SANCTION? Do you think Russia and China, in her unique situation, cannot afford to say NO to illegal sanction? If Brazil and Turkey can afford to say NO to sanction, people of the world expect Russia and China to follow the suit; otherwise they are helping the war criminals to gain concessions at the expense of other groups. Do you think this kind of policy, supporting the war criminals’ strangulation of Iran, is going to save humanity?

    These sanctions have created a lucrative market for both China and Russia to dump their garbage as GOODS in the Iranian market. For example, Iran has the highest airplane crashes where thousands of Iranian citizens have been killed for the past two decades. Why? The reason behind these crashes is sanction, where deny Iran to buy spare parts or reliable airbus. The only market available to Iran, due to sanction where both China and Russia supported by their votes, were Russian old airplanes where are not reliable. Russia sold Iran her used airbuses for multiple of its values. This is TERRORISM. Due to high number of crashes, Iran tried to buy number of airbuses from the United States without any success.

    1) to sate the current “hitler of our time” (ziofascists/western fascists) and dissuade it from escalating their war against Iran.

    This is not true. China and Russia has pushed the situation toward WAR by supporting more sanctions. Any person with shallow knowledge of the situation can tell that.

  32. hayate said on October 13th, 2010 at 10:44pm #


    More unsourced ranting. I’m still waiting…

  33. shabnam said on October 13th, 2010 at 11:12pm #

    In the Interests of Israel”: Why Russia will not sell the S-300 Air Defense System to Iran
    Has Moscow switched to the camp of its foes?

    by Gen. Leonid Ivashov
    Russian army chief of staff Gen. N. Makarov broke the news on September 22 that Russia will not sell the S-300 air defense systems to Iran. Regardless of official explanations, it does not take an expert to realize that as a purely defensive system designed to shield a country from aircraft and cruise missile attacks the S-300 complexes cannot pose a threat to any country unless it attacks the one owning them.

    As for the standoff between Iran and Israel, Tehran is constantly confronted with threats of massive air strikes, and taking steps to prevent the aggression is a must for any country seeking to sustain peace, especially for a permanent UN Security Council member sharing the responsibility for global security. Aggression is least likely in the situation of military parity or if the potential victim is able to inflict unacceptable damage on the aggressor. Iran’s possession of the S-300 complexes could expose Israel’s air forces to the risk of unacceptable damage in case the letter choses to attack the former. Denying Iran the right to efficient means of self-defense is tantamount to encouraging aggression against it. Isn’t Russia thus helping to unleash a disastrous war in the proximity of its own borders, a war against a country which, by the way, hosts a large colony of Russian specialists? On top of that, the refusal to supply the S-300 complexes to Iran clearly hurts Russia’s political and economic interests.

    What could be the motivation behind Russia’s recent decision? Obviously, it depends on several related issues. Ostensibly unaware of the existence of Israel’ nuclear arsenal, Moscow has for years been playing the game of taming Iran’s alleged nuclear ambitions and voted for sanctions against the country in the UN Security Council. Actually, Tehran proposed a number of times to turn the Middle East into a nuclear-free zone. The plan was welcomed by the majority of the Arab world but seems to be a taboo for Russia’s foreign ministry. Now, why is that? …

  34. hayate said on October 14th, 2010 at 7:32am #


    That s-300 deal always struck me as a political move by Russia and Iran to mess with the israeloamericans. They used the potential supply of the weapon to extract concessions out of the israeloamericans with regard to Iran. We don’t know what was gained from the israeloamericans from Russia canceling the deal. From the way the Russians kept delaying the delivery of the weapons, my impression the deal itself was a phantom deal all along. I suspect Ivashov is playing his part in the ruse. I’ve seen him play that role before in the past.

    The number of weapons to be supplied was not large, certainly not large enough to defend more than a few sites. The s-300 itself is an old weapon, more than 30 years old, and its specs are well known to nato and israel. It’s in use by nato, in fact. As such, it could only provide a limited defense since the israeloamericans know how to counter its weaknesses and most certainly would do so in an attack. Incidentally, Iran does have several s-300 systems, and from what I’ve read, these have been upgraded in Iran with Russian help.

    A much larger deterrent to israeloamerican attack is the large number of Russians working at the Iranian facilities the ziofascists want to attack. The Russians would not sit back and allow their deaths, look at their response to the israeloamerican attack on South Ossetia, and the ziofascists know this.

  35. bozh said on October 14th, 2010 at 9:36am #

    Russia, being more or much more vulnerable than US or israel, is not about to tell ALL about anything. But then which state does that.tnx

  36. hayate said on October 15th, 2010 at 12:26pm #

    The West Perfecting Its Techniques To Hurt China

    By Andre Vltchek

    Thursday, October 14, 2010

    Have no illusions: the Nobel Peace Prize that has been awarded this year (2010) to Liu Xiaobo, the primary drafter of Charter 08, has nothing to do with human rights. It is a direct attempt to harm the largest non-Western economy and socio-political system in the world.

    The West has absolutely no interest in human rights in China or anywhere else. How could it, considering that it is violating them on basically all continents, worldwide? Human rights are camouflaging the West’s support for every group of people willing to antagonize, fight against or destroy any country or state that is Communist or Socialist by name or by deeds.

    Support for human rights is often synonymous with direct intervention in internal affairs, a hostile act against sovereign nation or with actually oppressing human rights or forcing a country to the brink of civil war. This approach had been ‘perfected’ in Nicaragua, Cuba and Chile, among many other places and it is now being put to work in an attempt to destabilize China.

    ‘Support for human rights groups’ helped to bring down Soviet Union, it destroyed at one point almost all revolutions and popular movements in Latin America (except in Cuba) and it was used as justification for some of the most horrid interventions (by the West), that included acts of mass murder/genocide against people of Vietnam and Laos.

    Tactics that were at work – to first discredit and then destroy all Communist and Socialist, progressive and nationalist states, governments and movements including Soviet Union, Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea, Chile, Tanzania, and recently Venezuela – are considered useful until this day. Now they are more refined, (more people and technology are involved) and much more effective than anytime in the past. After all, the task that Western global dictatorship defined for itself is tremendous: China – the most populated nation on earth.

    The fact that China is historically peaceful, non-confrontational and very successful makes the task much more difficult. On top of it, China violates human rights much lesser than all Western allies in Asia Pacific including Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand and definitely much lesser than the West itself. After all, the West is presently (indirectly) involved in massacres in Congo/DRC (at least 5 million have died there), in destabilizing entire Horn of Africa and parts of Latin America and in aggressive wars in Iraq, Afghanistan to name just a few lethal adventures.

    To discredit China takes enormous effort, but it seems that no task is too great for those in the West who would happily sacrifice the entire earth for their unbridled desire to control and rule.

    Equipped with the ‘world language’, limitless funds and absolute access to, and control over, the media, Western propaganda planners are managing to twist facts and manipulate global public opinion. In the meantime, China is playing clean and fair, hoping that its good intentions, deeds and non-confrontationist attitude will win friends and allies. But in our world controlled by colonial and post-colonial empires with hundreds of years of experience in conquering and oppressing the planet – being good and peaceful is not always a guarantee for avoiding confrontation, even for survival!

    The Western population is increasingly hostile towards China and it is not because it knows about it or understands it, but because of propaganda by which it is being bombarded day and night. Tens of thousands of men and women in media and academia have no other purpose in professional life than to bash China; to discredit it, to make it appear as evil. China bashing is now an excellent career, one of the best ways to get academic or research grants or rise in media corporate ladder.

    (cont at the link)

  37. catguy00 said on October 15th, 2010 at 7:22pm #

    Yeah, I’ll compare Norway’s human rights record to China’s anyday.

  38. 3bancan said on October 15th, 2010 at 8:24pm #

    catguy00 said on October 15th, 2010 at 7:22pm #

    “Yeah, I’ll compare Norway’s human rights record to China’s anyday.”

    It’s just normal that ziogatto praises the “human rights” of the country that has sent its mercenaries to Afghanistan on a genocidal mission…

  39. catguy00 said on October 17th, 2010 at 11:27am #

    Like I said, I’ll compare Norway’s human rights record to China’s anyday

  40. MichaelKenny said on October 17th, 2010 at 12:09pm #

    Norway is a member of the Council of Europe and , as such, is a party to the European Convention on Human Rights and subject to the compulsory jurisdiction in that regard of the European Court of Human Rights.

  41. shabnam said on October 17th, 2010 at 4:57pm #

    Russia helps Judeofascists and the United State against Palestinians and Muslims. Russia has expanded her cooperation with Israel. Russia is deeply in bed with the common enemy and should be treated like US and apartheid state.

    Q: Dr. Sanaei; Dmitri Medvedev has issued an executive order to put some anti-Iranian sanctions into force, including a ban on selling S-300 missile system. What is your opinion?
    A: There is no doubt that Moscow’s refrainment from selling S-300 missiles to Iran will not help to improve bilateral relations. Two points should be borne in mind here. Firstly, these missiles are just for defense and not suitable for offense. Therefore, the question is “Why there should be concerns about a country’s willingness to beef up its defensive capacities?” If they were offensive missiles capable of strengthening Iran’s ability to attack other countries, those concerns would have been understandable. However, these are purely defensive missiles suitable to defend the nuclear power plant in Bushehr. On the other hand, Russia has signed a contract with Iran and should fulfill it; therefore, their reluctance to deliver missiles to Iran is by no means justifiable.
    Russia’s abstention from delivering S-300 missiles is also related to pressures from the Zionist regime. Tel Aviv has been insisting Moscow during past few months in this regard. In addition, the list of Russian sanctions proves that 5+1 has given the go-ahead to Moscow to put more pressure on Iran.

    Without support of Stalin, Palestine would have not been stolen by the Judeofascists.
    Q: Is there any coincidence between announcement of Russian sanctions against Iran with President Ahmadinejad’s recent New York tour and his interviews with the American media, on the one hand, and Russia’s recent military and security agreements with the United States and NATO, on the other hand? Do you really think there is a relationship among these developments?
    A: Moscow’s relations with Washington will certainly affect its position on Tehran’s nuclear program. Fluctuations in Russia’s interactions with the United States over Iran’s nuclear program have been a function of oscillations in their relations. It should be noted that developments in the past two years and political changes both in Russia and the United States have left their mark on those countries’ foreign policy approaches (which are remarkably different from their past approaches). As a result, the White House and Kremlin have taken increasingly converging positions on a host of political issues. As I said before, Russia’s treatment of Iran is sure to be a function of its relations with the United States and Israel, especially when it comes to the nuclear program. Of course, many countries have enforced sanctions against Iran and submitted reports to the Security Council. Russia is one of those countries, which pursues certain goals by announcing its compliance with sanctions. Firstly, Moscow is trying to prove its loyalty to the Security Council and, secondly, it is sending positive signals to the United States and 5+1.
    Barak Obama’s statements both in his address at the General Assembly meeting and in an interview with BBC Persian clearly proved that it was of utmost importance to the United States to show that there is international consensus about pressure on Iran, especially among member states of 5+1, including Russia and China. Therefore, it is natural for them to spend more time on changing Russia’s behavior toward Iran. I also believe that Russia’s behavior should not be construed in absolute terms. Moscow will try to continue its mediatory role and balance relations with both sides. Thus, it will try to reduce pressures from western states by enforcing Iran sanctions while, on the other hand, attempting to maintain relations with Iran by keeping some degree of cooperation with Tehran.
    Russia’s helping hand is a slap on face of HUMANITY.
    Q: One of the most serious aspects of Russia’s sanctions against Iran is the ban on travelling by certain Iranian scientists and state officials related to Iran’s nuclear program to and through Russia. Since Moscow is cooperating with Tehran on the nuclear program, including on Bushehr nuclear power plant, and since both sides have indicated their willingness to continue that cooperation, do you think that sanctions will have any serious impact on nuclear cooperation between Tehran and Moscow?
    A: As I said before, Russia has accepted to enforce minimal sanctions against Iran under tremendous international pressure. There is much controversy about the extent to which those sanctions will affect various areas, especially what you just mentioned.
    Q: Some analysts maintain that by sanctioning Iran, Russia has proven that between the United States and Iran, it has chosen the United States. What is your opinion?

    A: There is no doubt that the first and foremost goal of the Russian foreign policy is to protect the national interests of that country. However, it would be oversimplification to just assert that Russia has preferred the United States over Iran. Russia does not actually believe that all-out alignment with the west would be beneficial to its national interests. Therefore, it has always tried and will undoubtedly continue to try to play a double role in its foreign policy. I do not agree that Russia’s foreign policy is totally inclined toward the west. Russia commissioned Bushehr nuclear power plant last month, which was not only surprising to western analysts, but also to their Russian counterparts. So, how this measure can be attributed to Russia’s subservience to the United States and Israel? We are currently facing several situations. Firstly, Russia pursues its own national interests by imposing sanctions against Iran as Russian politicians believe that cooperation with Europe and the United States is currently a high priority to protect the country’s national interests. Secondly, Russia enjoys limited capacities to withstand pressures from western powers and cannot stand against concerted efforts of western countries. I also believe that part of Russia’s current policies is a form of strategic confrontation with the west as Moscow has not given in to all pressures from western powers and is simply pursuing its own long-term interests.
    Dr. Mehdi Sanaie, a member of the Iranian Parliament’s Foreign Policy Committee and head of the Iran and Eurasia Research Center (IRAS)

  42. shabnam said on October 19th, 2010 at 4:15pm #

    A group of gunmen has attacked the parliament of Russia’s republic of Chechnya leaving at least three people killed in the assault. According to Russia’s Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliev, who is in the Chechen capital at the moment, the victims are two militiamen and one civilian.
    The murder of lawyer Stanislav Markelov was most likely connected with his professional activity. The lawyer was murdered in broad daylight in the center of Moscow, soon after the end of the press conference devoted to the notorious case of Colonel Yury Budanov (read article). The general public believed that the legal expert was murdered by neo-Nazis, who took revenge on the lawyer of the Chechen family.
    The crime was committed demonstratively, soon after the end of the press conference, which was titled “Budanov’s Illegal Release from the Colony.” Stanislav Markelov was killed in public, and his murder is most likely linked with the case of Colonel Budanov (article), in which Markelov was defending the family of the Chechen woman, whom Budanov supposedly kidnapped and killed.
    The following link shows Russia commits crimes against humanity in Chechnya and gets away with it. The Western media, since Russia has become a helping hand to Judeofascists and imperialism, treats Russia like Israel and US, to have a right to defend itself.
    The ‘left’ in the West, on the other hand, stays silent and waits for Eric Walberg to come here and gives more lies about Russia to hide genocide in Chechnya committed by the Russians.

  43. catguy00 said on October 19th, 2010 at 8:16pm #

    Ironically most anti-Zionists on the internet blame the western media for making up lies about Russia.