A Meditation on the “Second Coming” by W.B. Yeats

A horde of beasts is released from the basement
of history, unleashed snorting and ready to kill,
sniffing out the most vulnerable and bent
on making their rule immutable.

Decent people hide their heads in sand, biding
their time waiting for their politicians
to stand tall, while they crawl across widening aisles
to find common ground with the hounds of hell.

No, the gangrenous center cannot hold.
The old gentlemen’s pact among governing thieves
and warlords cracks, breaking apart
like arctic ice shelves crashing into waves.

What will it take for people of conscience
to wake, find their hearts, not blind
illusions of “safe space”, but facing reality, sentience
of the stakes of this existential threat to human kind.

Amidst the clashing of tectonic plates, the titans’ wars,
a fierce new generation comes, with earthquake genes, suckled by storms.
If the young, the outcasts, visionaries, revolutionaries scale the gates
the better world we’ve dreamt could yet be born.

Margery Parsons is a poet and advocate for a radically different and better world. She lives in Chicago and in addition to poetry loves music and film. Her poems have been published in Rag Blog, Poetry Pacific, Calliope, New Verse News, OccuPoetry, Rise Up Review, Haiku Universe, Madness Muse Press and Illinois Poetry Society, with a forthcoming poem in Plate of Pandemic. Read other articles by Margery.