Outliving the Nightmare!
by Pranab Ghosh / April 18th, 2021
They moved, dream in
Their eyes.
The world around with
Reptile eyes observed
Threatening to devour
The dream
Serpentine desire winding
Up the spine of the
Wretched few, attempting
To derail life…
But they held on to
The dream
And we vow with them
To usher in a new world…
A new day will dawn
And all the darkness,
All the decay will
Be a thing of the past,
A nightmare we will outlive!
Pranab Ghosh is an award-winning Indian journalist and writer, who has worked for major news outlets of the country, including HT Media Ltd., Eenadu Digital, TNIE, Business India group etc.. His books of poems have been published by English and Canadian publishers.
Read other articles by Pranab.
This article was posted on Sunday, April 18th, 2021 at 8:02am and is filed under Poetry.