New Unity in Diversity During Lockdown Times

It’s lockdown times…
Only stray dogs and cattle
Roam freely. Birds too fly
To their hearts’ content,
But Man lies in chains.

It’s lockdown times…
The town’s square is deserted,
The cinema halls, the malls,
The art exhibition halls are all
Closed and there is embargo
On free movement…

It’s lockdown times…
You are confined within
Four walls with TV churning
Out news of deaths, more
Viral infection and more deaths.

It’s lockdown times…
And the diverse world,
With its diverse people,
With its diverse cultures
Is united in death – a new
Unity in diversity!

Pranab Ghosh is an award-winning Indian journalist and writer, who has worked for major news outlets of the country, including HT Media Ltd., Eenadu Digital, TNIE, Business India group etc.. His books of poems have been published by English and Canadian publishers. Read other articles by Pranab.