And thou shalt kill. And kill and kill and
Kill and kill. Thou shalt debase and defile
Every maid upon the main, wrest in vio-
Late betwixt the law of God and man. Thou
Shalt steal. And steal and steal and steal
And steal. Wrest what is not thine, point
Thy finger at he who was wronged; say
T’was he that stole from thee. Bear false
Witness – speak naught but lies unto the
Groaning of the sun. Covet thy brother’s
Sheep, songs, stars, and undrawn mea-
Dows – even his wife’s nightdress shalt
Thou filch o’er bloody sands. Rapine be
Thy name – with gruesome sword and
Vapid eye – thy wicked rotting heart. Covet
All that belongeth not to thee, except thy
Brother’s soul, for in stepping unto dark
Thou hast unmoored upon the plains;
Nor shalt thou in covenant be – unto the
Light, thy Lord, the Meridian unto Truth.