No Mercy, No Remorse, No Prisoners
… [Absolutely] No Quick Deaths!
Onto the ‘Larder [Torture] List’
with you… coming like a Male Shrike
… Battering and Impaling… Delays.
Wayfarers and Warfare
… each ‘Counterinsurgency’ against
me… brought out more inner Strength
and Defiance… to be ‘Tested’ and
come through ‘Smiling’ is Perfection.
I never cease to appreciate
the foolishness of premature jubilance
… cowards need ‘Back-Up’
[narcissists and their flying monkeys]
to Attack a single unarmed Man
via the safety of a computer screen
… and whinge like prison-bitch-boys
when their ‘Prey’ [Ha!]…
riSE with Graceful Silence from piss
-weak schoolyard schemes and slander.
* the petty stones they threw would have stopped them if it was the other way around… that’s not ‘opposition’ it’s childish ‘annoyance’… I see no real ‘men’ there just ‘sissies’ and ‘cravenness’.