Science does not believe in facts.
— A University Professor, euphemizing “The Law of Evolution.”
Don’t think of the lava.
Could be, thinking is a fact.
You search the law of the lava, not the thinking.
Look at the lava,
listen to the live innocent burbling,
the peace-inducing murmur as it sluices by.
Is the smell a fragrance?
Is that a fact?
A fact or a law of a fact?
Is the fragrance brimstone?
The Law of Fragrance?
But don’t just look; just listen, just smell.
Touch the lava.
Feel the lava.
Before you posit a Law of Lava, a just law,
thrust your bare hand into the lava
and pull back the hand,
covered with the sight, the sound, the smell of the lava.
that you feel in your hand,
while you can still feel,
is that the Law of Lava,
as the fact of the lava
becomes so much more, becomes
the fact of everything as you experience
the law of everything
come the fact of nothing.
That’s when the laws of science cohere—
without a witness left
to observe in touch the facts of the laws.