After ‘The Gatekeeper’
appears [is Revealed]
you will never Think
in the same way again.
Soul ‘Advancement’
can Escalate rapidly
[especially if ‘Subject’
is ‘Gifted’ in any way].
Skirting Madness,
sometimes ‘Weaving’
… will Dislodge
previous Framework…
ready for Enlargement.
You will meet ‘Three’
… the 3rd will stay
Hidden [you’ll Feel
them only], the 2nd
will appear Visually…
but, the 1st of them
will Communicate,
in a quirky manner…
like an old friend
patiently watching as
a loved one orientates
from Spiritual amnesia.
You will come to view
the ‘Thricefold Law’
differently after this…
‘Karmic Retribution’
and ‘Blessings’
will become ‘Natural
Daily Considerations’
as you start to traverse
… new yet familiar…
Ground going Forward.