During our waking hours

During our waking hours
We are witnessing a nightmare.

During our waking hours
We are watching a crime against humanity.

During our waking hours
We are audience to indiscriminate human slaughter.

During our waking hours
The oppressed have resisted with fatal ferocity.

During our waking hours
The oppressor is responding with its usual asymmetric savagery.

During our waking hours
We try to count the dead but cannot keep up.

During our waking hours
The oppressor’s lies fill the air like swarms of insects.

During our waking hours
The oppressor claims the role of victim.

During our waking hours
Our own government applauds the oppressor and sends weapons.

During our waking hours
People standing in solidarity with the oppressed are arrested.

During our waking hours
We are guilty of silence.

During our waking hours
The world teeters on the head of a pin.

During our waking hours
We are plunging into an abyss of our own making.

During our waking hours
The nightmare buries us in horror, covers us in shame.

Buff Whitman-Bradley’s poetry has been widely published in print and online journals. He has a new book coming out from Finishing Line Press, A Friendly Little Tavern Somewhere Near the Pleiades, which you can order at https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/a-friendly-little-tavern-somewhere-near-the-pleiades-by-buff-whitman-bradley/ Read other articles by Buff.