Age/space is a figment
of your limited perception’s
discombobulated reality
square the vertical
at nine tolls
from the belfry
and gasp
on a cloud
woven with silken threads
of encoded intention
the spider’s web
in a glimmering ray
of morning light
reveals a language
of natural instinct
We communicate
with pretty signs
and terrible bites/stings
Rusted bark
hanging stiff
across the limb
(a Rorschach beaver skin)
but this world is prone to cause
fits and fevers from time to time
mind to mind
to heart
to soul
to source
merging to melt
into miraculously
orchestrated magic
at the note’s
peak crescendo
This life is a symphony
musically inspired
by the holy spirit vibration
Bottle the energy
fizz or pomp
at the
focal point
expansion of
crystallized visions
If you can’t recall
your dreams
you can still
choose to live
each moment
as a lucid act
in motion