Once Upon a July
by Heath Brougher / July 16th, 2023
Stupidities/degeneracies are the makings
of a parade—loud, thoughtless, pointlessly patriotic
by the bait and switch freedom the meat dolls
have lied into life by believing fabric stitched together
in a particular way has anything to do with freedom
and everything to do with free dumb—
they suffer each other— they ratchet up the pain—
a brute fact of active nihilism—facial recognition
and reconstruction—the organic aspects of reality
is a gimcrack aimed at your pineal gland!
Heath Brougher is the Editor-in-Chief of Concrete Mist Press and co-poetry editor of Into the Void, winner of the 2017 and 2018 Saboteur Awards for Best Magazine. He received Taj Mahal Review’s 2018 Poet of the Year Award and is a multiple Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominee. In 2020, he was awarded the Wakefield Prize for Poetry. He has published 11 books and, after spending over four years editing the work of others, is ready to get back into the creative driver's seat.
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This article was posted on Sunday, July 16th, 2023 at 8:02am and is filed under Poetry.