For Willi
by Douglas Smith / June 4th, 2023
Herb in taut drums
essence undisclosed
silence in a silk grove
trees waving at the deaf
twilight now descending
some brothers attending
the sacred paraphernalia
fingers joined at the palm
forgot the goat’s name
hide hardened in the sun
coconut cannon barrel
red-gold-green blazons
draw spoon through honey
churn the ocean of mind
sand castles, white beaches
a paradise for the blind
Douglas Smith, formerly a teacher of Anthropology at York University, is a homeopathic physician.and author of several books on alternative medicine. It is claimed (although Dissident Voice has no proof of this!) that Doug and his partner grow the best garlic in Haliburton County.
Read other articles by Douglas.
This article was posted on Sunday, June 4th, 2023 at 8:03am and is filed under Poetry.