Mis and disinforming
talking-points promulgating
incessantly distorting
selectively ignoring
diligently obfuscating
spurious-claims disseminating
press-release repeating
photo-op propagating
gov-prop peddling celebrity smitten
wealth-and-power-fawning-bug bitten
official-lies defending
common-sense suspending
groupthink / think tank echoing
establishment spokestoadies
de facto stenographic agents
journalists in name alone
mere courtiers who take dictation
from the ring of loyal barons
surrounding the lawless throne;
leaders in the field of misleading
spinners of institutional spin
shills for big-biz big-money sin
gods of nonstop softball lobs
masters of projection misdirection
and the impossibly incurious question;
a pack of assiduously cheerleading snakes
with well-earned well-worn keys to the gates
of covert-infomercial heaven
and glowing puff-piece nirvana
disclosing insights as incisive as the bites
of well-fed toothless piranhas.
Mindful of never-written-
orders to only cover symptoms
and to never acknowledge
much less discuss any roots or root causes
so as not to unravel
the insubstantial fabric
of the flimsy falsehoods being spun;
content to consent to pretend world events
happen in some sort of magical vacuum
when dealing with stories
constrained and fashioned
by the tacit command from on high
which makes it clear that asking why
is entirely verboten;
disposed to follow
the unspoken policy of opposing
the exposing of anything outside
the highly zoomed-in image
the narrowly focused shot;
obliged to abide by the editorial given
that honest context is and will be cropped
and that unless pre-approved
allusions to history are implicitly forbidden
unofficial publicists for team amnesia
the powers-that-be’s devoted media
— all proudly mouthing pre-packaged pap —
are unable to stray from the script
or report even the simplest most basic of facts
should these in any way conflict
with the feeble threadbare fables
the narrative-managing class
is handsomely paid to fanatically back
as newscasting presstitute types
— reduced to prostituting their pipes —
together with both their outright
and shadow-banning bands
of online-censoring memory-holing
big-tech-web-controlling search-engine
-algorithm-rigging brethren
find themselves spewing
malicious fabrications
and baseless accusations
effectively fueling
a conflagration of misinformation
of adequate size to create
and stoke the divisive fires
of suspicion distrust and hate
all the while dispensing
the poisonous pills of legalized libel
by slyly insidiously defaming
their designated prey
and administering a pernicious cocktail
of persistent concerted mislabeling
combined — as often as not —
with venomous shots of denigration
and insinuated guilt by association
no matter how tenuous or fallacious.