Let Bygones be Bygones: Fresh Analysis Instead of Nostalgia

Transformation of language (part 4)

In another 50 years China will be stronger, and by that time the Chinese Communist Party will be a hundred years old. The United States will surely be envious and ill-intentioned, but it doesn’t dare attack China, not even with a single bullet. It will research germ contamination. That is immoral. After it finishes with this unconscionable deed, imperialism will self-destruct.

— Mao Zedong, ???50????? (Chairman Mao’s 50 Years Ago Prophecy), 1 July 1971, p 520

In Britain, 26 December is Boxing Day. However far more importantly it is the birthday of Mao Zedong, who would have been 129 years old. Mao was a brilliant leader, a poet, a military talent (although trained as a teacher not a soldier), and a keen observer and analyst of world affairs although he practically never left China. Comrade Mao’s selected works comprise a mere five volumes (much of his writing was lost during more than thirty years of war in China. However, there is much to amaze when one considers the almost universal defamation to which he has been subjected in the West. Reading Mao’s writing ((Mao Zedong, Selected Works (1926-1957), Vols. 1-5, Foreign Languages Press/People’s Publishing House (1965).)) is particularly instructive because this work is also an astute lesson in how to read politics. That is a skill rarely exhibited in the Anglo-American Empire. Regardless of rank or station ignorance, mendacity and insincerity prevail on the plantation.

On one hand the field still seems at the mercy of those “house negroes” described in part 3. On the other the city never sleeps. New disappointments and embarrassments (putting it mildly) are reported by the hour (or however often the news cycle repeats these days).

So are we surprised that the P*OTUS (there are other words besides president that come to mind) declines to declassify records pertaining to the murder of John F Kennedy? What basis was there for great expectations to the contrary? At some point, maybe not in my lifetime, expectations might be replaced by unconditional demands.

As I suggested in numerous articles previously, any progress in the effort to obtain something like full disclosure would require adoption of a critical patriotism that recognises the nearly three centuries of bad faith that have driven the American Empire and takes responsibility for ending it. Until today only foreigners have spent their lives for America. Hardly any Americans have. Is that cynicism, ignorance or cowardice? The civil rights movement was only possible because the regime could not fight independence movements abroad without the complacency at home.

Now when the US is potentially at its most vulnerable — when pushing back against the oligarchy might actually achieve something the 4th Great Awakening (aka Wokism) ((In Anglo-American Protestantism the equivalent of the Roman Catholic Crusades was the series of so-called Awakenings. These are usually presented as mere religious revivals without any political context. However each of these Awakenings gave rise to politico-religious movements of varying degrees of fanaticism. The current use of the term “woke” is a mendacious abuse of what was called in the 1970s “non-standard black English”, e.g. “I be woke” instead of “I am awake.” Like a lot of other slogans, the pattern follows that outlined in Gene Sharp’s original proposal for co-opting popular protest and revolutionary language to create astro-turf movements, aka known as colour revolutions. See National Security through Civilian-based Defence (1970). This is virtually Mao’s On Guerrilla Warfare reverse engineered for counter-insurgency.)) has the nominally educated attacking the last scraps of liberty that made the US more than just another rich white man’s country. Ignorantly and cynically they claim to oppose white supremacy (or global warming) while defending the most stridently racist politicians and oligarchs the US has ever spawned.

I had to read the Scarlet Letter in school. Our teachers had no clue how to read (and today they still don’t). However Hawthorne captured the essence of American political culture, infused with the religious fanaticism that fueled the Thirty Years War. Pupils are taught to admire Mark Twain but not to read him, let alone understand what he wrote.

Mr Biden, a DuPont lackey ((Joseph Biden, represented Delaware prior to his elevation first tot he Vice Presidency and then somnambulously into the White House. It is hardly a secret that Delaware is the Duchy of DuPont.)) and petty gangster, obviously did not decide anything with what little is left between his ears. (Give me Nixon any day!) Agnew had to quit for what amounted to parking tickets in comparison. It is frankly disgusting that anyone should even admit having actually cast a vote for this pedophile. He cannot even claim he is just a priest.

The Kennedy file (what there is of it) will only be declassified when the regime that controls those archives is no more.

Another burner which is still being used to torch the traces of pluralism still floating where the wreckage of ancient immigrant optimism sank in 1947 is the blow torch of parochialism that passes for political philosophy.

While it is attractive to draw on the literature analysing the NS-era. It is rare that someone in the English-speaking world is sufficiently versed in history or political-economy to adequately place the NS regime (a militarised form of Fabianism ((The Fabian Society founded in England in 1884 is an elite organisation, which became strongly associated with the university-educated and upper-middle class faction of the British Labour Party pursued an infiltration strategy. Its aim was to prevent revolution by the lower classes by imposing social policies from the top down which would ostensibly benefit them but in fact pacify them to preserve the Empire. Many of the Fabians were convinced eugenicists and supporters of policies that were comparable to continental fascism but naturally British.))) in the proper historical context not merely in the terms of poorly understood Marxism.

I say that because the chimeric Left — the pwogs young and old — perpetuate this practice often with copious citations from real and unreal Marxists. This is possible because unlike Europe before 1947, the US neutralised all its popular Marxist intellectuals and popular organisations where ordinary people actually learned to read Marx and others.

The easiest place to begin is with the absurd discussions about Antifa. One author recently called this US gang a military response to fascism.

If the writers in the Alt-Media were better informed they would know the roots of Antifa. This armed propaganda element is modelled on a group formed in Germany during the 80s, most likely with the same funding as that provided to the so-called Neo-Nazis they pretended to fight. The German neo-Nazi groups were found to be composed almost entirely of off-duty political police whose job it was to agitate with the unwitting help of mainly unemployed youth and workers. Like various Gladio ((Gladio can probably be seen in hindsight as the predecessor of Phoenix. While presented officially (after it was exposed) as part of a so-called “stay behind network” to organise resistance in the event of an imagined Soviet invasion, it was in fact a terror organisation aimed at the “infrastructure” of the European Left, whether in or out of government. Although it is impossible to say for sure, the eponymous BBC Timeline documentary interviews an operative in Belgium who names a CIA case officer as his contact. Coincidentally the name is the same as an officer who had primary responsibility for Phoenix in Vietnam.)) actions these Neo-Nazi/ Antifa shows served to promote de-politicisation and to bait both nationalists opposed to US occupation and leftists opposed to the real Nazis that the US installed and maintained behind Konrad Adenauer’s reactionary screen (and whose progeny form the cadre of the Green, SPD and CDU parties today). ((Here it would be useful to read the work of Bernt Engelmann, e.g. Grosses Bundesverdienstkreuz (1974) and Schwarzbuch: Strauss, Kohl und Co. (1976). Engelmann documented not only the Nazi patrons of Helmut Kohl and others in the FRG; he exposed Franz Josef Strauss for the Nazi he had been and how the US occupation forces concealed all this in order to restore the NS without Hitler or Himmler as weapons against the European Left and the Soviet Union. At first Engelmann was sued for libel but when discovery proved far too embarrassing for the plaintiff’s the suit was withdrawn to avoid more publicity. Whoever wants to know this in a more entertaining way should look for the GDR TV series Das Unsichtbare Revier in which almost all the CIA operations in West Germany were presented in GDR prime time while those in the West were told nothing or the opposite.))

In other words “antifa” is not nor was it ever “antifascist”, despite its name. Just as so many American “Maoists” and “Trots” were never even communists but pseudo-sectarians whose activities were coordinated by intellectual gangsters like Irving Kristol. ((At first sight it seems peculiar that many people later identified as “neo-conservatives” claim to have been Trotskyists in their “youth”. The point missed by casual or inattentive observers is that claiming to be a Trotskyist was a way of suggesting that one was a communist who had become disillusioned by the Bolsheviki (Lenin and Stalin). The popular presentation of the so-called “show trials” in which Trotsky was the unindicted co-conspirator having fled the country obscures the overall political war waged against the Soviet Union at the time by focussing on factionalism. Trotskyist—and after the Sino-Soviet split, Maoist—became convenient labels for groups of no particular ideological commitment in the service of anti-communism. The supposed “conversions” of Trots was particularly insidious in the purging of the Left from academia.)) These pseudo-extremists divided the Left and discredited serious political activity. This was one of the main criticisms raised by Malcolm as well as the BPP — this style of extremist infiltration by academically trained intelligence (red squad) assets.

The current Antifa (they did not even bother to change the German brand name) is an armed propaganda element based on the counter-terror program in the CIA’s Phoenix system. ((For a detailed discussion of armed propaganda operations in Vietnam within the Phoenix program see Douglas Valentine, The Phoenix Program (1990) (2014 as e-book).)) It is an asset of the fascist intelligence organisation that constitutes the core of the US executive branch (executive in the literal sense).

So many writers suffer from a failure to appreciate the differences while grasping too readily at apparent similarities. These comparisons with the NS era are not unwarranted but they only make sense when one places the NSDAP in the context of British and American anti-communism, British antagonism toward Russia (and Germany) in any form, and the determination of the Allies to use the Anti-Comintern Pact ((Commonly known as the “Axis” because the original signatories were Italy and Germany, Japan joined subsequently.)) to crush nationalism and socialism in Russia and China, as they had in Spain. ((The official representation of the Spanish Civil War is that Hitler was the driving force to support Franco against the Popular Front government in Madrid. This is inaccurate. Since the Peninsular Wars against Napoleon Britain had established itself as the dominant investor in Spain. The non-intervention policy Britain pursued was intended to prevent undue damage to that investment. Britain provided the transport and cover for the sealift of Franco’s forces from Morocco to Spain. Its non-intervention policy was intended to block any meaningful aid from France or other sympathetic countries (the Soviet Union was blocked by the Italian Navy) and to leave space for Hitler’s Legion Condor to do Britain’s dirty work by attacking the republic as a proxy. That Franco knew this was at least one major reason why he refused to support Hitler’s attack against Britain when the two met in Hendaye.))

They are misguided or insincere. If they were sincere they might recognise that by attacking the patriotic working class- many of whom are veterans- they are pulling the only teeth the American people have with which to bite their exploiters.

One can only conclude that they want to attack the American working class using paramilitary propaganda like Antifa (really Klan style) and psychological warfare to “wham” ((“WHAM” is an acronym fort he political warfare objective known as “winning hearts and minds”, the objective of civic action and civil affairs teams in the various armed services both in and out of uniform.)) the very people whose contradictory patriotism and piety is probably the last bastion of the good that Jefferson intended when he wrote the 1776 declaration.

  • Read Part 1, 2, and 3.
  • T.P. Wilkinson, Dr. rer. pol. writes, teaches History and English, directs theatre and coaches cricket between the cradles of Heine and Saramago. He is author of Unbecoming American: A War Memoir and also Church Clothes, Land, Mission and the End of Apartheid in South Africa. Read other articles by T.P..