Family Values

Cause what the world needs
is more agonised love poetry
written by teenagers;

it needs more fundraising chocolates
and “meal” deals with
nuggets, chips and watery drinks.
It needs more four-wheeled drives with stickers
of stick-figure families celebrating
shiny, happy stereotypes
in height order;

more cupcakes with icing outweighing the cake
and a series of educational, battery operated
excuses never to talk to your children.
Yes and our world needs more
zip-lock bags and
scented bin liners, disposable
cups and hair products,
beads and mirrors and the
odd dose of Valium.

We all need iplods and iworks and iwant,
ineed, iscrew as a change from i’m screwed
all available at the EOFY sales
or for Christmas
in December, July and at least ten other months

then greeting-card rhymes
for those one-size fits all
meaningful moments
between contractions: the miracle of life

all to welcome another consumer.

Stef Rozitis is a high school teacher in Australia. They have 3 adult children and therefore desperately hope that our species begin to work together to save this planet. Read other articles by Stef.