Truth is an underbelly
that not many people
ever want to look at.
It sounds good in the abstract –
people always seem to clamor for it,
to demand that they be given it
from those on high.
But when the rubber meets the road,
that is to say,
when the shit hits the fan,
there just aren’t a whole lot
of people brave enough, willing enough, or
intelligent enough to face it, to
deal with it in all its awesomeness.
The truth hurts, and that’s the truth.
Most people would rather have
the little white lie
that helps them fall asleep at night,
telling them everything is all right,
rather than acknowledge the truth
of the matter, which is that
everything is not all right.
War is the truth.
Famine is the truth.
Poverty is the truth.
Death is the truth.
But people want to live forever,
so they hide from the truth,
they ignore the truth, until that
final breath when the truth comes
calling, whether they like it or not.
Truth is a destructive force;
it tears down all the fake plastic walls
that people build up around
themselves during their lives.
Truth can be a bastard and a bitch,
remorseless; without emotion, it
trudges its way forward through
time and space, taking no prisoners.
Truth does not hold hands;
it doesn’t play patty-cake.
Truth is a sharp knife;
it cuts with absolute precision.
Truth is the most powerful force
in all existence,
and that is why it is scary as hell.
Truth does not play favorites;
it doesn’t care about petty trivialities
such as skin color, political leaning,
or how much cheese someone
has stored away for a rainy day.
Truth is an Apocalyptic fire;
it is a final Revelation;
it is an end and a beginning.