by Korvus Korax / March 13th, 2022
The question is certain to surface
"On which side is it you stand?"
when observing for instance
possibly demonic perfectly abysmal
slickly implemented plans.
Do you denounce such lousy systems
such evil schemes
such harebrained plots
such atrocious notions
spotlighting their colossal flaws
or d'you instead applaud
the professional devotion
the awesome efficiency
and single-minded blindness
with which they're set in motion?
To what you direct
your and others' attentions
answers itself this central question:
which side of this clear divide are you on?
The question has and will always arise
— which side do you choose:
reassuring lies or disconcerting truths?
Which is to say
are you willing to risk living
with all the bother that's bound to ensue
the instant you decide
to break the chains of confirmation bias
that do all they can to restrain
what your mind is inclined to receive
or d'you simply go
with the ever-credulous untroubled flow
of willfully oblivious ease?
From his lofty perch near the top of the earth, Korvus observes the whirling world of humans, with equal parts wonder, disgust, and amusement. Korvus is the author of the unpublished book "RED PILL POEMS: The Poetry of Empire, Politics and Power" and may be reached at Read other articles by Korvus.
This article was posted on Sunday, March 13th, 2022 at 8:02am and is filed under Poetry.