The Scales of Injustice (Parts 5-9)
by Korvus Korax / February 20th, 2022
When it comes to redress
in courtrooms and trials
that are mostly only for show
the truth counts for little at best
and as long as all involved
in the system get paid
the system simply couldn't care less
for as sure as blame
is never fully apportioned
till the nest of qualified snakes
has slaked its passion
for statutory extortion
no one's legally innocent
or officially ever at fault
till all means have been tried by the system
to seize all it can from the vulnerable vaults
that house the assets of clients and victims.
As certain as elections are held to fill peasants
with assuaging illusions of choice
the purpose of courts is to give the impression
that worthies will listen to the little man's voice
After all it's always been understood
by all but the dimmest of ruling hoods
that the mere appearance or promise
of honour impartiality or compassion
is normally more than sufficient
to quell the lathered rabble's
most radical suspicions
Squeaky clean
make-believe scenes
of cheery theory and lofty ideals
may suggest something less sordid
— perhaps even
as often portrayed and falsely reported
a cliche-laced fairy-tale of fairness —
but in practice
and the straight-up facts
of the endless every day act
that is life
not in ivory towers or halls of power
but down in the street
is what the mighty and rich
inflict on the poor and the weak.
As sure as laws and lawsuits
are instruments of control
employed by the prosperous
to subdue and oppress;
are weapons they wield
to lawfully steal
from the vast defenseless
despoilable rest
make no mistake
that in each infrequent case
where there's ever been true rule of law
its rule has always devolved
and soon been replaced
by corruption's overpowering paws.
as apt and keen a description
of the sadly legal system
as there is in three simple words
obstruction of justice
its often depressing essence
as well as any phrase ever heard.
• See Parts 1-4 here
From his lofty perch near the top of the earth, Korvus observes the whirling world of humans, with equal parts wonder, disgust, and amusement. Korvus is the author of the unpublished book "RED PILL POEMS: The Poetry of Empire, Politics and Power" and may be reached at Read other articles by Korvus.
This article was posted on Sunday, February 20th, 2022 at 8:02am and is filed under Poetry.