Planet Out of Balance
by Kenneth Vincent Walker / January 23rd, 2022
Having this disdain
For the ruthless has
Inundated my brain.
For though passive,
I’m not toothless and
Shall rain torrential on
Your callous charade.
For I’ve a strong affinity
For justice and to let the
Gavel fall where it may.
And so I blame you for
An injustice perpetrated
On our planet and upon
A humanity in disarray.

Kenneth Vincent Walker is a "New Formalist" Poet, Spoken Word Artist, Performer, and Author of BORDERLINE ABSURD (An Exercise in Rhyme and Reason), published by Poem Sugar Press 2015.
Read other articles by Kenneth Vincent.
This article was posted on Sunday, January 23rd, 2022 at 8:02am and is filed under Poetry.