Enabling the Big Lies and Myths
by Korvus Korax / September 19th, 2021
Like a blight on burgeoning brains
the pervasive unmentioned suppression
of unbridled inquiry and honest reflection
together with the just as extensive incessant stifling
of uncensored discourse and healthy dissent
flourish beneath the shielding artifice of scholastic virtue
that cloaks the unspoken program that seeks to prevent
genuine erudition and wisdom;
thrive behind the righteous sacrosanct front
of an ostensibly enlightened curricular system
that peerless indoctrination agent
masquerading as education
with its dedication to teaching
what to think instead of how;
that go-to tool for inculcating rules
and instilling conditioned submission
as young minds are drilled in gov-approved schools
where the ingestion of unquestioned information
and conformity-fostering social control
are the primary goals of so much robotic
orthodoxy-propping regurgitation;
in schools where lip service is unfailingly paid
to uncurbed curiosity and unprodded thought
while the fact is that in practice these are seen
chiefly as signs of defiance
as the penned-in sheep are routinely taught
the enormous rewards of blind compliance
in tandem with the steeper-still price of deviance
from belief in the big lies and myths
that serve to legitimize state crime
--- the lesson of lessons being the blessings of obedience
and the curse that awaits those who think out of line.
From his lofty perch near the top of the earth, Korvus observes the whirling world of humans, with equal parts wonder, disgust, and amusement. Korvus is the author of the unpublished book "RED PILL POEMS: The Poetry of Empire, Politics and Power" and may be reached at
ravenzroost@protonmail.com Read other articles by Korvus.
This article was posted on Sunday, September 19th, 2021 at 8:03am and is filed under Poetry.