Enemies of the State

We are devoted to Individual Liberty
Equal Opportunity

We subscribe to Safety and Peace for all
Economic Sufficiency

We reject Bigotry and Discrimination
Prejudice and Racism

We strive to be a shining beacon
For all the world to see
The bastion
Of Democracy and Freedom

Some label us “enemies of the state”
Because we seek an end
To the privilege which they claim
To the exclusion of “the others”

But all those seek to enjoy the ideals we champion
To exercise their rights
Realize our common dream
Are not enemies of the State
But rather are the very people
The State has dedicated its purpose to serving

It is those who would oppose these concepts
Deny rights to anyone
Practice or condone oppression
Who are the true enemies
Not just of the State
But of our very principles
For which Freedom, Liberty, Opportunity stand

These enemies must be opposed
At every turn
Until they are defeated
Justice is secured
And they are converted to our cause
So that true Liberty may reign
For us all

Mike Turner is a retired member of the U.S. Government’s Senior Executive Service. He served a 27-year career as a law enforcement professional in the Departments of Defense, Treasury, Homeland Security and Commerce. In retirement, Turner has had a second career as an award-winning songwriter and poet. His poems have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies, including Dissident Voice. He can be contacted at www.MikeTurnerSongwriter.com. Read other articles by Mike.