Watching the high priests
of the technocratic elitist class
fall from their perches
one by one
in a righteous blaze of disgrace
is going to be
the most glorious sight
to witness and behold
for every individual
that has been punching truth
through the clenched teeth
of censorship
for years on end
despite all odds
The sold-out politicians
and the paid-off scientists
and the social media tyrants
and the propagandist anchors
and the lying swine
from all swaths
of this world’s corrupt institutions
are going to come
face to face with God one day
but before that fateful encounter occurs
they’re going to be served
an equally problematic judgment
from those who still care about justice
here on earth
The popcorn was tossed aside
a long time ago
because the clarion call of life
is now all about action