See, hear, speak no evil!
And, we are the slow fish, the 80 percent:
The world’s 85 richest individuals possess as much wealth as the 3.5 billion souls who compose the poorer half of the world’s population, or so it was announced in a report by Oxfam International. The assertion sounds implausible to me. I think the 85 richest individuals, who together are worth many hundreds of billions of dollars, must have far more wealth than the poorest half of our global population.
— Michael Parenti, February 18, 2014
These people do not want a free and open media, or valient press, or any real scrutiny of their holdings. And, not so ironic, — the censoring of the worldwide net, and the deeper censorship/editing out/cancelling in mainstream and left-stream “media” is more rapid than anything Fahrenheit 451 could have imagined. These people write the book on scrubbing, back end theft, surveillance capitalism.
There must be something in books, things we can’t imagine, to make a woman stay in a burning house; there must be something there. You don’t stay for nothing.
— Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451, page 48
Peter Thiel speaks at the World Economic Forum in 2013, Source: Mirko Ries Courtesy for the World Economic Forum
Oh, that monster, Thiel — A Florida jury said Gawker would have to pay $140 million for publishing an excerpt of Hulk Hogan’s sex tape. For filmmaker, Brian Knappenberger, he stated he wanted to make make a documentary about it. But once it came out that Hogan’s case was secretly bankrolled by venture capitalist Peter Thiel …
So, there you have it — nobody outside the realm of mainstream stupidity and group think can really speak. Slap you baby — A strategic lawsuit against public participation, a SLAPP suit, or intimidation lawsuit is intended to censor, intimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition.
Loose lips sinks ships —
And this is huge, these interloping and interlinked topics, as the world burns, and the technofascists fiddle with algorithms, data centers, satellites in the air, supporting the MIC, and, alas, supporting the Big Pharma “experiment.” You have rampant killings all over the world, the murdering of Palestinians, the cabal of NATO pukes trying to encircle Russia and China, and, daily, the reality is that leftists (they aren’t left, really) scurry around like those human-like transgenic bred mice and ferrets used in the coronavirus gain of function Mengele experiments.
You (me) hit the sack at midnight, and then wake up at 5 am, with more of the good news, bad news: disaster capitalism eroding away the brains of people, including the fake leftists. Even the real leftists have bought into the mass-chemical-jab mentality. Imagine that.
But no matter what topic I deal with here at Dissident Voice, all of what I have to critique or unravel goes through the galactical strainer of the elite, the dirty dozen, and the dirty 199:
Developing this list of 199 directors of the largest money management firms in the world, Phillips argues, is an important step toward understanding how capitalism works globally today. These global power elite directors make the decisions regarding the investment of trillions of dollars. Supposedly in competition, the concentrated wealth they share requires them to cooperate for their greater good by identifying investment opportunities and shared risk agreements, and working collectively for political arrangements that create advantages for their profit-generating system as a whole.
Their fundamental priority is to secure an average return on investment of 3 to 10 percent, or even more. The nature of any investment is less important than what it yields: continuous returns that support growth in the overall market. Hence, capital investment in tobacco products, weapons of war, toxic chemicals, pollution, and other socially destructive goods and services are judged purely by their profitability. Concern for the social and environmental costs of the investment are non-existent. In other words, inflicting death and destruction are fine because they are profitable.
So what is the global elite’s purpose? In a few sentences Phillips characterizes it thus: The elite is largely united in support of the US/NATO military empire that prosecutes a repressive war against resisting groups – typically labeled ‘terrorists’ – around the world. The real purpose of ‘the war on terror’ is defense of transnational globalization, the unimpeded flow of financial capital around the world, dollar hegemony and access to oil; it has nothing to do with repressing terrorism which it generates, perpetuates and finances to provide cover for its real agenda. This is why the United States has a long history of CIA and military interventions around the world ostensibly in defense of ‘national interests’. Source.
Any real look at lockdowns, at the censorship, at the worst of the worst at the top ruling the 80 percent of us, well, it has to go through this investment and rentier group tied closely to the military industrial complex.
Any cogent, deep discussion about what is really going on with corona mRNA delivery loads, or how the satellites in space (50,000) to prop up the internet of things, internet of bodies with 5G and 6G tied into, well, who woulda thunk — gene therapy drugs, boosters, vaccines (sic), Covid-19/20/29 pills. Forget about just the electro sensitivity of many people who actually get sick because of all those EMFs floating around, zapping, and with 4 G to 5 G, the rate of frequencies is exponential for 5 G. In fact, 4G runs on its own frequency outputs/inputs, and 5G is its own set of applications and delivery systems. Try Googling this, and you get article after article pooh-poohing the very idea of EMFs affecting people. It is not surprising. The mass delusional media in the hands of the capitalists.
That in itself is terrible. The media, so-called enlightened press, laughs and laughs:
The BioInitiative 2012 Report has been prepared by 29 authors from ten countries, ten holding medical degrees (MDs), 21 PhDs, and three MsC, MA or MPHs. Among the authors are three former presidents of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, and five full members of BEMS.
Then, those satellites, part of the Military Intel Complex. What’s that going to do to biological systems, that space web of beams back and forth, inside and outside the human and nonhuman cells?
“If you don’t take action now, then you will be as responsible as those who have not taken care of climate change,” says Kai-Uwe Schrogl, chief strategy officer for the European Space Agency (ESA).
A new and lucrative standard in global connectivity is the impetus for these sprawling swarms of spacecraft. Blanketing our planet in satellites to beam high-speed Internet to any location on Earth around the clock could banish the days of struggling with spotty Wi-Fi and cellular connections, while also transporting the estimated three billion people who are currently offline into the digital age. If these companies are successful, the entire world could be suddenly interlinked as never before, with the Internet becoming truly omnipresent for essentially every human on the planet.
Achieving this goal requires some heavy lifting, in its most literal sense. U.S.-based SpaceX plans to launch at least 12,000 satellites, with the possibility of lofting another 30,000, based on recent filings from the company. U.K.-based OneWeb hopes to orbit about 650 satellites, possibly increasing to almost 2,000 in the future, and U.S.-based Amazon is planning for more than 3,000 satellites in its Project Kuiper constellation. Other companies and nations, including China, also have their eye on developing similar constellations, with rough estimates suggesting there could be more than 50,000 satellites in total added to Earth orbit in the coming decades. (Source)
War — Space. War — Data. War — Digital Prisons. War — Economics. War — Medical Controls. War — Pathogens. War — Food. War — Water. War — Freedom of Movement. War — Freedom of Speech. The gulag is the digital dashboard.
Taibbi: Have you self-censored because of all this, and if so, in what way?
C.J. Hopkins: Does it sound like it? No, I think experiencing the roll-out of the “New Normal” for over a year, compiling stories of police goon squads raiding families in their homes because their neighbors reported them for “having friends over to dinner,” arresting old ladies for “strolling in the park without permission,” witnessing the media demonize Holocaust survivors as “anti-Semites” for protesting the Covid-19 restrictions, reading ex-colleagues demanding that the government set up internment camps for those who refuse to be “vaccinated,” and all the rest of it, has only made me more outspoken, and, unfortunately, less funny.
Now, in this sound bite age, as most end up scrolling screens to the moon into larger and larger trash heaps of capitalist trash/consumerism/if-it-bleeds-it-leads/scams/worthless celebrity updates/empty calorie political analyses, still, it is possible to wade through the highly edited and choregraphed morass of algorithmic scrubbing to find decent voices in the wilderness questioning things through a process of critical thinking, contemplating contradictory theses in one act of thinking, staving off the knee-jerk tendency to believe the “experts” and follow the bandwagon and just never questioning this or that authority.
To be human and humane is to doubt all the things coming out of the mouths of the so-called authorities, the so-deemed experts, the technical whizzes, think tanks, corporations, government agencies, politicians, and anyone with a small or huge stake in raking in profits over ethical treatment of consumers, citizens, land, air, soil, water.
Sacred cows, deep-seated allegiances, and many times the warped and wrong mass collective consciousness a society and culture permeates the society with.
Mark Crispin Miller, author and longtime New York University professor, has unconventional views. Even work he’s done that’s won mainstream praise is unconventional, upon close examination. If you came of political age during the Iraq war years, you probably remember him for The Bush Dyslexicon, a witty, challenging book that took a deep dive into the speech patterns of George W. Bush.
Unwrapping the thought processes behind famed “Bushisms” like “The question is, how many hands have I shaked?”, Miller found a metaphor for the broad illogic under American society. However, that book’s central idea — that “we Americans have been tricked out of our democracy by a vast and very smart conspiracy of stupid talkers” — was too rich for some mainstream commentators.
Crispin Miller argued that when people like Donald Rumsfeld told us that “victory” in Iraq may not come “in a month or a year or even five years,” that in fact even fighting forever might be a “victory, in my view,” the joke was not that this message was garbled by Bush, but rather that it was conveyed clearly by “producers, anchors, editors, journalists, and pundits,” who were “fatally dyslexic in doping out the very spectacle it presents to us.” Presenting madness as sanity required a brokenness of mind that just happened to come of the president’s mouth as laugh lines.
Crispin Miller’s recent troubles stem from being a skeptic about mask use. He points out that until 2020, studies were unenthusiastic about their benefits in stopping the transition of respiratory illness, and even the CDC only recently changed its mind on the issue. When he broached the subject in class, a student responded critically on Twitter:
Criticizing Crispin Miller for sending links to a site that in turn linked to The Charlie Kirk Show, Zero Hedge, Technocracy News, Global Research, “and more,” the student went on to tag the University leadership and wrote, “I hope they take immediate steps to relieve him of these duties.”
Crispin Miller’s department responded by promising, “We have made this a priority and are discussing next steps.” This in turn led to a now-standard cancelation ritual. A denunciation letter from academic colleagues asked the school to complete a review of Miller’s “intimidating tactics, abuses of authority, aggression and microaggressions, and explicit hate speech, none of which are excused by academic freedom and First Amendment protections.”
Here is this guy, and I don’t believe some of Crispin Miller’s take on the world, but he was teaching a class on PROPAGANDA for Christ’s sake.
Gleichschaltung was the Nazi term for streamlining. It’s when they made all the cultural institutions, they Nazified them all. Of course, there was stuff you couldn’t read. It would be a crime to read it or even bring it up, and it’s kind of like that now.
Again, how can real leftists not doubt the mainstream corporate narrative coming from the news, the newspapers, the stenographers, the CDC, the NIH, the lot of them? So, all other topics the leftists might doubt coming from the mouths of the controllers and their Eichmann White Papers and Think Tanks — what started the war on Vietnam, how Exxon et al created climate change skeptics (scientists) while planning for global heating, what both major parties say about almost anything, all of it — those are kosher, but to question the Covid-19 narrative and the jabs and the lack of response to human health before, during and now soon after (corona capitalism), that is the work of Trumpies, QAnon, tinfoil mad hatters?
“From Harvard to the Big House”:
Below is a takedown of that article, and the good news is a much more nuanced and honest look at the origins of COVID-19, the Wuhan Strain of coronavirus is just a click away.
Furthermore, a hypothetical generation of SARS-CoV-2 by cell culture or animal passage would have required prior isolation of a progenitor virus with very high genetic similarity, which has not been described.
This means nothing. There is no open-source shared database of viruses. No one has any idea what viruses are in China’s BSL-4 lab, where they’ve been collecting these viruses for years. As mentioned, one of our persons-of-interest was the very first person to isolate a coronavirus from a bat that uses the ACE2 receptor. He also worked at UNC in Baric’s lab making the hyper-virulent bat coronavirus in 2015. It should also be noted that several years prior to tinkering directly with bat coronavirus spike-proteins, Baric orchestrated research that involved isolating a coronavirus from civets and then passing it through mammalian ACE2 receptor cells that were grown in the lab from kidney and brain samples – serial passage through host cell lines instead of entire hosts, which imparted a strong affinity for ACE2, and presumably created an airborne strain of coronavirus. And if cells derived from kidneys and brains were used for the serial passage development of COVID-19, that might help explain its affinity for attacking the kidneys and brains of its human hosts. Source.
Sure, the obvious questions about interlinked topics — the so-called militarization of space; 5g and 6g internet of things/bodies, and the SARS-CoV2/Covid-19 — should never go unasked, and should always be pursued.
It’s sort of the Hypocritic Oath of thinkers, writers, journalists, and investigators — travel the path less traveled, doubt the mainstream, question anyone with skin in the game when it comes to profits tied to, well, any topic on planet earth.
Who’s Making Bank on this Corona-Macarena
As over 2.8 million people have died globally from Covid-19 in the past year, the wealth of the world’s billionaires has surged.
The planet’s 2,365 billionaires have seen their wealth increase $4 trillion, or 54 percent, during the pandemic year. Their combined wealth rose from $8.04 trillion to $12.39 trillion between March 18, 2020 and March 18, 2021. Source. Zain Rizvi, a law and policy researcher at progressive Public Citizen advocacy group, said Pfizer’s rising profits showed the need for governments to take action to save lives. “Pfizer is cashing in on the crisis …” Zain Rizvi stated. Source.
Big Pharma revenues and profits have skyrocketed. In 2017, the U.S. consumers spent $333.4 billion on prescription drugs (Source). There are profits and then there are just plain old price gouging, full-scale rip-offs, and manufactured scarcity and managed perceived and created obsolescence.
In a minute, the obvious questions tied to the three huge topics listed above, but first, the question is front and center: Why the hell would any free-thinking, democracy-loving, First Amendment-wielding, so called open society believer who “honors” (sic) diversity censor and platform and dishonor any robust level of debate on every subject from here to kingdom come?
Dr. Francis Boyle: All these BSL-4 labs are by United States, Europe, Russia, China, Israel are all there to research, develop, test biological warfare agents. There’s really no legitimate scientific reason to have BSL-4 labs. That figure I gave $100 billion, that was about 2015 I believe. I had crunched the numbers and came up with that figure the United States since 9/11.
To give you an idea that’s as much in constant dollars as the US spent to develop the Manhattan Project and the atom bomb. So it’s clearly all weapons related. We have well over 13,000 alleged life science scientists involved in research developed testing biological weapons here in the United States. Actually this goes back it even precedes 9/11 2001.
So, we leftists and communists should believe the CDC, NIH, WHO, White House Covid-19 handlers, state governors, and the drug and military drug and virus makers, but then, not include in our way of thinking looking at what a guy like Boyle (above) has to say. And, yep, the hero exposing all manner of crimes by USA and Military Industrial Complex, dying a slow, steady death:
Julian Assange, well, the lefties don’t give a shit!
We know why governments might want no questions about its role in bombing civilians and children. We understand how an Exxon might not want any questions about its role in not just polluting some “backwater place,” but also propping up despotic hit squads. Lots of reasons why domineering parents might not want children to question said parents’ truthfulness and actual knowledge about things.
The evidence (large piles to the moon) and groups (many) working to expose these crimes against humanity/nature (militarizing space; the SARS-CoV2/Covid-19 origins/lockdowns/forced inoculations/lack of dynamic treatments; and the rush for 5G and 6G to be set up by “telecoms, who are, in fact, setting it up for the entire foundation for the Fourth Industrial Revolution) is mounting.
The 4th industrial revolution will be just as criminally violent as the previous three but it will involve applying old techniques — religion and drugs — to subject at least 20-30 per cent of the world population. This is to be eased by the viral and climate crusades designed to prepare the pious masses to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of the alpine conclave. The rest of us are just industrial waste, green indeed, like Soylent green.
— Annual Alpine Crucifixions. “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” (Crusades against Humanity)
While at the same time, the burning of the books, so to speak, is being stoked by fewer and fewer overlords of the media and tech platforms with what is again an obvious endgame: more money from the middle and lower economic strata being moved into their coffers. To do this, there has to be fear, a global pandemic (sic) and harsh lockdowns, and a savior in the wings ready to come to the rescue: Digital Dionysus.
Work from home, prostate check on Zoom, school on electronic blackboards with one teacher for a thousand students. Food ordered by smart phone and delivered by self-driving car or funky flying drone.
A great reset, a transformation, and it isn’t about destroying capitalism, but putting capitalism on electronic and AI steroids:
Now those same families, again including the Rockefeller Foundation and the Rothschilds in the person of Lynn de Rothschild’s “Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican,” are moving to create the next generation in their pursuit of global domination. It’s being called the Great Reset. It requires global government, a plank significantly endorsed by the Jesuit Pope Francis. Its PR man, Klaus Schwab, is a self-admitted protégé of Rockefeller insider Henry Kissinger, from their days 50 years ago at Harvard.
Behind the seductive rhetoric of the Powers That Be on creating a “sustainable” world, lies an agenda of raw eugenics, depopulation on a scale never before tried. It is not human, in fact, some call it “transhuman.”
— (Source: “After COVID, Davos Moves to The ‘Great Reset’” )
Controlling water, food, travel, thought, dreams, hopes, fears, and one’s own body has to be done through a very simple but wide complex of actors throwing the gauntlet down on people.
It makes sense that anyone questioning what a mask is/does, what a coronavirus is/was might also want to question what a messenger RNA experimental microbiome programmer does to billions of people inoculated with this chemical. Adverse reactions and death, now, or shortly thereafter the jabs, and, well, in the coming years, what sort of immune, respiratory and blood/heart maladies are on the horizon? It makes sense that more and more people want more and more diverse thinkers and commentators looking into the profits going to drug companies (after taxpayers have paid almost a trillion dollars for the research and the drugs themselves). It makes sense that real journalists would want to talk to a battalion of doctors, researchers, scientists who question the rollout of untested Covid-19shots, question the actual PCR test determining all those fancy numbers of tested positives plastered all over the internet in interactive colorful maps, and question the lack of real treatment for this coronavirus.
The researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) have collaborated with American researchers, however, conducted gain–of-function experiments utilizing gene-splicing techniques. See, for example, a 2015 paper published in Nature, “A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence” authored by researchers mostly from the University of North Carolina (UNC), but also by collaborators from Harvard, Switzerland, and Wuhan. Dr. Zhengli-Li Shi is the second-to-last author.Using the SARS-CoV reverse genetics system, we generated and characterized a chimeric virus expressing the spike of bat coronavirus SHC014 in a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone.That is to say, these scientists bioengineered a chimera, a Frankenvirus, from the old 2002-2003 SARS virus but with spikes from a different bat coronavirus. The Frankenvirus seems to be a pretty tough customer:Additionally, in vivo experiments demonstrate replication of the chimeric virus in mouse lung with notable pathogenesis. Evaluation of available SARS-based immune-therapeutic and prophylactic modalities revealed poor efficacy; both monoclonal antibody and vaccine approaches failed to neutralize and protect from infection with CoVs using the novel spike protein. On the basis of these findings, we synthetically re-derived an infectious full-length SHC014 recombinant virus and demonstrate robust viral replication both in vitro and in vivo. Our work suggests a potential risk of SARS-CoV re-emergence from viruses currently circulating in bat populations.That is, it’s hard to kill, it’s hard to immunize against, and it reproduces like gangbusters – meaning that if it got loose, it might cause a … wait for it … a pandemic. Source.
Military and Bioweapons
On a second rail is the huge outlay of money and time and energy for the military in general, but for the advances in space/satellite/moon-based weapons. This arms race is not only perverse, but emblematic of rampant theft by the millions of people involved in the Military Industrial Complex, from decal maker to put on one of those satellites or satellite-seeking rockets, to the super scientist who has developed even more compact mini nuclear generators for each little payload orbiting earth.
You’d think real journalists would follow the money, and follow the studies and concerns raised about electromagnetic frequencies bombarding the planet, from the bedroom to the bee hive.
It is a virus, really, this totalitarian and crypto-fascist movement the billionaires with their tech monopolies and overlord apps shutting people down, taking them off these platforms, which is actually demonstrating an incredibly hateful bent against those who might doubt. They’d have Albert Einstein in the docks for questioning on the e fascist bent.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one … I do not believe that civilization will be wiped out in a war fought with the atomic bomb. Perhaps two thirds of the people of the Earth would be killed.
—The Einstein Reader, Albert Einstein (page 169)
All of them — Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter — would red-flag Einstein today if he were alive, on many of the things he stated. Martin Luther King, Jr.? Imagine his Twitter account being shut down:
The evils of capitalism are as real as the evils of militarism and racism. The problems of racial injustice and economic injustice cannot be solved without a radical redistribution of political and economic power.
– Martin Luther King to the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) board on March 30, 1967
So, in a time of Covid-19, star wars and mega-constellation, and 5G and 6G, any pushback against the system will get you labeled as a “denier” — a person of interest in the surveillance state. No jab, no job? No compliancy, no life.
This is the way, man –Charlie Mullins, chief executive of big London plumbing firm Pimlico Plumbers, recently announced plans to impose a “no-jab, no-job” policy for current and future workers. All employees would be contractually required to prove they had received the COVID 19 vaccine, without which they would not be offered any work by Pimlico.
Plumbing boss Charlie Mullins has been prominently demanding right to jab his workers. Yui Mok/PA
Imagine, now, the insipid stupidity of Q-Anon and Trump supporters in Texas, but then also the insipid stupidity of the centrists and progressives, pushing one narrative that the jab is good, seal of approval, from Good Housekeeping, Underwriters Laboratory, and the Five Eyes. Soon to be Six Eyes, with Japan jockeying to join —
United States and allies Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, said encryption should not come at the expense of the public’s safety. Tech companies should include mechanisms in the design of their encrypted products and services whereby governments, acting with appropriate legal authority, can obtain access to data in a readable and usable format.
In an upending of logic, even the lefty sites see the virus warriors (sic) as unquestionable, as the purest of the pure. This mentality is what gets us back to square one, no? Who in Christ’s sake trusts those major Big Pharma to do anything right? With $300 million a year on advertising, more hundreds of million$ for lobbying and payoffs, with a football stadium full of Ivy League lawyers, and two stadiums full of accountants and hedge fund impresarios, well, now, we believe, right? The messenger is the message, in these genetically screwed up shots.
The fear and lockdown and isolation and fake news on a nanosecond by nanosecond cycle, all the trash, all the distracting muck of this team, that actor, this millionaire, that politician, this singer and that athlete, and this and that human stain who gets air time and digital ink, and so we have it, now, US Patriot Act 3.0, total surveillance, all eyes on bank accounts, school records, health records, driving records, social media posts, police records, housing records, purchase records, travel records, and, shoot, that passport is on the phone, man, the digital apps all connected, all there to incentivize this behavior, discourage that behavior, massage this way, and get you in-line: food line, rent line, cable channel line, clinic line, school line, mortuary line.
The connection of Big Pharma with Big Edu with the US military, there is no better a series to read than Whitney Webb and Diego:
Head Of The Hydra: The Rise Of Robert Kadlec
Oh, and just months ago, New York Magazine ran this — “The Lab-Leak Hypothesis For decades, scientists have been hot-wiring viruses in hopes of preventing a pandemic, not causing one. But what if …?” by Nicholson Baker
But then, hitting further, calling the pandemic the plandemic? That gets you one, two and three strikes you are out on YouTube.
Then this stuff — Medical Doctor and Director of Diagnostics Laboratory Presents Cures for COVID and Exposes Dangers of COVID “Vaccines”. Shoot, no discussion about therapeutic treatments for this SARS-CoV2 “thing” can be platformed, and doctors and scientists can lose their credentials.
Who knows if this Word Press digital writing form Dissident Voice uses will also scrub out articles against the new narrative(s) sealed and approved by Big Brother.
Here, a cheap product — beautiful man. We are the 99 percenters?
Results of clinical trials conducted in the United Kingdom have shown that a nitric oxide nasal spray (NONS, SaNOtize) is both a safe and effective antiviral treatment to prevent COVID-19 transmission and symptom duration, as well as reduce symptom severity and damage in those already infected, according to the study authors.
During the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2 trial, the investigators assessed 79 patients with confirmed COVID-19 who were given the spray early following diagnosis. The results following treatment demonstrated that the spray significantly reduced the level of SARS-CoV-2, even in patients with high viral loads, according to the study.
“NONS destroys the virus, blocks entry into and halts viral replication within the nasal cavity, which rapidly reduces viral load. This is significant because viral load has been linked to infectivity and poor outcomes,” said Chris Miller, PhD, RT, chief science officer and co-founder of SaNOtize, in a press release. “There is currently a lack of an antiviral therapy that is effective against COVID-19 and its variants, can prevent or shorten the course of the disease, reduce damage, lower the severity of COVID-19, and can be made widely and readily available to the public.”
In the first 24 hours following treatment with the spray, investigators observed that the average viral log reduction was 1.362, which is a decline of approximately 95%. After 72 hours following treatment, the viral load decreased by more than 99%. Source.
Nah, this small Vancouver, BC company, with eight employees, can’t get shit on a national level, because, well, those mRNA’s are in the pipeline. Go back up this article to the 199 controlling the world, including the lockdowns, the digital gulags, transhuman (sic) plans, 5G and 6G internet of the human genome, and, well, war, whether terrestrial, marine, atmosphere, and stratospheric and lunar, dudes.
The new left, old left, the greenie weenie left, the global investor left, and even old revolutionary left will not go there, will not look at the holistic ways to prevent global deaths. Like I have stated before, end tobacco now, end vaping now, and, whoops, how many deaths stopped today, this year, in the decade, for 21st century (1 billion will have died)? All new opioids banned? Yep, you will be slapped with Opposition Defiance Disorder young with any of these ideas, these skeptical looks at the multiple narratives that come crashing into your heads. My ODD had gotten more rarified as I have aged, like an aging wine does. Any lag time in getting the jab? Duly recorded in your record. Any refusal to get the jab, duly noted and quickly the crime is the refusal, on your record.
I Don’t Need No Fucking PhD’s and MD’s to tell Me!
Fucking A, you betcha, Bartleby The Scrivener by Herman Melville. I prefer not to. Initially, Bartleby has incredible output of high-quality work, but then one day, when he’s asked to proofread a document, Bartleby answers with his soon to be perpetual response to every request: “I would prefer not to.”
To the consternation of narrator, Bartleby performs fewer and fewer tasks and eventually none. He ends up spending long periods of time staring out one of the office’s windows at a brick wall. The coworkers are pissed off. When the business owner (narrator) stops by this office one Sunday morning, he discovers that Bartleby is living there.
Dobbs (Bogart) : “If you’re the police, where are your badges?”
Gold Hat (Alfonso Bedoya): “Badges? We ain’t got no badges. We don’t need no badges. I don’t have to show you any stinkin’ badges!”
— John Huston directing B. Traven’s The Treasure of Sierra Madre
In the book, real language:
Gold Hat: Badges, to god-damned hell with badges! We have no badges. In fact, we don’t need badges. I don’t have to show you any stinking badges, you god-damned cabrón and chinga tu madre!”
Try leveling those rejoinders to your local sheriff, local school board president, or your local incompetent governor. These people are lunatics. Masks, masks, masks. Can you imagine, all the scrutiny of the drug makers over all manner of “drugs” for all manner of “ailments.” Payola, and lies, disease, death, injuries. I wrote about this earlier. It’s the Mask, Stupid: Beware The Covid-Pfizer Jumping Virus!
I do not have to repeat all the maleficence and felonies J & J and Pfizer have perpetrated. But now, everything is copasetic?
The Bug is DARPA’s Baby
Another aside — I’m not going to let a good personal narrative link go unused. Really. So, my own time in US military, well, that’s a whole other socialist fighting that dirt-bag mercenary industry. I also ended up working with military as a college teacher. Some got close to me.
Forced vaccinations for various things, including anthrax vaccine. Experimental. Vaccinations for sand fleas and malaria mosquitos. Experimental. Many of these students were forced to take multiple jabs. The Department of Defense (DOD) wanted to administer pyridostigmine and botulinum toxoid vaccine to protect soldiers from a possible toxic nerve gas or botulism attack by Iraqi forces. The Nuremberg Code, informed consent. Read, CJ Annas’ Informed Consent to Human Experimentation: The Subject’s Dilemma. (Ballinger 1977).
Here, in 1942, all military personnel received typhoid, smallpox, and tetanus vaccines, and soldiers who refused vaccination were subject to court-martials—a military “legal” principle originating in World War I and continuing to this day. No jab, Yes, you go to the brig. During World War II, a yellow fever vaccine had not yet been licensed for civilian use in the United States and as history tells us, an FDA-approved vaccine would not be available until 1953. This yellow fever vaccine used in 1942 contained human serum, and despite earlier published reports of “homologous serum” jaundice occurring after its use, the masters of the universe pushed forward with their perceived/concocted urgency of a biological weapon threat. Unfortunately, many lots were contaminated by the hepatitis B virus.
An epidemic of unexplained hepatitis began in March 1942, and yellow fever vaccination was halted on April 15, 1942. Approximately 51,000 military personnel with symptomatic hepatitis were hospitalized, and subsequent serologic investigation of veterans concluded that approximately 330,000 persons had been infected. (Source).
My college friend, and my preacher for one of my weddings, Shannon, he was the proverbial Guinea pig in the US Army. Malarial and other vaccines. He got an extra $200 a month for his body, and he signed the contract, man — upon the death of you, your body belongs to Uncle Sam. Get your things in order. Tell your family. Make copies of this contract and give it to your kids, your spouse, your priest.
Shannon learned genetics, and while we both were getting graduate degrees to be English teachers at the college level, he did have an uncanny knowledge of pigeons.
Shannon (R.I.P.) did work at Fort Detrick. Worked at Plum Island. Worked with geneticists and virologists. But in the end, he was beaten up by parachuting the constant military mindset. It was Ike Eisenhauer who signed into law, ARPA, the precursor to DARPA: 1958.
Here, a talk, given to Google in Cambridge (oh, Google, what a shit hole). She’s not an anti-capitalist, but her research is good, even on Operation Paperclip, so, here we go: Journalist Annie Jacobsen discusses her book, The Pentagon’s Brain: An Uncensored History of DARPA, America’s Top-Secret Military Research Agency.
Or, try the same author out for size in another venue — Join Annie Jacobsen as she discusses her new book, First Platoon on P&P Live! On biometrics, and again, she is interviewed by a military guy. “An urgent investigation into warfare, good, and evil in the age of biometrics, the technology that would allow the government to identify anyone, anywhere, at any time.”
Here, a quick look at the insanity of DARPA, 63 years ago:
SHORTLY after arriving at the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) in April 1958, the new chief scientist presented a plan to the agency’s director. Four months later, nine ships set off for the (mostly) uninhabited Gough Island deep in the South Atlantic, carrying 4500 personnel and three small nuclear weapons to launch into the magnetosphere.
This was Project Argus. The idea had germinated in the panic after the launch of the Soviet Union’s Sputnik satellite. In light of these surprising new capabilities, the US had a problem: how could it protect the country from an incoming nuclear warhead?
Armed with some wild physics, Nicholas Christofilos hatched an equally wild plan: turn the upper atmosphere into a force field across the US that would fry the electronics of incoming missiles. How? Explode nuclear weapons in Earth’s magnetosphere to create a long-lived radiation belt that would degrade the missiles.
The first atomic detonation set off a luminous fireball, triggering a staggering blue-green aurora that captivated its audience. But beyond the pretty lights, it was a failure. The bombs did indeed produce many high-energy electrons, but it turned out that Earth’s magnetic field wasn’t strong enough to keep the electron shield from decaying.
Now, Sharon Weinberger is not a real hard hitter, failing to look deeper into DARPA, and the evolution of that agency which has infected every aspect of computing, science, virus research, medicine, social manipulation, and any number of Frankenstein projects. Deadly. Really deadly, as in coronavirus deadly. We’ll get to that.
Star Wars, though? You want Facebook’s military’s origins?
Good synopsis by Whitney Webb, another writer banned from the unsocial-precrime networks:
Part 1 of this two-part series on Facebook and the US national-security state explores the social media network’s origins and the timing and nature of its rise as it relates to a controversial military program that was shut down the same day that Facebook launched. The program, known as LifeLog, was one of several controversial post-9/11 surveillance programs pursued by the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) that threatened to destroy privacy and civil liberties in the United States while also seeking to harvest data for producing “humanized” artificial intelligence (AI).
As this report will show, Facebook is not the only Silicon Valley giant whose origins coincide closely with this same series of DARPA initiatives and whose current activities are providing both the engine and the fuel for a hi-tech war on domestic dissent.
This is DARPA (the big letter “d” for “defense” — read, “offensive” — added in 1990, ARPA to DARPA!) at its best: turn the upper atmosphere into a “force field” across the US in hopes of frying incoming missiles’ electronics. These are America’s best and brightest — detonate nukes in Earth’s magnetosphere to generate a radiation belt that would disable missiles.
Oh, the fireball and blue-green aurora captivated its audience. The bomb blasts did generate high-energy electrons, but Earth’s magnetic field wasn’t strong enough to keep the electron shield from decaying.
And, the gift that keeps on giving with DARPA, et al — Gough Island had few Homo Sapiens living on it, but 50 years later, residents of nearby islands confronted their governments about the vicious mice that now roam the island (50 per cent heavier than wild mice anywhere in the world). Bye-bye wild bird populations.
A U.S. anti-satellite missile on display at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
This is madness, the legacy of atomic bomb testing and colonial history coming back to haunt France in the form of a radioactive Sahara dust cloud. These Sahara Desert clouds headed north over Spain, France, the UK, and Ireland. Those golden-tinged evening skies to some parts of Europe also delivered a spike in radiation. The mainstream media reports “slight,” again, the wasted media and their slight risk assessments of anything tied to the corporate bottom line. Heard the slight risk assessment before? Lead in water, mercury in fish, PFAS in blood, tobacco in lungs, plastics in your shit, Covid-19 jab in your arm?
Atomic isotopes, caused by French nuclear tests in Algeria in the early 1960s, are considered by these foolish French, 50 years later, as “beautiful blood orange sunsets.”
Take a Deep Breath, Stand Up, and Look at the Smart Phone
Oh, how many takes on the 5 G and 6 G transformation can the human take?
Why is 5G important for the fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)? Intelligent connectivity, enabled by 5G, will be the catalyst for the socio-economic growth that the 4IR could bring (Source)
Alison McDowell is a mother and an independent researcher based in Philadelphia, PA. She blogs at the intersection of race, finance, nature, and technology at Her activism began fighting to slow the privatization of public education in her city. These efforts eventually led her to an examination of globalized poverty management, euphemistically known as social impact investing. This new form of capitalism – biocapitalism or stakeholder capitalism – aims to turn humans into data commodities. As the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which has been planned out by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, seeks to replace human labor with artificial intelligence and robotics, a problem has arisen as to how life can be made profitable for transnational global capital interests once the poor have no buying power and are drowning in debt. The solution? Human capital bond markets, but first everyone must be tagged and trackable for “impact.” That’s where biometric Covid health passports come in. (Source)
Citing this large body of research, more than 240 scientists who have published peer-reviewed research on the biologic and health effects of nonionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) signed the International EMF Scientist Appeal, which calls for stronger exposure limits. The appeal makes the following assertions:
“Numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plant and animal life.”
The scientists who signed this appeal arguably constitute the majority of experts on the effects of nonionizing radiation. They have published more than 2,000 papers and letters on EMF in professional journals. (Source)
And, you throw caution into the wind, and the precautionary principle, be damned. And, do no harm? This is not how capitalism runs. Where there is profit and hoarding of profits and using the global population for exploitation, all things coming out of those warehouses of “innovation” must be questioned.
We have what is called, “the latest cellular technology,” 5G, and we know it will deploy millimeter waves for the first time, in addition to microwaves that have been in use for all those so called cellular technologies, 2G through 4G. 5G will require cell antennas every 300 to 600 feet, which exposes many people to millimeter wave radiation. This branded 5G also utilizes experimental technologies like “active antennas capable of beam-forming; phased arrays; massive multiple inputs and outputs, known as massive MIMO.”
All of these challenge us to measure exposure levels. Millimeter waves are absorbed within a few millimeters of human skin and also in the surface layers of the cornea. Additionally, short-term exposure can have adverse physiological effects in the peripheral nervous system, the immune system and the cardiovascular system.
The research suggests that long-term exposure may pose health risks to the skin (e.g., melanoma), the eyes (e.g., ocular melanoma) and the testes (e.g., sterility). Since 5G is a new technology, there is no research on health effects, so we are “flying blind” to quote a U.S. senator. However, we have considerable evidence about the harmful effects of 2G and 3G. Little is known the effects of exposure to 4G, a 10-year-old technology, because governments have been remiss in funding this research. Meanwhile, we are seeing increases in certain types of head and neck tumors in tumor registries, which may be at least partially attributable to the proliferation of cell phone radiation. These increases are consistent with results from case-control studies of tumor risk in heavy cell phone users. (Source)
There are people studying EMF’s, and people who are electro sensitive. This is real stuff.
There is the appeal: The 5G Appeal where scientists and doctors call for a moratorium on the roll-out of 5G. “5G will substantially increase exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields RF-EMF, that has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.”
I can direct the reader to this source, “Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health.”
- Highlights —
1. 7 effects have each been repeatedly reported following Wi-Fi & other EMF exposures
2. Established Wi-Fi effects, include apoptosis, oxidant. stress & testis/sperm dysfunction; Neuropsychic; DNA impact; hormone change; Ca2+ rise
3. Wi-Fi is thought to act via voltage-gated calcium channel activation
4. One claim of no Wi-Fi effects was found to be deeply flawed
Or, “How the Telecommunications Industry 5G Strategy Will Use Artificial Intelligence to Replace Human Intelligence: The End of Mankind as We Know It” by Martin L. Pall, June 8, 2019
Oxford philosopher and cofounder of the World Transhumanist Association, Nick Boström, has written recently on transhumanism’s desire to make good the “half?baked” project that is human nature. Here it is, and with AI, Digital Webs, 5G and 6G technology, and 30,000 satellites in space, the entire project of Covid-19 mRNA is just a precursor of things.
Core Value
- Having the opportunity to explore the transhuman and posthuman realms
Basic Conditions
- Global security
- Technological progress
- Wide access
Derivative Values
- Nothing wrong about “tampering with nature”; the idea of hubris rejected
- Individual choice in use of enhancement technologies; morphological freedom
- Peace, international cooperation, anti-proliferation of WMDs
- Improving understanding (encouraging research and public debate; critical thinking; open-mindedness, scientific inquiry; open discussion of the future)
- Getting smarter (individually; collectively; and develop machine intelligence)
- Philosophical fallibilism; willingness to reexamine assumptions as we go along; Pragmatism; engineering- and entrepreneur-spirit; science
- Diversity (species, races, religious creeds, sexual orientations, life styles, etc.)
- Caring about the well-being of all sentience
- Saving lives (life-extension, anti-aging research, and cryonic
We have gene editing, a la Bill Gates: CRISPR/Cas9 “genetic scissors” – clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats. Here you go — The roles of Nanotechnology and Internet of Nano things in healthcare transformation.
Of course, this paper above sees the world through IoNT (Internet of Nano Things) eyes:
Hence, nanotechnology and the IoNT hold the potential to completely revolutionize healthcare in the 21st Century, creating a system that will enable early disease detection and diagnosis followed by accurate, on-time and effective treatment with significantly reduced healthcare costs. This paper presents the roles of nanotechnology and IoNT in medicine and healthcare, and attempts to gain an insight of nanoscale solutions and approaches, highlighting benefits and discussing potential risks and concerns.
Despite concerns regarding nanotoxicity, privacy and security issues, it is anticipated that nanotechnology and IoNT will show their full potential in medicine and healthcare in the years to come.
Oh, man, these nets, the world wide net, the mega constellation net, the nano tech net, the trans-human world of command and control of our bodies net, and the nanoparticle net. Then, we have Patent 060606, Gates/Microsoft. And all those microchip insertions in vaccination believers were laughed out of the classrooms.
Bill Gates will use your microchipped body to mine cryptocurrency – Biohack
The patent, filed under international patent number WO-2020-060606 and titled ‘Cryptocurrency System Using Body Data Activity’, leverages human body activity as proof-of-work.
This proof-of-work is achieved when a user performs given tasks, or even online activities such as viewing ads and using search engines.
“Instead of massive computation work required by some conventional cryptocurrency systems, data generated based on the body activity of the user can be a proof-of-work, and therefore, a user can solve the computationally difficult problem unconsciously,” the patent reads.
Despite the patent being published on March 26 by the World Intellectual Property Organization, some titans of the cryptocurrency industry are already on board, and cryptocurrency exchange BitMEX, founded by Britain’s youngest self-made billionaire Ben Delo, has donated $2.5 million dollars to the Gates Foundation.
As to how body activity and biometrics will be communicated to servers and cryptocurrency hardware, the patent explains that “a sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user.” The patent then gives examples of sensors that can be used to this end – such as “fMRI scanners, electroencephalography (EEG) sensors, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) sensors, heart rate monitors, thermal sensors, optical sensors, Radio Frequency sensors, ultrasonic sensors, cameras, or any other sensor or scanner.”
They are all working together, Musk, et al and Neuralink ramping up a brain implant as one of body-invasive augmentations of interest for Super Soldiers. The United States through DARPA has made public some of its cyborg and bionic projects: from synthetic telepathy to exoskeletons to bionic limbs. Israel and Denmark have also been conducting intense research into cybernetic enhancements, and both countries ran a collaborative program for years, seeking to augment their soldiers with AI-powered brain implants.
Does it sound far-fetched? Shoot. “Well, golly,” as Gomer Pyle says.
They Have the Medium and the Message and the Messianic Zeal
It’s tough to stop writing this oddly weird piece: a triumvirate — that is, no longer just Covid-19’s origins and the deeper implications of jabs, boosters, lockdown, remote living; the Star Wars; the 5G rush. I alluded to the Word Press, being hijacked by Big Brother techies, stopping even two-bit articles by me, a three-bit human in the eyes of capitalists, to even posit anything tied to what the master-race of the world — billionaires and techie Eichmann’s — are doing in their murder/hitman plans.
This is breaking now, May 14, 2021:
Controlling the internet
Day two of the conference focused more on the coronavirus and the threat to democracies posed by fake news and disinformation online. In one panel titled “Regulating Social Media and Protecting the Public From Harm,” participants discussed how the U.S. and Europe could come together to formulate a united approach to controlling digital communications. The discussion was particularly notable because panelists included Michael Chertoff, co-author of the PATRIOT Act, which stripped Americans citizens of a wide range of rights under the guise of national security and fighting terrorism. Also on the panel were two British conservative members of parliament, an advisor to the executive vice president of digital affairs for the European Commission, and a member of Facebook’s oversight board, the body that regulates what the platform’s 2.6 billion people see in their news feeds. These individuals are so influential that their opinions and decisions could well affect virtually the entire world.
Together, they agreed that more cooperation between big tech and big government was necessary in order to reduce the amount of false information and harmful content online. This in itself is little new: in 2018 Facebook announced that it had partnered with the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensics Lab to help regulate and curate its newsfeeds, effectively giving up partial control to the NATO-aligned organization. It also hired a former NATO press officer as its intelligence chief earlier this year. — “Alliance of Democracies Summit: The Glass House Where the Power Elite Gather to Throw Stones: The lineup of presidents, generals and CEOs makes it clear that what was stated is effectively the collective view of the world’s elite and a window into their thinking and the debates they are having. What they decide will affect all of us, whether we realize it or not” by Alan Macleod
Game over? Curating? Regulating? Controlling? This is who these people are, and anyone working in the real world, any writer who ends up on Dissident Voice, any of us, we have zero concept of how these people are wired, how they group think, what the hive is like because we are always sitting afar from their power circles. The message is handled, and they have these “former correspondents” of CNN & ABC News (See above photo, Jeanne Meserve) getting huge wads of cash to curate the Star Chamber meeting just reported on at Mint Press. Those secret courts, the other Star Chambers.
They all tie together. Read again — “2018 Facebook announced that it had partnered with the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensics Lab to help regulate and curate its newsfeeds, effectively giving up partial control to the NATO-aligned organization”.
This is not a free society, and, well, heck, or, well, golly, we still get trickles of stories, FOIA stuff, but in the end, that’s controlled opposition of a very deep state kind of mass psychosis. Oh heck, why not end with Operation Paperclip as the origins of DARPA, viruses, and, the worldwide net!
Author Annie Jacobsen presents a fascinating topic from her new book, Operation Paperclip, and takes questions from the audience. This event was recorded February 26, 2014 at Politics & Prose bookstore in Washington, D.C.
And the only net I want to see is a bubble net. Humpback whale here at the end. But imagine, lefties loving the smart phone, the prostate nano-probe, the instantaneous downloaded papers on Marx, the fun stuff with Podcasting. Oh, the price we pay, the price we pay. Ignorance. This system, Mega Constellation, is now what? Okay with you lefties?
Below — the real net, the real bubble net, a la marine mammals, cetaceans, dolphins and whales! Oh yeah, the Navy’s sonar blasts, “grounding” (and killing) these amazing mammals. That’s the frequency, man! What about those 50,000 satellites roaming the heavens?
This is the price we pay, man, and if any lefty thinks star link and mega constellation are about junk downloads and Klingon interactive war games, then they are colonized viruses themselves. Game over.
And Musk is just an extension of MIC and those 199 mentioned above, and the Group of 30:
Their fundamental priority is to secure an average return on investment of 3 to 10 percent, or even more. The nature of any investment is less important than what it yields: continuous returns that support growth in the overall market. Hence, capital investment in tobacco products, weapons of war, toxic chemicals, pollution, and other socially destructive goods and services are judged purely by their profitability. Concern for the social and environmental costs of the investment are non-existent. In other words, inflicting death and destruction are fine because they are profitable.
So what is the global elite’s purpose? In a few sentences Phillips characterizes it thus: The elite is largely united in support of the US/NATO military empire that prosecutes a repressive war against resisting groups – typically labeled ‘terrorists’ – around the world. The real purpose of ‘the war on terror’ is defense of transnational globalization, the unimpeded flow of financial capital around the world, dollar hegemony and access to oil; it has nothing to do with repressing terrorism which it generates, perpetuates and finances to provide cover for its real agenda. This is why the United States has a long history of CIA and military interventions around the world ostensibly in defense of ‘national interests’. Source.
As my friend and loyal reader, Joe the Farmer from Merced (67 years old) says:
So if you make $46,800.00 a year and have absolutely no bills and save every penny you make from your salary in 21,000 years you could be a billionaire also and join the group of thirty and kill people and destroy the earth for profit and shave your head and sit around with pricks like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos figuring out how to make life miserable for everyone and everything.
For further midnight to 4 am reading, go here: ((Nayef Al-Rodhan explores the evolving space security race; Placement of Weapons in Outer Space: The Dichotomy Between Word and Deed; Video: “Crimes Against Humanity”: The German Corona Investigation. “The PCR Pandemic”; Why Are Gates and Pentagon Releasing “Gene Edited” (GMO) Mosquitoes in Florida Keys?; China owns Nature magazine’s ass: Debunking “The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2” claiming COVID-19 definitely wasn’t from a lab; Dr. Rombero F. Quijana: Beware of the Vaccine for Covid-19 Part One, Part Two, Part Three; Assetization – Turning Things into Assets in Technoscientific Capitalism))
And just to be a Debbie Downer, to say sayonara here, well, you never know —
And this headline is, of course, A-Anon. No discourse, discussion, and the why of it all:
Are PCR Tests Secret Vaccines?
Oh, those scientists, aren’t they just so glorious, so amazing and ethical:
And, not to be outdone by these Mengele monsters, and their theragripper, and even with all those laurels from Johns Hopkins or what have you, there once was a Sunshine Project, started 22 years ago, and now, dead three years counting. In St. Clair’s piece Friday, May 14, he allude to it, and has the wrong link, which is not a terrible thing when it comes to St. Clair’s lengthy writing in his Roaming Charges column he mostly does weekly on Fridays.
Roaming Charges: How Bio-Warfare Came to Colombia
He talks about Agent Green, and I was certainly getting my head bashed against Bush and Clinton and the war criminals, tied to a lot of the USA’s destruction of South America and Mesoamerica with those chemicals, and others, including paraquat and diquat. Again, lefties just could not absorb all the information, all the infamy, all the corrupted and putrid people in USA politics on all sides of the manure pile. The media and all sides of the “pro-scientist” line just can’t wrap their heads around the possibility that scientists in any realm of Big Pharma, Big Mining, Big Medicine, Big Anything might be bought and sold and, well, liars! Paraquat: A controversial chemical’s second act
And, so, 2021, we are to believe these bioweapons best and the brightest, uh? So, coronaviruses have been studied, messed with, genetically changed, spliced and diced, by, who, the valiant ones in labs, at universities. And, lo and behold, what, then, an accident? A leak? An escape?
Why the virulence? Why the respiratory virus still mucking about in summer? Why the pukes who got jabbed get Covid-19? Come on, lefties, grow a pair — brains and backbone.
Agent Green — You go to that corporate and CIA fixed Wikipedia, and here’s what you get:
Agent Green is the code name for a powerful herbicide and defoliant used by the U.S. military in its herbicidal warfare program during the Vietnam War. The name comes from the green stripe painted on the barrels to identify the contents. Largely inspired by the British use of herbicides and defoliants during the Malayan Emergency, it was one of the so-called “Rainbow Herbicides”. Agent Green was only used between 1962 and 1964, during the early “testing” stages of the spraying program.
Agent Green was mixed with Agent Pink and used for crop destruction. A total of 20,000 gallons of Agent Green were procured.[1]
Agent Green’s only active ingredient was 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T), one of the common phenoxy herbicides of the era. Even prior to Operation Ranch Hand (1962-1971) it was known[2][3][4][5][6][7] that a dioxin, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-para-dioxin (TCDD), is produced as a side product of the manufacture of 2,4,5-T, and was thus present in any of the herbicides that used it. Because Agent Green’s only active ingredient was 2,4,5-T, along with the similar Agent Pink, and earlier-produced batches of 2,4,5-T having higher TCDD-levels,[8] it contained many times the average level of dioxin found in Agent Orange.
During much of the fighting in the Vietnam War, chemical agents were used by the United States to defoliate the landscape. Although many different chemical agents were used, the most well known today is “Agent Orange,” one of the “Rainbow Herbicides”
Oh, those Rainbow Herbicides —
So, again, where are those Rainbow Warriors? Out of business:
Feb 13, 2008 (CIDRAP News) – The Sunshine Project, a nonprofit group that has monitored biological weapons developments and helped expose safety breaches at several US biodefense research facilities, announced on Feb 1 that it had ceased operations.
Edward Hammond, the project’s director, who worked at the group’s US office in Austin, Tex., said he shuttered the organization for financial reasons, according to a news report yesterday in Nature. “At some point you come to realize that if you don’t have buy-in from the people whose business it is to fund peace and security nongovernmental organizations, then you have to recognize reality,” he told Nature.
Established in 1999, the Sunshine Project investigated and reported on a number of biological and chemical weapons topics, including biological methods used to eradicate illicit crops such as opium and marijuana.
However, in the past few years the bulk of the Sunshine Project’s work focused on biodefense research in the United States, which rapidly expanded after the Sep 11 terrorist attacks. Much of the increase in biodefense research has been funded by Project BioShield, a $5.6 billion program passed in 2004 to speed the development of drugs and vaccines to combat the effects of biological, chemical, nuclear, and radiologic agents.
The Sunshine Project had said it supported closer federal oversight of US biodefense labs, including legal reforms, mandatory accident reporting, and increased transparency
Hammond said he was surprised that the surge in biodefense work didn’t spur more support for monitoring efforts such as his, according to a Feb 8 report in the Chronicle of Higher Education. “One would have expected that with the billions of dollars being poured into biodefense research, there would be something of a better operating environment for NGOs [nongovernmental organizations] like this,” he told the Chronicle.
The Sunshine Project used freedom-of-information requests to expose accidents and safety violations at labs that conduct biodefense work. The group monitored laboratories by pressing universities to share minutes from institutional biosafety committees.
In June 2007, the group’s revelations that some lab workers at Texas A&M University were infected with the category B bioterrorism agents Brucella and Coxiella burnetti prompted the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to suspend the university’s work on select agents and toxins.
Three months later the Sunshine Project reported on biosafety lapses at three University of Texas labs in Houston, San Antonio, and Austin. A few weeks later the group charged that University of Wisconsin at Madison researchers worked on Ebola virus genetic material in a lab that lacked the required security measures.
Last October, Hammond testified at a US House of Representatives committee hearing on problems at the nation’s biodefense labs. He said the Sunshine Project’s goal was to bring more transparency and compliance to biosafety lab operations.
Hammond told legislators that the nation could do needed biodefense research more safely with one-fifth of the current biodefense lab capacity. “Our system can’t absorb all of the labs coming online,” he said.
Richard H. Ebright, professor of microbiology at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J., told the Chronicle that the Sunshine Project’s monitoring of biodefense research was sometimes more aggressive than the federal government’s and credited the group for accomplishing a lot with a small budget.
“The end of their operations would create a vacuum. We’ll go back to silence,” Ebright said.
And then the moritorium on gain of function “research” (Mengele)?
January 8, 2018 – Last month, the U.S. government lifted a three-year moratorium on funding risky research to genetically alter deadly viruses in ways that could make them even more lethal. Epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch of Harvard Chan School thinks the move could create an accidental pandemic.
Reinstate the global moratorium on “gain-of-function” research is on, which is again a flyswatter for a missile holding drone.
Shoot, more reading — And I know, I know, lefties just can’t get their arms around it, when these best and brightest scientists and MDs and all those highly educated and principled BIPOC working on viruses — offensive and defensive tools for, hmm … interesting propositions around depopulating, repopulating, chronic illnesses tsunami, indentured servantry to the masters.
References: ((“Did the SARS-CoV-2 virus arise from a bat coronavirus research program in a Chinese laboratory? Very possibly,” by Milton Leitenberg, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, June 4, 2020; “Cambridge Working Group Consensus Statement on the Creation of Potential Pandemic Pathogens (PPPs),” The Cambridge Working Group, July 14, 2014; “Why Some Labs Work on Making Viruses Deadlier — and Why They Should Stop,” by Kelsey Piper, Vox, May 1, 2020; “NIH Lifts 3-Year Ban on Funding Risky Virus Studies,” by Jocelyn Kaiser, Science Magazine, December 19, 2017; “Threatened pandemics and laboratory escapes: Self-fulfilling prophecies,” by Martin Furmanski, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, March 31, 2014; “Understanding Risk: Informing Decisions in a Democratic Society,” by Paul C. Stern and Harvey V. Fineberg, Editorsr, Committee on Risk Characterization, National Research Council; “IAP Statement on Biosecurity,” Interacademcy Partnership on Science Health Policy, December 2005; “The Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code,” by George J. Annas and Michael A. Grodin, New York: Oxford University Press, 1992; Inaugural Global Health Security Index Finds No Country Is Prepared for Epidemics or Pandemics.))

Eric Clapton is pissed off after his two jabs. Frozen hands and feet for weeks. He shared a letter with his friend, Italian architect, lecturer, film producer, Robin Monotti. Here, listen to his discussion on biopolitics and biosecurity implications of COVID19 and “The Great Reset.” Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben discusses this too. Clapton states it’s been propaganda pushing the safety of the jab.
Monotti refers to Umberto Eco’s “Ur-Fascism” (Eternal Fascism) on how fascism or totalitarianism is not a thing of the past, but an evil that is present in every generation and which must be identified, recognized, and fought back against. He examines whether there are such underlying themes and dangers hidden within the Davos crowd’s “Great Reset”.
God didn’t die, he was transformed into money – An interview with Giorgio Agamben