Back Again

Back again! For someone
Finally you are here
Though he is a fancier
We are not adversaries

Start from where you left
To fill our hearts with happiness
The melodious voices are stunning
Fed up with instrumental music
Make my prayers colourful
By adding soothing tunes to verses
Make my reunion possible with God

Again I start to get up early
With new tunes amuse my soul
Double my vigour triple my morale
Welcome you a tree dweller
Let me plant more trees
For you and only for you

Syed Aamir Sharief Qadri is from the Indian state of J&K (now UT). He has completed post-graduation in History from the University of Kashmir and obtained an M.Phil. at Punjabi University Patiala. Currently, he works as a freelance writer for different newspapers as a guest writer. He also writes poems in English and in Urdu. His poetry has been published in many national and international publications including Piker Press (USA), South Broadway Press (USA) and others and is co-author of several anthologies. Aamir is also a blogger and owns his website. Read other articles by Aamir.